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Posts from Waffler, smith

Waffler, smithWaffler, smith
Waffler, Smith

You should care J. Colonial Virginia was neglected by the Crown, They devised a method to govern themselves, the method was democracy in an elected House of Burgesses. Government of, by, and for (that is democracy) started there. The Constitution and Declaration was substantially written and thought through by these Virginia lovers of democracy. Only a person with their head in the sand would say "who cares". When you think of the "ignorance is bliss" look in the mirror J man.

Waffler, Smith

Democracy was practiced in Jamestown. While they still were loyal to the Crown they elected representatives to the House of Burgesses. It was not a republic it was a monarchy with democratic politics. The US is a republic (independent geographical region) with democracy. North Korea is a republic with totalitarianism, period! The biggest ignorance extant today is the BS about Republic not a Democracy.

Waffler, Smith

Learn to read Archer. The kids and their parents chose those paths. The state did not make them do it. As in the past children and parents chose trades, apprenticeships etc. And I perceive you did not pay for crap. In fact I perceive that your entire political, phiosophical mind frame is informed by or twisted by the fact that you think you are going to pay for something.

Waffler, Smith

Again I see this quote as a "I'm superior to you mentality, a mentality that leads to totalitarianism." Some called Hitler a genius who knew all the answers, burned all the books of the ignorant and searching ones, the philosphers, thinkers, liberals, etc. Often we need to approach things with a long term rather than short term view. In the long term I suggest that the ignorant and searching ones win and the short term smart asses (like Hitler) lose.

Waffler, Smith

I have met few on this site who perceive that they know less. Hmm......Joe is right. North Korea and China are also republics. So while Joe is right his point is exactly what? As in the previous quote of Dr. Johnson I think he needs to perceive more about how little he really knows about the politcal make of this our country. I just came from Jamestown, Va. They consider that place to be the beginning of American democracy when the town was run by the House of Burgesses. The place was still under the monarcy at that time, they did not declare themselves to be a republic but did practice elective democracy. Joe "A Republic" is nothing more than an independent geographical entity like North Korea and China. Nothing more and nothing less. Isn't it amazing how Jim K can single out others who know lesser and lesser. How about a little humility of your own dear jim k.

Waffler, Smith

A thought provoking quote. But to me it smacks of or leaves open the question "Just who are the ignorant"?. This open question allows supermen type, Nazi types to step into the void and tell us who they are. I feel certain Boorstin was ignorant about something. The only ignorance we need to fear is the ignorance of failing to research things and look things up.

Waffler, Smith

You cannot be educated if you are not permitted to travel, be with other people, etcetera. Dr. King knew as did Thurgood Marshall that a people who are walled off from others either by force or de facto cannot be educated. It was no different in this regard for blacks in America than it was for children in totalitarian countries. That Archer considers the British caste system and education as superior to US is repugnant. Many know that people born in England are trained to know of their position in life and they are to accept it and not to change or improve it.

Waffler, Smith

In cities of the antebellum south it was codified that a slave was not allowed "to think". How can a being who is not allowed to think be allowed education.

Waffler, Smith

I am talking about my 1950's/1960's education, Carlton. Two of the nicest men I have ever worked with were Jewish and Egyptian Muslim. I have done computer programming sitting next to a Sikh. Now you and I know of ignorant, ugly and mean people everywhere, so what is your point? You wish to impute the traits of the few the the majority. I choose to see the majority of all shades of persuasion that are good and be wary of the few. I acknowledge that there are problems of tolerance in the world but am not willing to go down your road into the abyss of despair.

Waffler, Smith

If Archer would ever study history he would know that there is no twisting going on here. Sometime in the 19th century a form of civil service testing and bureaus were established to prevent political hacks from changing things at whim. If he did any reading at all he would know that hearings and time for public comment are constanly established when any change in the way of doing things is contemplated. He undoubtedly objects even to this public comment idea since he abhors not really government but he abhors people, the public, the so called collective. He in effect wants to do whatever he wants to do and every one else including his neighbor be damned.

Waffler, Smith

BIG! BIG! BIG! I mean really BIG NEWS! Check it out and find me a time when education was not broken. Find me a time when education met any of you all's dreams of perfection. Giving a kid a book and expecting some type of nirvana reaction is as immature as is Archer. Education is not some type of lobotomy in which you can just pour information or knowledge into the human being. The purpose of childhood education is to give learning opportunities and diverse choices to the student so that he/she may make choices as they grow from grade to grade and into life. Parents are just as bad as private schools, churches etc in funneling children. I submit that a village, or state funded education affords the child the greatest choices. One of my child hood friends majored in wood shop, another auto shop, my brother in business, I in college prep. Tell me of "private institutions" that meets the customers need as those schools did.

Waffler, Smith

Yes we can, yes we can think differently. Thank goodness for public education with its wide diversity of peoples, faith, backgrounds etcetera as compared to other more disciplined educational styles.

Waffler, Smith

This is good and is a necessity in a large society. Otherwise every one would be changing things daily. "Standard Operating Procedures" should continue to be "SOP" until the correct authority changes it. Bureacracy was created to end the spoils system of politics and to protect government for the whims of incoming hacks.

Waffler, Smith

Education is the responsibility of the individual. The fact that the village, city, state or church puts tremendous resources available to the individuals disposal does not circumvent this fact. Most people know of motivated students and parents and of unmotivated students and parents. This divergence between people is not the problem the problem PRODUCT.

Waffler, Smith

So what don't we shut up about them and me mature men and accept what is natural. Living by the laws of nature "death and taxes" is healthy. Quit driving yourselves nuts by fighting against nature, especially you Mike.

Waffler, Smith

Yeah we work hard for our food and shelter too! Hell we work hard for everything. Silly Cal, should have again stayed quiet. I don't know who was worse in their use of the English language, Cal or Ron. It is a good election ticket though to promise people government without taxes.

Waffler, Smith

whin I said "we do it" I meant of course we overthrow the government. That is what elections and democracy is. Sadly to many do not know that democracy is all about overthrowing the government regularly and so they cling to some ill begotten ideas of guns being for that purpose. So sad so very very sad!

Waffler, Smith

Yes! A thousand times yes! And in the USA we do every two years for Congress and every for years for the Executive Branch. It should never be done by gun and anyone who tries to do it by gun should be squashed like a bug.

Waffler, Smith

The argument is succinct and not bad but I generally think Lysander is as goofy as his name. Under the law as we have it today there is a concept of criminal neglect. If a person fails to maintan machinery or automobile in accordance with standard practice and safety and others are hurt by that negligence he can and, I suggest should, and is held accountable as a criminal. While "he" of course meant no intent, the courts have time and again have found his vice of slovenliness a crime.

Waffler, Smith

This guy would have loved Lester Maddox, Leo is right on. Obviously Civil Rights laws are not about what is right or what is wrong, they are about what is best. It is the considered opinion of the American people that personal property rights should be damned in comparison to human rights. If one offers his service at large to the "public" he cannot create subclasses of what public means in order to suit his prejudices. Overwhelmingly Americans see this as fair and correct.

Waffler, Smith

Mike the military constantly surveys the opinions and attitudes of its members, offficers, and rank and file. Soldiers can and do complain to their congreesman or the inspector general. Mike is totally against "collectivism", I guess he is also against Jesus' dictum "Wherever two or more are gathered together......."

Waffler, Smith

Gunny Cee shows his colors or value system when he says doing a service for the public is not a valuable thing. It is sort of like "the public be damned"!

Waffler, Smith

Government, good government that is just like any good company or organization enlists the input, feedback and cooperation of its emploees. The military does this also. There are military orgs outside of direct channels as well as orgs in virtually every government agency that assist in this feedback and collection of data, complaints etc from the rank and file. That is good all around. Government employees are not and should not be drones or slaves.

Waffler, Smith

If the people can organize as "the government" and if the people can organize as "the corporation" then the employed individuals of these entities can or should be able to organize as "the employees". Where did all the contributors who believe in the rights of individuals go if they would only selectively allow the right to organize.

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