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Posts from Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Waffler, Smith, ArkansasWaffler, Smith, Arkansas
Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

I repeat Logan Capone and Stalin and many others ran minority mobs which ran roughshod over the majority. Once the majority exerts itself it runs mobs out of business.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

By the phrase ":unlimited liberty" I meant that we often have a choice between this or that. Often we can choose between one of two paths then go a little further and choose between our current or another new path. We do not have unlimited choices at the beginning of our journey. Archer bitched about the prospect of only having one menu to choose from. If a person wishes to buy a used 2004 Mercury Marquis he generally will not have the opportunity, time or ability to looka the entire universe of used Mercury Marquis although that prospect is much greater today with computers than it would be years ago. That is what I meant by "unlimited liberty" or unlimited choice.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

I thought "Let them eat cake" referred to a shortage of preferred bread flower and a surplus of less preferred and inferior cake flower. I like your last sentence Warren, in a thinking and free society one should find himself in and out of majority and minority opinion on a regular basis. If not then one is probably not even really thinking at all.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

When the Republicans ran both Houses of Congress under the Coach from Illinois and Senator Lott was that what was MOB rule or is it now with Pelozi and Reid. "Mob: a turbulent or lawless crowd." To be lawless or an outlaw means to be against the law established by and maintained by the majority. Democracy entails the rule of law by the majority. The mob ruled Chicago in the form of Capone, and Russia in the form of the Communist Party, they were minority lawless rabble. Thanks to the majority in Russia and the Untouchables from the Feds these undemocratic minority MOBS were made kaput. I don't think I have it backwards at all. God Bless the Majority!

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Can you express yourself a little clearer Warren?

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Archer should meet Jim K. The child moving from mommy choosing his dinner to him choosing from a menu is not good enough for Archer, you must present the child with an unlimited number of menus with apparently an unlimited number of items. Economically and pragmatically that is ridiculous. Archer and these unlimited liberty enthusiasts are so naive about how life really is. One must often make choices from the limited field in front of him. We are born on this planet we cannot choose our planet. Maybe that day will arrive but now we have to make choices everyday not from an unlimited set of options but generally from several.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

No Jim you miss the point. I was just ruminating or thinking out loud. One does not have to be partisan all the time. You sound like a communist with your constant struggle concept. In my post I said it SEEMS what Ibsen is saying and IF Ibsen is correct. In your living in a cave world where you always face the rear of the cave you are obviously not at liberty to ruminate or think freely. Sorry, it is so sad. But many on this site do not believe that we have liberty in America, I do and so do many others who want to come here. You are a glass half empty guy I am a glass half full guy.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

A great joy is to watch a young child go to a restaurant and experience choosing for himself what he will eat rather than it being chosen for him. He/she feels so "grown up", independent and free. Not unlike the Iraq's and Afghans who were able to vote for the first time in their lives. Those who advocate not voting are really missing something.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

This seems to say that liberty is not a real thing just an ideal thing. I don't know about that type of sentiment. Like you get liberty from your parents then you want liberty or freedom from something else. One is thus never satisfied. If Ibsen is correct then I think it makes and illusion of liberty or worse a delusion.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Those who forever have to set themselves at odds with the majority may very well be persons with a personal identity problem. They resolve this problem by being different just for the sake of being different because they feel inadequate to be like what they think every one else is like. Thus they get nose rings, tattoos etcetera. or take obtuse political positions.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

The majority is often wrong but less often than the minority. The worst thing to majority rule is minority rule That is why Marie Antoinette, Soviet Communist Party etcetera lost their power. Those two minorities wanted to not only talk but to dictate and the majority did not want to listen. I never or seldom eat cake, I love bread. God Bless the majority.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Democracy is our only safeguard from mob rule. Mob signifies rabble. The majority of people are not the mob. The mob is a small vocal group who tries to get it's way outside of standard ways of proceding.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Five Stars to Jack Green and thumbs down to Mr. Reagan. He was a bit of an interesting ideological poet and rabble rouser but some say the worst President we ever had, setting in motion the tremendous national debt we now have. As far as smoking the Russians, and I believe the Turks, had or porposed the death penalty for smoking way back in the 1600's. So the new laws are not some new totalitarian affront by "society" but just a continuation of age old common sense. As some know and the pro-life side of the argument point out children have rights also, for a pregnant mother to smoke, abuse alcohol, or drugs or blow smoke in her babies face should be controlled. Especially if society tries to legislate against reproductive rights at least we can do is protect the fetuses and children from the stupidity of their parents. I believe both Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain are great candidates, I have absolute confidence in both of them while I may prefer one's policies over the other. McCain's choice of Ms. Palin is problematic. I just hope she does not become a role model for the uterus crowd and every lady start having five babies. That would be the worst thing that could happen to our country. How smart can she be to have five kids? Language has not been twisted to equate society with government. Throughout history government has been the leader of society, the connection between the two is not absolutely iron clad especially in a democracy where societal views change constantly and thus are reflected in "societies", "government". Where governments fail is when they lose touch with society. Reagan was not stating a fact here just a poetic starting place from which to screw us.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

I always thought Mike that your use of "Natural Law" signified that one size fits all. I have read that many who study human nature and personality find that seldom does one size or one style fit all, that thinking about human beings as being machines is a cause of OCPD illness. Of the laws you listed I would agree that physics and gravity are natural immutable laws but they others are well not so immutable. I am truly glad you smiled today Mike, I try.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

We learn and advance by making mistakes. If law and the right way of doing things is Natural then what is there to really learn, we are all just automatons. There are 6 billion ways of doing things in the world today, let each examine, explore, experience, make errors and find the way that suits him best given his ability to do so. This is liberty. Living the unexamined life is living like a brute aniamal I believe is what Socrates is saying.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Honesty is a matter of perception. The closer the boss is to you the more honest he seems to be. The higher up bosses seem to be less honest. It is hard to seem honest when a politician must juggle so many seemingly competing interests and issues. Sometimes compromise and nuance may appear to be dishonesty. But an absolute liar, I'm with Mike on this one, get 'em outa there.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Good response Jim. Unfortunately your acquaintance like many religious really do not know the bible well. It speaks clearly of the problem of knowing God and of the place of doubt. It says, "Faith is the essence of things unknown the substance of things hoped for". Isn't faith and doubt the opposite sides of the same coin? While we can not know the future and as we discussed the other day security is really not to be had, we can have an outlook that believes things will be okay or things will be terrible. I don't think that fundamentally the Bible is anti-freethinking but many of its thumpers are.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

In the South we have traditionally reversed that logic. To face down the majority was to be a n#$%&@ lover. And to desire to give freedom or rights to minority individuals was anathema. The conservatives in the US used this phenomenon to form their Southern strategy and thus put a pretty good lock on the office of President.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

But we seldom live or move in dignified and free social environments. Where I live people are pretty much of one persuasion on many things and choose their friends accordingly. Even on this site it seems that with a few dissent is attacked very regularly rather than it being seen as essential in the search for truth. The problem is many of us often think we already have the truth and no dissent is therefor necessary.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Some readers of philosophy would therefore know that Augustine was the founder of the largest and oldest totalitarian institution in the world (stating roughly that "if we build it they will come") and that Voltarie said "Ecrasez l'infame", "crush the infamous thing". Voltaire it seems lived up to Gibran's dictum before the fact.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

and we trade extensively with and thus prop up with prosperity and largesse welfare states like China, and Sweden (by purchasing Volvo's) and as some would say socialist Germany by buying Benzs and BMWs. Why do we have a double standard that makes our competitors fat and prosperous and denies our own people the same equal treatment.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

When squirrels horde up nuts for the winer or when bears bulk up to get fat to last them through hibernation are they not taking security measures.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

When people do good and always want credit it scares the hell out of me. Our local VFW put a patriotic display in the local High School but had to make sure it was clearly marked Gift of the VFW. A local merchant advertises on TV preaching the gospel but makes sure his businees gets credit and is well displayed in the ad. Scary to me.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

The government of the last 8 years has eaten away at the largesse and prosperity of the middle class and the poor while giving greater liberty to some (Iraqis and Afghans) and the American rich. Here Nofziger sounds like Herbert Hoover. "Prosperity is bad for the Americans character" is usually said by those who are prospering very well thank you, and get some kick at looking down on those who are not. If welfare is evil because it is "money for nothing" then is not inheritance the same thing - welfare for the rich. The Kuwaitis, Saudis etc are fat, rich and lazy and we defended the hell out of them

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