Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [401-425] of 1302Posts from WARREN, OLATHEWARREN, OLATHE Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/18/09 re: Grover Cleveland quote I just read that ACORN is going to be involved in the census. I thought the 2 billion ACORN got from the “stimulus” package was a pay off of the stuffing of ballot boxes in the past. I guess they needed it to beef up for the stuffing of congress with Obama lackeys in the future. We will now have a rigged census to go along with the rigged elections. Liberal areas will be disproportionately represented in congress and conservative areas will be under represented. No doubt that we will only be aware of 2% of the underhanded deals that will have made so that Obama and his henchmen will not be removed. How long till we get that amendment to remove term limits on the president I wonder? Perhaps just increase the terms to 6 or 8 years! Of course that would have to be temporary. There has to be some way that we can keep this scoundrel in office till there is no recognizable America left. 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/18/09 re: Grover Cleveland quote WAFFLER HOW CAN YOU KEEP THIS CRAP UP. THAT IS WASTE SPENDING NOT LACK OF TAXATION. IF TAXES ARE RAISED REVENUE WILL DROP. THE ONLY WAY TO RASE REVENUE IS TO CUT TAXES SO THE ECONOMY WILL REBOUND. Revenue is a percentage of the GDP. Grow GDP grow revenue. 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/18/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We are currently under the most vicious attack from within that we have ever had. We stand to loose more right now than we have from any war or attack on our soil in history. We are loosing our soul as a nation. Führer Obama and his brown shirts in congress are very quickly moving to the position of absolute power. There is little opposition in congress. The Republicans are scared of reprisals from the left and the damned press. Anyone that objects will have such an onslaught of attacks out of the press that most of the ignorant boobs across this country will just assume that something has to be wrong with the accused in spite of no proof. Polls will show that the objector has no chance of re-election and everyone that should be defending his position will run for cover. This has become the modus operandi of the press and the left for a very long time. It seems that they have become so bold as to not even try to hide the tactic anymore. Any success that Obama has will be a disaster for this country and its constitution. The only hope we have is that he fails. I do believe he is the most ignorant, inexperienced, and unqualified person to ever hold the position but his backers are so powerful and have control over his teleprompter. I fear the day that we will no longer be able to vent on this or any other site. We will only be able to prostrate ourselves to the George Soros sock puppet. 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/18/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote We are talking about charity Waffler, not corporations. Who the hell do you think you are implying that anyone would have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their business. If you do not like corporations do not buy anything from any of them. Why are you not whining about letting the government control private contributions? After all the individual couldn't possibly be competent enough to decide what to do with his own contributions. You apparently think that taxing the hell out of everyone in order to prevent private contributions is a good thing because it moves the responsibility to the ever so more competent U.S. government. The thought of growing government and shrinking personal responsibility surely gives you orgasms. 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/17/09 re: Davy Crockett quote Jim, congress does not like private citizens horning in on its "charitable" enterprises. After all if we take care of our own problems we do not need them. Then they can't buy the votes of the unfortunate that have been ensnared in the Jackass parties poverty trap. 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/17/09 re: Davy Crockett quote Waffler- you need to get someone to explain the quotes to you. You consistently try to denounce the quote while not even knowing what the quote was about. When anyone clarifies it for you you repeat the same ignorant crap you did before as if you had a point and of course you never do. Reply warren, olathe 3/17/09 re: Will Durant quote What into action Bob? The constitution? 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Hugh Thomas quote When a free society gets to be affluent enough it will always start to feel it needs to help the less fortunate. Unfortunately it is not possible to help the less fortunate with handouts. Handouts only breed an ever growing dependent class. This soon becomes a voting block and the society starts its endless decline. History is repeating it's self as an informed and rational person could have predicted long ago. We are now going to try to get the dependent class to out number the rest of us with the "stimulus" package. This will make it impossible that anyone that tries to correct the situation can never get elected. 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Obvious. Sorry but Obama hates the founding fathers and intends to remove any influence the ever had. Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Lyndon B. Johnson quote I suppose it is possible LBJ did not know the absolute disaster every thing he did would cause. To modify his quote about Jack Kennedy- LBJ was not worth a boot full of his own piss. 3 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Calvin Coolidge quote When a bad bill gets through it is almost impossible to get rid of. When a good one gets through it is almost impossible to keep it. The best way for an idea to be thrown out is for it to be tried and have worked. The only reason a bad idea does not work is always explained to be insufficient funding. Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Woodrow Wilson quote Soros thru Obama Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The only real thing the government can do for us is GET OUT OF THE WAY. 6 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Lord Acton quote That is what checks and balances were to compensate. 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote For that matter Waffler you usualy do not even understand the quote. 3 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Waffler anything that has to do with economics or the constitution is always over your head. Any rating under 5 stars denotes a lack of understanding the free enterprise system. Our population is so poorly educated on this simple concept that we are in a very dangerous position with the thug we now have in the White House. As a matter of fact he wouldn't have got there if the public understood economics or the constitution. 2 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Warren Rudman quote Waffler, you cannot balance the budget by raising taxes. That would reduce the dollars taken in by the fed and make it even harder. Fiscal responsibility is the key. That is not going to happen. Too many people will always demand handouts of one kind or another and politicians will always be willing to spend other peoples money to buy their votes. This is not only unconstitutional it is immoral. Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Voltaire quote Blue- Waffler has wet dreams about government. 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/16/09 re: Edwin Feulner quote Blue- I think that waffler is intentionally obtuse. No one could possibly be that stupid. Dick Mussolini would be proud of Obama. They are two peas in a pod. Jack it appeals to those that have a brain. 1 Reply warren, olathe 3/11/09 re: Davy Crockett quote Waffler you don't even bother to read the damn quote do you? Reply warren, olathe 3/9/09 re: Milton Friedman quote What an ignorant bunch of crap you keep trying to sell Waffler. Sad. FDR is being redone as we sit here and the results will be as bad or worse if the bozo in the white house has his way. At least FDR did not know better as we now do. Obama probably does too. I fear that the devastation his policies are causing is purely intentional. Reply warren, olathe 3/9/09 re: Ludwig von Mises quote A free enterprise system only works in a free society. We are abolishing both right now as we look at this site. The government thinks it is moral for it to decide who should be allowed to get rich and who shouldn't. I fear that it soon will be the case that if you are rich enough to make large political contributions to the right political party you can stay rich or get richer. Other wise you may find yourself on the outside. Remember Gates and Microsoft. Hate him or love him it doesn’t matter. He was in big trouble with Uncle Sam until he started to contribute money to the political parties and then all the trouble seemed to just go away. Reply warren, olathe 3/9/09 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote Bet somebody that thinks like that would never get a Nobel Prize today! 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/28/09 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote The country is full of fools that think Obama is honest. He has never once demonstrated honesty nor does he prefer to hang out any that do. 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/28/09 re: Frank Herbert quote He is speaking about your Messiah Warffler! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print