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Posts from Shelly, Vancouver

Shelly, VancouverShelly, Vancouver
Shelly, Vancouver

If this nation continues to turn away from God, they are hurting themselves more than they know. God is all-loving. There are consequences for our sins, and people have a hard time accepting that. Truthfully, once you come to know, love and serve God, you will understand. By asking God to leave America, do you not expect Him to eventually remove His hand of protection, and then the consequences of living in a nation without God will come and people then blame Him for this. If you tell Him to leave in the 1st place and then the consequences of your sin and falleness occur, do NOT put the blame on Him, instead, America should be calling out the One True Living God right now and praying that He rescue us. Don't push Him away further, because you do not understand, or because you want to sin. America was prosperous and recieved victory from the LORD when America's founding fathers were here. Now, America is NOT prospering. Don't push God away, why not give it a try and see if they were on to something. Loving and supporting each other, being united and unified and living as One Nation under God. Think about it, please, what have you got to lose, nothing, all you have is to gain.

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