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Posts from Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Waffler, Smith, ArkansasWaffler, Smith, Arkansas
Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

You finally really nailed something Mike!

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Good stuff Bill, I fully agree that we have to be balanced and not partisan. As for your 80% however the news I heard reports the opposite saying that 70% are for it. And I may be wrong but have we actually reached 320 million by now. Population increase is one of our main problems. This stimulous and the TARP are nothing compared to what we have put into Iraq in the last 8 years, and some would say unnecessarily.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Always remember: Republicans=Good, Democrats=Bad. Repeat five times daily while prostrating yourself in the direction of, well I cannot think of the correct direction since the Republicans have just kind of disappered everywhere. Wake up Warren, Bush/Cheney did'em in.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Thanks Mike, now go forth and write so we may understand what you are trying to say. Your last post above I still think is a bit helter skelter obfuscation and confusion. I truly am sorry.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Human capital is the ultimate capital. Anon the production from labor or from life in the form of goods, services, art and music, or saved up excess in the form of gold or money, are secondary to the life or lives that produced them.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Not only cheap but just a game form when some of them do it. They twist words and meanings just to confuse and obfuscate. Now the Republicans are complaining that the current legislation under consideration is not a "stimulous package" but it is a "spending package". Obama got fired up and rightly so nailing the SOB's for this word twisting stupidity. Of course the stimulous is a spending package. All but the silly Repubs know it is one and the same thing. This quote maybe humourous but that is all, it is otherwise shallow and useless. Congress is suppose to talk. What would you rather have a dictator who simply acts.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Mike why do write ass backwards, do you talk that way. You say bodies government instead of government bodies, what is that all about. You say "inherent right alien" do you mean "inherent alien rights" and what is that all about. Do you really mean "inalienable rights". What are alien rights in your opinion.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Jim K who the hell, I mean heck, is WE. TV yesterday said 70% of the people back the President in his efforts to stimulate the economy. Be careful my friend when you try to infer or lay upon us unsuspecting ones your views and validate it by saying "we are not going to like it". Bastiat just speaks platitudes. While it sounds good and warms our hearts and sounds like fun whatever he is saying what does he really mean. Of course the Europeans who came to North America plundered the Native Americans, the Hawaiians, the Eskimos. All the conquerors plundered and wrote their laws upon society. Is Bastiat talking about the pluderers before the revolution of 1848 or after it. Yes it has fallen to humble man to write the rules as we did after WWII, what else is poor mankind suppose to do live like animals without trying to have some rules.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

BS. Credit or debt makes the world go round. When I have debt and the things debt has acquired for me I then know and can look at what I am working for. Unmanageable debt is a noose most often of ones own choosing. Those who admire gold and capital formation must also admire debt and credit. All capital is invested in hard assets or loaned to others for the sole purpose of returning a profit. Yes the hard assets buildings and machinery owe a debt back to the capital lender. Debt such as the Reagans, Bushes, and Cheney's have passed on to posterity are not a debt of posterities own choosing but yes has put them in a place of sevitude to service the debt of others.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Mike from Norwalk always says that each of us are a sovereign, sooo why don't we each issue our own money. Otherwise I don't know what Ezra is talking about, maybe he should have stayed with poetry.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Okay Warren I googled "Dick Cheney deficts don't matter" and I got a plethoa of stuff to read. He said to O'Neill the Sec of Treasury "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter and we won the by elections and now we are due another tax cut." The quote is said to have proved to the economists the "total economic illiteracy of the Bush administration". None of this however I am sure will have any meaining to you.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Your question is answere right in the above quote Archer. Jefferson is saying that any debt should have only a life of 19 years, thus by deduction he is saying debt is okay. Read man read. As far as Warren and Bryan and especially Warren they show their total lack of honestly reviewing any records concerning deficts and national debt. Morally they are no better than Holocaust Deniers in my opinion. Way to go Reston Guy keep keeping them honest Bud. Bryan is correct about one thing a button is pressed on a Treasury computer twice a day and the silly thing does a summation of the face value of all of the serialized (Serial Numbered Bonds) bonds and the accrued interest thereon and voila, you got the National Debt. Cheney said "deficits don't matter" Warren but I will google it again to make sure. Stay tuned but I give up wondering if you can ever open your mind to facts.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Very good Editor, thank you. Now this sounds like the ever pragmatic Jefferson. The Obama reversal of the Bush torture regime or regimine is an example of Jefferson's idea of a nation being torn between what it knows is right morally and what it may do immorally to protect what it perceives as its own against other nations

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Always the practical man. TJ also defended or advanced the right of the new nation to go into debt. It is interesting that he also thought that there should be limitations on it also. Not like Dick Cheney who espoused the "Audacity of Debt" by saying "deficits don't matter". The US pretty much had been able to see the end of its debt. Reagan and Bush swamped that notion, Clinton had us getting out and then came Bush II.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

I agree this does not sound like Jefferson! Jack you raise a valid supposition. Principle means "a general truth or law" or "that which is inherent in anything". Principal means "first in rank, or importance" or "paramount". In either case I think one could have a good arguement or at least discussion with old Tom on this one and what is it he is actually trying to say. (Jim K. I responded to your inquiry of yesterday concerning "gold and goodwill" at yesterdays quote page.)

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Think for a moment guys think. Think experiments is how Einstein and others came up with and proved their positions. Societies have existed successfully for thousands of years without Gold. Did Norse society have gold, did Hawiian or Tahitian society have gold. Gold is just another form of accounting. What societies that work correctly need is a tried and trusted form of accounting and Good Will among its members. Gold may have been useful for this, but really now, today I belive it is blase and passe.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

What balderdash and gibberish. The ultimate store of wealth is man's good will.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Gold is a soft basically useless metal. It's color is pretty but you can't eat it or use it for much else. Playing with gold is like plaaying with oneself.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Greenspan has been discredited and so has gold.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

If there is offense and defense then I humbly suggest there is no natural law. Natuarl law operates without interference from outside forces. The term is obviously a ruse uesd by those who want a certain outcome. I suggest that using the term "natural law" is similar to the term "common sense". When people tell you to do a certain way because it is "common sense" what they usually are saying is "do it my way". It would be better for those using this term to be much more commuicative.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Touche Ken touche! And lets get Geithner, and Daschle the tax cheats out of the cabinet. Your words are appropriate and fair Ken, thanks.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

I take a simpler approach to the term "Natural" Law. Natural Law operates whether or not we have words to describe or explain it. Things fell to earth long before man coined the word gravity. But the Natural Law Mike speaks of in the social sphere seems to need to be propagandized taught and learned. I am just not so sure that it is Natural at all. Kennedy's quote I think is closer to the truth that the works of "good" must be done by man by enacting laws such as Moses did with Gods help or vice versa when He handed down the Commandments. If the tenets espoused in the Commandments are natural why do we have to be taught them and then teach them to our kids.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

If we actually minded our own business would we really have time to be on a web site like this, and isn't telling someone to "mind their own business" really a form of interfering in their business. If I am a free person is not my business anything I choose it to be. If there is really such a thing as Natural Law in reference to social and politcal things and realities why doesn't it just operate on its own naturally?.Why must we have to promote it? Maybe what is truly natutal is the way things are today. Maybe all things are right with the world today, with just a few adjustments. Jim K at least the Dems in Congress have the support of the Republican Governors. The Republicans in Congress are playing their usual games based on ignorance and stupidity.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

The desire for immediate gratification ie greed is much of the problem with American society.

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