Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [151-175] of 813Posts from Ronw13, Yachats ORRonw13, Yachats OR Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats OR 12/15/15 re: Calvin Coolidge quote Mike, Norwalk, stated well. People seemed to forget? MAN DOES NOT MAKE NATURAL LAW. FROM WHERE OUR LIBERTY DERIVES ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats OR 12/15/15 re: Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote A warning, Compared to the Russian Gentiles and Jewish relationships. " Men have forgotten God " . A moral man, living by, and adhering to a good conscience. The heart is oracle, as the conscience bears witness. Religion and culture, dividing factors of any nation. Faith the most powerful thing in the universe. The United States of America, founded upon faith in the God of Abraham. So why hate the Jews, " Salvation is of the Jews " KJB Reply Ronw13, Yachats OR 12/14/15 re: Frederic Bastiat quote 9th month Sept, 27. Who told anyone Christ was born on the 25th of Dec ? Rome ! 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats OR 12/14/15 re: Frederic Bastiat quote " Who is among you that fears the Lord, that obeys the voice of his servant, that walks in darkness, and has no light? let him trust in the name of the Lord, ( and stay upon his God ). Behold all ye that kindle a Fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the Light of your Fire, and in the sparks that you have kindled. ( This shall you have of mine hand; ) you shall lie down in sorrow." Isaiah 50:10,11. STAND FAST in the Liberty, ( from the Hebrew and Greek, Chophshiy, Eleutheria, Apeleutheros, liberties, access to the presence of God.) Gala 5:1 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. A Freed Man in Amen. a true and faithful witness becomes a servant of God at Liberty. 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/11/15 re: West Virginia Constitution quote NATURAL LAW WRITTEN IN THE HEARTS OF MAN ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/11/15 re: Thomas Paine quote Archer there is a God, some of our Founding Fathers know him well !! He, OUR CREATOR IS NOT INCOMPATIBLE ! But all encompassing. 360 degrees. every knee shall bow. Whether you like it or not. Without God we are at the whims of man ! Intervention ! 2 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/11/15 re: Thomas Paine quote Here in the USA, tyranny within Christian religious denominations cloud the minds form understanding Their Liberty and Freedom. Miss-guiding the faithful constituent from their God given unalienable rights. faith, the most powerful thing in the universe and the ability of some to sway it, for the sake of plunder and security. democracy is a loathsome thing, to often used in propping up Threskeia religions. This can be said for all such types around the world. 2 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/10/15 re: Lyn Nofziger quote Opposed to the metrification of the USA, as also myself and many others, seeing the methodical march of the enemy within our own nation, Socialist at heart and a mindset from across the pond ! But now, more than ever before, always on watch, the Leadership of the just, as also our enemy. security starts at home. There is no security from trails of affliction. "Correction of instruction is the way of life " Do that which is right and you will have praise of the same. Do that which is wrong, surly correction will come. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/10/15 re: General Douglas MacArthur quote The mindset of rational thought, from a Soldier who would " tell it like it is ", context is self evident, knowing intervention in the private affairs, of other nations, to be avoided, but perpetuated by the carelessness of weak minds and bleeding hearts, in leadership. Unjust policy for the sake of expanding personal motives. This usually and should always be Checked within the ranks of militarily disciplined authority. Responsibility for another's life, realized and observed ! Some in conversation, never knowing there is a round room to be avoided ! 2 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/10/15 re: Frank I. Cobb quote How soon a " Freed People " can be removed, from the Roots that ground them, the sound wholesome valued life, the gift so soon forgotten. Our Declaration of Independence, " More powerful than the atom bomb " our declaring of numerated rights, 19 Liberties and counting. Numerated by the Stars in heaven, that declare the glory and hidden riches, sought out of all those that seek to Know, Liberty and Freedom ordained of/by and for the Creators edification of unity through Faith. Ascribing righteousness to our God of gods, King of kings, Lord of lords. Captain and anchor of our salvation as a nation and hope of the day to come. The Rock upon which the Republic rest now and forever more. Always in Amen, the true and faithful witness. 1Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/9/15 re: Thomas Paine quote Archer's frustrations are WELL noted BUT ? Concerted movements like ( compassion ) for your neighbor takes president ! KNOW is a big WORD. Think HARD. Please ! City dwelling is never easy at times ! When things lurk in the dark, this brought about by oppression, and the instilling of fear and mistrust ! LINES ARE DRAWN IN THE SAND !! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/9/15 re: William S. Burroughs quote The implications are WAKING THE GIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!. Consider Solomon !! WAKE NOT MY LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!! TILL TIME ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/9/15 re: Edmund Burke quote ( Delusion, Planao, from the Greek,( doctrines and morals are never divided by any sharp line ), mental straying, errors in morals.) With that being said, ( Planos, an imposter of the vagabond type. Definite article necessitates the translation " the deceiver " ) Now here in 2015, the implications are undeniably, " in your face so-to-speak ". There undoubtedly are facts to bear out. The falling away first, at present, strong ( delusions, from the Hebrew, of past foretelling, (Taaluwl, caprice as a fit coming on ) concerning a tyrant-babe. More to point, at present ( Planos, the present participle is used with the definite article, as a title of the Devil, " the deceiver ". Rev 12:9. Which sets the stage ! " Liberty exist with wholesome restraint " Daniel Webster. Such a great proponent of Liberty Edmund Burke, " The Sovereign Authority of this country ( USA ) as the Sanctuary of Liberty, the Sacred Temple consecrated to our Common Faith" as for the protestants founding our nation, " a persuasion not only favorable to Liberty, but Built upon it ! " Semper FI Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/9/15 re: William S. Burroughs quote Excellent comments, ( knee jerk reactions ) and Very Good answers from our officers in blue ! It is better that words be felt, through capitalization than at the point of a gun ! This is, and of Great value, for all Lives ! More Should know, and not be surprise, that such a system of communication is monitored AND moderated. Due by the nature of such an avenue. Burroughs an example of the fragility of judgment and life. Nevertheless a true and just observation. Commonsense is a gift from our Creator. for the guard at the gate or the watchmen on the wall, of and for That Just Cause, we can feel the hand that guides us. However slight or heavy the hand, to realize his presence gives joy to the unity of a wholesome family. God Blessings to All. Amen Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/8/15 re: Dianne Feinstein quote Well said Mike !! 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/8/15 re: Janet Reno quote Prohibition of weapons in the USA creates a fear driven market of loss. Striking the Biggest spark within Patriots hearts and hottest fires of passion for SELF-DEFENSE. Weak minds in places of leadership make for the biggest fools, enticing and entreating the biggest of wars. There is a VERY BIG STORM COMING !! 2 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/8/15 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Logical reasoning, " Rational sphere of organizing the right of the Individual to Lawful self-defense; of punishing injustice ?Peter carried a sword in the garden, and I think very much so, he was not the only one !!!!!!!!!!!!! The restricting of ( Man made laws ) by way of democratic vote, affording legalized plunder and that that would infringe upon Individual Liberty at Nature Law. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/8/15 re: Dianne Feinstein quote Notice Feinstein's past tense. Typical of those, denied the responsibility of self-defense for what ever reason. Removed from a life of knowing the life and death cycle, the care and guidance of compassionate husbandry. Good stewardship of yours and the mutual respect of others, your true neighbors. A sad day when people are so far removed from the REAL WORLD by way of city dwelling. " living in the safer side of town " !! Venturing out into the REAL WORLD, responsibility means awareness and SELF-DEFENSE !! All children at an early age ( Should ) be taught the who, what, where, when, how, why and to what degree of force needed. Compassion with a steely reserve of detecting not only danger, but the time when compassion needs the steely reserve of action ! 11Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/7/15 re: Cesare Beccaria quote Oppression and plunder, at the hands of crocked salesmen, merchandising of that plundered for the sake of a few, and the cost of all. Tyranny by way of majority, comes from the promise of leisure at the loss and sacrifice of independence and Financial Liberty ! Crocked Salesmen will sell you, always something not needed or wanted ! Self Defense with equal force, needed always by the children of peace. Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/5/15 re: Ludwig von Mises quote " So what is the measurement used in judging between good and evil. " Opinion or political philosophy is in line with natural law " ? The fallen state of man. ? Original sin ! For by one man sin entered into the world ? Mike, Pleasant Hill strikes upon a mutual cord of understanding. Yes there is a " Rule " by which we measure, some will say conscience, true, but conscience of the mass/mob being seared with a hot iron, turning away from the Truth, denying the knowledge of the truth are condemned of themselves. But yet again the " Rule " which God supplies, graduated to the fullest of time, line upon line, precept upon precept. Very distinct in appearance, likened unto an eye and a chain. as Solomon describes. The heavens and earth in unison, named and numbered. As Isaiah 40. Like natural law, there are no discords only harmony. One may say I perceive, but then where are the hands, where are the arms that guide and instruct the children of men with sound knowledge and wisdom ? This is not personal opinion or philosophy of empirical doubt till proven. " WHO HATH believed our report ? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? " Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself." Isaiah 53, Psalm 80:17. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked ? Spiritual movements by a just minority in one accord with our Creators purpose, will always harmonize with Gods Natural Laws. Divine Providence takes hold of the conscience of man, whether to enlighten or harden according to Gods will ! Awake thou that sleepest and God will give thee Light ! The light of understanding in a spiritual outer darkness that has griped the world for two thousands years ! Wake up and get ready, the day of the Lord is at Hand ! God Bless, Semper FI 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/4/15 re: Supreme Court of the United States quote Our Declaration is not our Constitution, is it ! ? What is a contract without faith ? The agreement was made first, then the paperwork drawn up ! Faith first ! Interesting how Unalienable Rights take the back seat ! I like FREE BORN. 1Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/4/15 re: Rocco Galati quote ( Homologoumenos, chophshiy, Eleutheria and Apeleutheros. without controversy, to speak out freely on behalf of unalienable rights by FACT, given to man by the Creator of heaven and earth. Freed from oppression of mind and body ( and the fancy of vanity ) ! Manumission form slavery, emancipation of the spirit of man to worship God [ at/and by ] his natural laws of governance. Conscience bearing witness in the Spirit of truth and honesty. The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America IS MY DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AT LIBERTY. THINK ABOUT WHAT IS IGNORED BEFORE THE EYES AND EARS OF THE PEOPLE ? We are a Nation founded upon the ( LAW OF PISTIS, ALL INCLUSIVE, FAITH, this describes the character of one who can be relied on. ). As for ( any denomination ) under what ever statue or ordinance they wish to challenge our RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES at/or by, their so-called law at magna carta makes no difference in anywise, for it is unjust judgment. Our Ship of State has a course and point of destination, purpose with calling, Honor and Integrity the Salt needed. Semper FI. 1 Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/3/15 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote There is always a choice to be made. " With a firm reliance in Divine Providence. " Most forget the odds we faced as a young upstart of a nation. Affection of, is the dupe of misdirection. Salesman beware, the customer is Pissed Off !One is either free or not ! Some with a high degree of education understand well the price of Independence ! and choose otherwise. Security ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/2/15 re: Aristotle quote We know that train of thought !! Happens all the time in the boom town. ! Damn the morals ! I do not think so ! Being a twin, Independent and of the ( largest ) Corp types, lead positions of ( Contract ) you have no idea !! The opposite heads of a coin ! Lives are on the line, That is a steel Rail ! Reply Ronw13, Yachats Or 12/2/15 re: Edmund Burke quote On point, is to protect them from themselves, Masses are not the best depository for best keep knowledge. These cards played best close to the chest ! Semper FI Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print