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Posts from Victor Sturmer, Knoxville, TN

Victor Sturmer, Knoxville, TNVictor Sturmer, Knoxville, TN
Victor Sturmer, Knoxville, TN

Watchman 13 you are obviously a servomechanism for someone else's ideas. For one thing you have no racial self identification and therefore do not exist. You are also ignorant because you think that there is a racial or genotype known as "American." There is no such thing as an American. There is just a Balkanized land controlled by minority parasites (communism, afrocentrism and moslemism) that are enslaving the white race; after first terrorizing the weakest of them into proclaiming that they have no race, no heritage, no tribe...nothing. Therefore those “americans” have no loyalty just like watchman 13...He/she/it is a traitor because he/she/it believes only in "americanism" a concept continuously reinterpreted by the controlling minority parasites. All the easiest psychological subservience concepts, repetitiously hammered into the vacuous minds of the most stupid people living in Balkanized America, are mouthed by communist media propagandist dupes, like wachman 13. He is the classical invisible freak produced by the minority parasite's media propaganda. Encourage creatures such as wachman 13 to mouth their borrowed platitudes and soft orphan sentimentality thereby exposing another category of wasted, effeminate subhumans, fit only for annihilation. Don't bother exploiting them unless you stoop to the communist evil of micromanaging the weakest. Wachman 13 and his lot are already moving in the slave parade goose stepping into the gulag’s oblivion. May he and his, rot in hell!

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