Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-23] of 23Posts from S. Engel, FredericksburgS. Engel, Fredericksburg 1 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 8/8/07 re: Richard A. Viguerie quote Not well thought out. The only way government can protect us from assault is to lock everybody up. In the U.S., our own governments only retaliate against those who assault us, after the fact. As a free person I can at least defend myself. As a slave of the State I am helpless. Liberty trumps imaginary safety. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 4/18/07 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Abe made a lot of mistakes, but this one is a whopper! Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/1/06 re: Andrew Jackson quote Coming from the perpetrator of the Trail of Tears, it rings a little hollow. And the quote should apply also the poor & powerful: the mob. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 11/8/05 re: John F. Kennedy quote Empty rhetoric for domestic consumption only. The speaker, who led the U.S. into Southeast Asia, did not survive to see his successors abandon the South Vietnamese to the tender mercies of Communism. The price, burden & hardship were just too much. 3 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 11/3/05 re: Thomas Paine quote A powerful & original argument. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 10/6/05 re: Justice John Marshall quote These criminal legislative acts contrary to the Constitution are not objected to by the people. The acts were enacted by persons elected by the people. The people get the government they deserve. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 7/29/05 re: John Dryden quote Nothing has changed. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 6/15/05 re: James Madison quote Supreme Court members should be required to read, and swear to understand, this before every court session. Perhaps they would be less tempted to constantly fantasize about the meaning of the clear English language in which the Constitution is written. 1 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 4/14/05 re: Lysander Spooner quote This has always been my favorite paragraph on liberty & government. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/31/05 re: Lyn Nofziger quote A little contradictory when he states that individuals should be free except when it comes to trade, but otherwise he gets most of it right. 2 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/21/05 re: John Stuart Mill quote This states it all in one short paragraph. 1 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/14/05 re: John Adams quote Especially applicable today, when attempts to point out that the emperor has no clothes are met with the response, "Shut up. Your comments offend me". 2 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/11/05 re: James Madison quote It is quite clear from Madison's comments that, in his time, "GENERAL welfare" had the same meaning as we ascribe today to the economics term "public good." Thus, that is what the Constitution means by "general welfare." 2 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/11/05 re: James Madison quote If the leaders in government today are so obviously brazen in breaking their own laws, can one conclude anything other than that we now have a government consisting largely of criminals? Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 3/1/05 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote One of the few countries that has enjoyed peace and (relative) freedom is Switzerland. But the Swiss don't COUNT on having both. They are heavily armed and prepared to defend their freedom, and that is Heinlein's point. 3 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/18/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote This is the real reason for the existence of the 2nd Amendment. This should not be the first choice of method to preserve liberty, but it must remain an option. 2 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/18/05 re: John Scharr quote Never more timely than today. 3 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/16/05 re: Samuel Adams quote Powerful! 6 Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/15/05 re: Frederic Bastiat quote 100% on. Although the lust for raw power also plays a part. 3Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/15/05 re: C. S. Lewis quote There is a difference between promoting & protecting. You can protect everybody's rights to pursue their own goals without taking from others to do so. Promoting one person's objectives can, however, be done only at the expense of somebody elses goals. 24Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/8/05 re: Sir Josiah Stamp quote Some truth here, but it's much more complicated than this. Government does this now, directly & indirectly. Even as conservative an economist as Milton Friedman thinks some inflation of the money supply is good & necessary. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 2/8/05 re: Aristotle quote Aristotle needs a course in Economics 101. He obviously has no concept of the time value of money. Reply S. Engel, Fredericksburg 1/27/05 re: John F. Kennedy quote Not so hot. Nazi & Allied soldiers both did what they "must" do, in spite of obstacles, etc. Morality had nothing to do with it. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print