Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-11] of 11Posts from Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USARusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 1 Reply Rusty, Where The Buffalo Roam, USA 7/10/13 re: Thom Hartmann quote Hartmann's ego is surpassed only by his lack of veracity. Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 7/29/11 re: Massad Ayoob quote Reston... Your willingness to be a victim, and to not exercise the personal responsibility necessary for the possession of a firearm, does not abrogate my God given rights. Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 6/17/11 re: Franklin D. Roosevelt quote Spoken by the Godfather of Socialism in America, a true elitist, and the lynchpin of, as Mike from Norwalk so aptly observed, "the trifecta of destruction." 1Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 5/31/11 re: John A. Fisher quote Absolutely. To be 'moderate' in war is to prolong the conflict. Gen. Sherman understood that the quickest way to defeat the South was to take the war to them. 2 Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 5/18/11 re: Mark Twain quote wayne, naples you should have left the last two words off your query of Reston, VA 5 Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 5/13/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote Dick in Ft. Worth, you are appropriately named. 1 Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 4/22/11 re: Richard E. Byrd quote If I could only will Waffler back to Nazi Germany, perhaps he would reconsider his position...or perhaps he would fit right in with the Third Reich! Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 4/12/11 re: C. S. Lewis quote I was fortunate enough to have gone through the US education system when a person could still be 'flunked' for not achieving certain educational standards. Of course, that was 'back in the day' when teachers were an integral part of the learning process, held accountable for their ability, (or lack of it) and were not simply babysitters with tenure. I am grateful for having learned 'the three R's', and not receiving a bogus education consisting of courses designed to be relevant to the PC crowd, or tailored to promote my self-esteem by being so simple that even a caveman could do it. Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 3/28/11 re: Mark Skousen quote The political leaders "low opinion of the public" does not stem from their idea that we "will probably make the wrong choice", but rather that we are so easily led. For many politicos it boils down to two and power, often interchangeable. The ability to regulate the personal actions of people by decree certainly substantiates the idea that 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Oh, and Reston, that "clean air to breathe and clean water to drink" that you feel is forthcoming only by government mandate will be controlled by said government. Are you going to be able to demonstrate to them that you deserve to receive any of it? Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 3/22/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote Mr. Sowell is an intelligent, freedom loving, Conservative American. This must make the Liberals afraid, for the Leftards call him an 'Uncle Tom'. gtheo, I'm surprised you could take time from suckling the Guvmint teat to post... Reply Rusty, Where the buffalo roam, USA 1/6/11 re: John Jay quote I wonder when any Judge has instructed the jury that they actually have the power to do this? SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print