Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-8] of 8Posts from Tony D., Toronto, OntarioTony D., Toronto, Ontario 1 Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 4/8/09 re: Robert Hemphill quote Waffler, It's okay not to know anything about a subject! Plus you're missing the point! It's about money created out of debt, synthetic money! Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 3/17/09 re: William E. Borah quote Yeah Waffler, the human race started when you were born and will end when you die. Why think long-term?! Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 3/10/09 re: Samuel P. Hays quote Chicken or Egg? Whichever came first?! Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 3/10/09 re: Ralph Nader quote Nader might be the biggest socialist out there, but in this instance he is right. How about some True Capitalism for a change instead of corporatism?! Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 2/16/09 re: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis quote American Idol is very exciting this year. What's Britney up to? Which celebrity couple is the cutest? --- Proud American 51Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 2/2/09 re: John Maynard Keynes quote We don't need work, for work's sake, people need work to produce real things! If Keynes's theory were right then the Soviet Union would still exist and be the most prosperous country on earth! 51Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 2/2/09 re: John Maynard Keynes quote Absolute rubbish! Where's the productivity, efficiency in this task? There's absolutely no economic benefit, just economic waste. That productive capacity is just being wasted on something stupid, instead of being employed on producing real things to the benefit of society. It's like someone digging a hole then someone else closes it up, then for GDP purposes you've got two incomes earned, but economically you've just wasted labour and capital. 1 Reply Tony D., Toronto, Ontario 1/6/09 re: Ludwig von Mises quote So right. No wonder we're in the mess we're in now!! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print