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Posts from Robert, Sarasota

Robert, SarasotaRobert, Sarasota
Robert, Sarasota

Skepticism is one half of the protection the other half is more import and that is action - skepticism without action is like a bowl without food. The action part may have stopped us invading another country.

Robert, Sarasota

The Natural History of Nonsense - Perfect

Robert, Sarasota

I believe he is referring to someone that has already opened the door, unfortunately most are unable to find the key.

Robert, Sarasota

Yes, I agree, the choice of the word "extreme" probably meant progressive in those days.

Robert, Sarasota

This is what made America great and if we are not careful we will loose this valuable character

Robert, Sarasota

We may not agree with each others comments but let's not get name-calling let's respect each others right to freedom of expression.

Robert, Sarasota

As a rhetorical statement it has value, it means no more no less - though in my opinion it means if you conform along with the mass and popular opinion, when it is not your true nature. We all conform on a daily basis to things we would otherwise do differently - it's a matter of degree and integrity. Peer pressure and employment are both examples conforming against ones will - pear pressure to be popular or part of the gang and employment to keep your job - when you have mouths to feed you are under pressure to conform. Though I believe James Dobie is referring more to the ignoble in us.

Robert, Sarasota

An abstract concept is where it shall remain - David, we agree on all three for a change

Robert, Sarasota

Tell that to the starving and abused children of the world - sounds nice from the comfort of your living room. Freedom is relative no less no more and is a luxury that comes once you are fed and out of harms way.

Robert, Sarasota

I agree with above just add another nah nah

Robert, Sarasota

Give me a break - take it for what it really means. Its the essence not the words. Well said Mike.

Robert, Sarasota

Pushing or dictating ones faith on all humanity so that's good??????? - that to me smacks of a Pheocracy. It pierces the heart of those who love freedom of thought and expression. Religous fundamentalism should not be allowed in publiv places. Keep your bibles in your house or in a church but NOT in a public forum - don't insult the rest of us. If you belive in the Koran, the Torah, the bible, I will defend your right to do so with all my power but not when you make others believe by the power of politics or the sword.

Robert, Sarasota

Is this world ready for total openness of all forms of expression whether it be inciting violence or artistic imagination? If we are ready then it wouldn't be a problem. If a film was made that incites its viewers to kill a particular race, religion, or lifestyle is that acceptable?????

Robert, Sarasota

I agree, but tell me this, if freedom of speech results in the unmitigated use of violence against any race, creed, or life style is that considered acceptable especially when it results in the harm and death of others. I have toyed with this conundrum for many years perhaps this celebrated forum can shed a little light on the subject. Freedom of speech can incite violence and war both of which kill innocent people who are not the subject of the speech - is that not the same sword that pierces the heart of the innocent.

Robert, Sarasota

If only we could get to that point...

Robert, Sarasota

Exactly, that's why you get the big check, a great pension and health benefits...

Robert, Sarasota

David, how wrong you are - today, under a so called conservative / republican state we have more debt, more unemployment, more tax cuts for the rich, more spending, more killing, more hatred, more poverty, more uninsured, more intolerance, more terrorism - give me a Liberal or a Democrat any day. And by the way your examples are black and white - a reasonable and equitable accomodation is all one ask for not the shop.

Robert, Sarasota

What absolute rubbish - Ethics has no patron but itself and as for Christianity inventing Ethics, well, that has to be a joke...

Robert, Sarasota

Interestingly enough I have met far more atheist’s who I have found to be ethical than I have devote religious persons. Christianity is a faith no more or no less don’t bring compassion or ethics into it. I'm sorry but I can't believe in a God who sends good people into eternal hell and damnation because they are unbelievers.

Robert, Sarasota

And he was a Judge to boot!

Robert, Sarasota

Abraham has a lot to answer for as he spawned all three - by the way I know a number of Liberal republicans and democrats which is why I know them -- when will we learn the true meaning of Liberalism? Liberals were primarily responsible for the Bill of Rights. Without Liberals there would be no rights for the poor or minorities and if thatès sin then perhaps you should join a religion.

Robert, Sarasota

Excellent - I wish I said it. There comes a time when a bed is a bed and a chair is a chair. To base your life on faith without consideration of ethics is faith without substance and faith without substance is but chaff to the wind.

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