Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [76-100] of 375Posts from Ronw13, ORRonw13, OR Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Ronw13, OR 11/2/18 re: Thomas Babington Macaulay quote Natural law and the dictates of our Creator. Mercy is made self-evident through and by His endowment. Liberties are brought forth through Sound Doctrine and precedent. Chophshiy, ancient economic liberty, freedom from bondage and tax, at your pleasure. Eleutheria liberty, physical, manumission from slavery, sold unto the Creator, being set free from the slavery of man. Apeleutheros liberty, spiritual freedom and access to the presence of God without denominational attachment. Mercy and Truth go before the throne of judgement. Mercy and truth have met and kissed. " The honest individual, through their love of liberty and honesties intrinsic value, become the prime indispensable, irreducible element. In order to form a more perfect union. " True liberty cannot exist apart from the full rights of property. For property is the only crystalized form of free faculties." Reply Ronw13, OR 11/1/18 re: Plato quote Socrates taught Plato well of democracy. spoken with the charm of intelligence.A tasteless variety of disorder, dispensing a sort of equality, known as misery, to equals and unequals alike. Reply Ronw13, OR 10/31/18 re: Charley Reese quote Archer's overview of the Siege upon our Popular Republican form of government, should be the main platform for "debate" concerning this election cycle. "Promote then, as an object of Primary importance, institution for general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened." Washington's Farewell AddressWWG1WGA, MAGA moves in the right direction. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/29/18 re: John Adams quote Faith the most powerful thing in the universe, and an extremely strong Constitution to defend it. Brought to the light of conscience by Questioning all authority who would oppose it. WWG1WGA Reply Ronw13, OR 10/26/18 re: Lysander Spooner quote 4) sovereign independent patriot, willing to sacrifice.WWG1WGA MAGA Patriots Reply Ronw13, OR 10/24/18 re: H. L. Mencken quote WWG1WGA 2020 reduction and deregulation of the overburden upon necessity, which is laid upon us all. Moving in the right direction, restoration, not reformation. 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/24/18 re: Gerrit Smith quote "When the human element becomes property, then Liberty becomes the right to life." 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/19/18 re: Edward L. Bernays quote The motives and mechanism of the group mind are soon molested by the political spirit of corruption and hatred. Truth and accurate reasoning are the first to fall by the wayside. Pearls of wisdom concerning Brakah liberty and freedom are soon trampled underfoot. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/19/18 re: John Adams quote It is through denominationalism, division by way of "private" interpretation of biblical, historical record, doctrine, the seeds of socialism are sown. " I shall have Liberty to think for myself without molesting others or being molested myself." Sound doctrines of Liberty and Freedom, ring true, and need no private molesting interpretation. Apolitical in stance regardless of others and their affiliations. 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/16/18 re: Donald Kennedy quote Yet it is the results that are censored and cheery picked to sway the masses according to corporate and private interest. 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/16/18 re: Gore Vidal quote Freedom to inquire, reveals that which controls the present thoughts of history past. Hidden knowledge and mysteries of conscience are soon censored by current orthodoxy, this, by way of American corporate and private interest globally. Oppression of heavenly Liberty will always result in a Q leap of understanding for the masses sake. Reply Ronw13, OR 10/11/18 re: William Shakespeare quote "When mercy seasons justice" the dark cloud of indoctrination flees away. There is an old saying, "The devil is not in the bar, but in the pulpit." Reply Ronw13, OR 10/10/18 re: Debra Saunders quote An unforeseen Q "leap" through/by the laws of nature, as has been heard said, by a politician, "it must be Divine Providence" that has brought about the election of President Trump. Yet it has been known for a very long time, "Liberty is encrypted within the laws of nature, as it should be." WWG1WGA MAGA Reply Ronw13, OR 10/10/18 re: Bruce Ackerman quote WWG1WGA MAGA 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/9/18 re: Adolf Hitler quote WWG1WGA Long live our Constitutional Republic and the sourse it is built upon. 2 Reply Ronw13, OR 10/8/18 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote Believing the quote to be true, and truly spoken by a pacifist, collectivist, georgist, opposed to private property. Reply Ronw13, OR 10/8/18 re: Matt Walsh quote Adhering to natural law's dictates, rises to the greatest degree of Commonsense. WWG1WGA the Republican party has shown themselves worthy of Lord Acton's dagger. MAGA Reply Ronw13, OR 10/3/18 re: Ted Stevens quote Psalm 10 fitting. ! Reply Ronw13, OR 9/26/18 re: Brian Eno quote WWG1WGA, sovereignty normally projected upon an individual monarch, is now projected and added upon the common Patriots of Liberty and Freedom, in this experiment called the United States of America. MAGA Reply Ronw13, OR 9/25/18 re: Michael Badnarik quote Remembering our Republicanism being based on Freewill association, endowed with Economic, Physical, Spiritual Liberties to be defended with Bear knuckles. That which is right is not an extreme, Jefferson founded the democratic Republican party in opposition to the socialist globalist, the federalist party. not to be confused with the federal structure. It is a tri-cord of natural commonsense we defend. Reply Ronw13, OR 9/25/18 re: John Adams quote It is the educated Tyrant who hides behind such, till it fails. Then the smear tactics,as with the current SCOTUS confirmation. WWG1WGA 1 Reply Ronw13, OR 9/21/18 re: Napoleon Bonaparte quote "Oppression" Ashaq, to press upon, to Defraud, wrong, to deceive,Deceitfully gotten, violence. To bring oppression into context, A forced exaction through harsh taskmasters, to defraud and reduce the individual to a state of slavery. forced exaction and usury practiced, executed upon an unsuspecting people. "a loan with a sting" usury. Constructive Fraud executed, carried out by a governing body, Congress, and the harsh taskmasters, IRS. at the bidding of a Central Bank. Reply Ronw13, OR 9/21/18 re: F. Lee Bailey quote Shared "sovereignty" for the common man, in defence of a Freed people. Natural law provides the solid foundation in defence of our Christian principles. 3 key liberties and 13 attributes in harmony with nature by design of our Creator. The foundation of freedom from any oppression. Reply Ronw13, OR 9/19/18 re: Lao-Tzu quote Most Do Not "know" the state of "know" they exist in. Eido vs Ginosko, knowledge. Great point Ken, Allyn, WA. 2 Reply Ronw13, OR Bert, Timbuktu (9/19/18) Bert, Timbuktu, please define "religion" then the disease can be exposed. Threskeia or Threskos ? A collectivist statist theocracy, whether church or state, would fall under the first. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print