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Posts from Robert, Sarasota

Robert, SarasotaRobert, Sarasota
Robert, Sarasota

Indeed Reston, we have the worst of two kinds with King George W, but Menken, I believe, was referring to a party which is Moral is more likely to be unpopular with the Juggernauts because it helps the weak, education, the infirmed, and the edlderly, and God forbid we do that, as we would be called one of those dirty names like Liberal, or Socialist - have a nice day. And NO GUNS KILL not people - take away guns and bombs and let the Generals fight it out in a ring - that would be the only time I would approve of boxing. Yes, we are still animals with our shadows on the walls of caves.

Robert, Sarasota

This should be on the front page of every Eng.Lit paper. Memory and life are the key word here. Nothing should be written in concrete, nothing.

Robert, Sarasota

Yes, so the invasion of Iraq is both sinful and tyrannical and King G should be impeached for war crimes and for stealing funds for personal use.

Robert, Sarasota

How thanhful you would be if you needed one... I would rather a glut in my heart than a sewer and rather a quart less in my brain than a gallon.

Robert, Sarasota

D.M. from MT, C.S. Lewis is agreeing with you.

Robert, Sarasota

Terry, really; good to have you back. C. S. Lewis may not have been a deep thinker (though he was at Oxford with Tolkien) but his words will remain for ever in the hearts of children - and I love Narnia Take care and have a great weekend, Robert

Robert, Sarasota

Well done Reston - Mike where is you compassion? Look, we are all on the same team and in the same cave; separation of our dream is what they want - the far right is going further to the right, the far left the same. How about stopping all this nonsense and just agree to sit down and discuss over a nice glass of wine. Because if you don't, what happens is a lot of people get killed, and in the end you will have meet making a full circle anyway. Redistribution to the individual can only sensibly be achieved by the state. Leave it up to individuals and it will be the beginning of our demised as a civilized nation.

Robert, Sarasota

The two are inevitably connected

Robert, Sarasota

Lastly, a flat tax is graduated - it also stops companies and the wealthy indivuals from using the tax code to avoid paying taxes. The poor are unable to utilize the offices of Smart, Rich, and Wiggles, Inc.

Robert, Sarasota

More like "the words that launched our demise". Just look at the Newsweek Poll for evidence: "...With Nearly half (48 percent) of the public rejects the scientific theory of evolution; one-third (34 percent) of college graduates say they accept the Biblical account of creation as fact..." Do away with the tax code and just have a flat 10 percent tax across the board on gross profits, a high tax on luxury goods, no tax on food or property. We are governed by laws which were design not by the people but by politicians not representing the people. When politicians know you won't read the tax code they do what they like - nothing is ever deleted only added to change what is already there. So if the tax code doesn't run us into the ground the fundamentalists will – so buckle up we are in for a rough ride ahead.

Robert, Sarasota

Not quite - if you don't pay your property tax your property is taken away by the government -Your home should be tax free - all government taxes should come from income and expenditure. Until then freedom is not gauranteed. Property tax is the harbinger of greed.

Robert, Sarasota

The recent profits by oil companies and other buddies of the government plus the billions spent on invading a county to keep those same buddies rich... Death and mayhem is of no consequence when it comes to avarice and despotism. Hypocrisy is by far the number one contender as champion of US foreign policy - read Harold Pinters letter on US foreign policy.

Robert, Sarasota

It’s the dumbing of the people that will negate the need to rape the mind, and those that need security will go along with it for the few who don't - it reminds me of Margaret Mead's quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Robert, Sarasota

A little space, a little time, a little solitude

Robert, Sarasota

A simple recipe for Peace

Robert, Sarasota

Imagination may be in need of medical attention...

Robert, Sarasota

Indeed! Indeed! But access and ability can be a problem...

Robert, Sarasota

Kindness is often blind

Robert, Sarasota

I must disagree with this statement - people are inherently good not the other way round… What is wrong is the way we interpret Welfare. Totalitarianism is a far road from the humanitarian concept of welfare for the infirmed, poor, children, and the elderly – we should not call ourselves civilized unless this is our primary goal.

Robert, Sarasota

Unfortunately that road too is a very dirty. What is absolute must remain absolute and that is truth in all things - how we mess that up is another story.

Robert, Sarasota

The General is quite right, and the emphasis which makes it right is "our, dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers" Terrorism has been made worse by our war on Terrorism...

Robert, Sarasota

It is precisely that reason why censorship, with the exception of personnel safety, should not be allowed.

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