Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-125] of 2040Posts from Waffler, smithWaffler, smith Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith 8/22/11 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote White collar criminals should be treated just as harshly as the $500 dollar convenience store stick up man. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 8/22/11 re: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon quote I think this is childish philosophy. A child sees all rules of parents, school, etcetera as oppressive until he is able to learn the reason why. Of course children are poor and weak but soon enough learn the reason for "law", I wish I could say the same for y'all! Reply Waffler, Smith 8/22/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote Okay but I like to see some more love of these principles by contributors on this site. They seem to be one way when it comes to expressing a free opinion. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/17/11 re: Michael Badnarik quote There is no such thing as a capitalized NWO. A new world order exists every time a child is born, or a new generation takes over. This is as it should be and as Jefferson said it should be. We must have faith in our progeny and in the world order they will create. 12Reply Waffler, Smith 8/17/11 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote The Constitution is a document-law that defines how the new government that it established is to work. It is not a philosophical treatise that describes or dictates every aspect of human relations etcetera. It is not written in stone and in fact allows for a process of amendment for when the people see fit to change it. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/16/11 re: Michael Badnarik quote Much truth in what he says. The art of states craft and diplomacy is a sticky wicket. Nations actions result in responses etcetera. Ours is not the only nation that his been imperfect in this regard. A great quote was repeated this morning on TV. In 1936 Roosevelt responded to all the hatred he was receiving from right wing Republicans. He said, "I welcome their hatred." Reply Waffler, Smith 8/10/11 re: Cal Thomas quote Mike the government has no money to create jobs. If you read the news you would know that the corporations have trillions of cash. The corporations should give the cash to their employees and let them spend it and thus increase consumption. What we are now experiencing is the "capitalist fallacy". The petty micro capitalist is only interested in himself. He makes money on his workers labor but does not pay them enough so they can go out and by the product of another capitalist. The capitalist meet in their country clubs and bewail the fact that they are selling anything. If they would all increase wages then the workers of all the capitalist could buy each others products. Those stuck in this micro environment cannot see the macro or big picture of the nation and they call on the government to do it all. The poor government bailed them all out and now it is time for them to return the favor. Increase their taxes and let government spend the money on waht the nation needs, road and bridge repair, etcetera ad infinitem. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/10/11 re: Frank Chodorov quote Mike pure capitalism does what ever it wants to do with its money. State capitalism is a mix of pure capitalism with its money power with community power. In pure capitalism cities, towns, states and governments would have no say or power. Again Mike pure free capitalism can and does make fake doggie poop, the US Government or community of people but a Man on The Moon. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/10/11 re: Spiro Agnew quote If it were not for poor people and their slums there would not be any rich people. These people use soap, groceries, toilet paper that make all the stock holders of the companies that make and market this stuff rich. So have some respect for the poor and their slums. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/10/11 re: Spiro Agnew quote Spiro was scum. I know people who say that there is nothing worthwhile to see between Chicago and Orlando. Certainly every slum is different with different houses, people and a whole wonderful world to explore. Just as interesting for real people to explore as is a community of suburban sprawl. Hitler would have loved this quote, it is a little like his Jews are vermin propaganda. I say love a slum today! Reply Waffler, Smith 8/10/11 re: Frank Chodorov quote State capitalism: Man On The Moon, Hoover Dam. Panama Canal, Discovery of the New World By Spain. Private Capitalism: The Hula Hoop, Plaster Doggie Poop etcetera. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/9/11 re: Cal Thomas quote He has done no such thing. Poor folk especially of the black race have taken encouragement and optimism from the success of Barack Obama. Black student achievement, self esteem, has increased significantly because of him. The Bush tax cuts were a mistake from the beginning and they were legislated to be "temporary". They must expire. They and the Cheney Administration (aka Bush) are the cause of the nations financial problems. The Cheney doctrine "deficits and debt don't matter" was and is BS. Daniel is on to some good thinking. Social Security and Medicare are only entitlements because we paid for them. The money does not come from the government but from us who paid for it. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/4/11 re: Henry David Thoreau quote I'll go with Reston and Dick today. The injustice of Murdoch and Fox are legion as far as control and using the media for lying and other unjust purposes. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/3/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote I think you totally wrong Jim K. Everyone knows (almost everyone) that health care financing, costs, rip offs etc is totally out of whack in this country. Even the Republicans. When Obama and the Dems pushed the issue the Repubs said yeah okay but not this bill this way. Bush and those guys had eight years to do it and eight years to run a decent economy and balanced government. Instead they enriched the rich, ran the fed budget into the ground.They guru was Dick Cheney who said "Deficits don't matter". I don't think that truth telling is nuts at all and I don't care what derogatory term that you choose to call the truth. IT IS STILL THE TRUTH! Reply Waffler, Smith 8/3/11 re: Michel de Montaigne quote This guy wrote this in the 1500's. Go figure. It would appear that the aversion to law is some kind of psychosis in some folk. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/3/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote He would have been handy during the Civil Rights movements in ths south. The state(s) really did deny equal liberty. Thanks be to the Fed for straightening that all out. This guy is a little obtuse and wordy. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/3/11 re: Charles T. Sprading quote yeah but, government, our government is the people!. How about that for ethical. Are the people and the government sometimes wrong, yes. But consider the opposite, it would be much worse. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Emma Goldman quote Mary, she said that the state has come to a standstill in coping with crime, the truth is the state is still here, if you actually read facts and truth crime is down etc. So she is full of it. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Samuel Adams quote You are a traitor Carlton! Glad to see you are back thinking or at least writing again Warren but sounds like you are in or close to Carlton's traitor camp. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: James A. Bruton, III quote The western territories of the Unted States suffered from lack of law and order. Because of this, vigilante groups of citiznes on occasion, took matters into their own hands, Ancient and current history shows us what happens when law and order are removed from societies. Most of y'all, I must assume have never heard of the down fall of law and order during times of disasters or governmental callapse. I feel it would be foolish of me to mention places like Watts, New Orleans, Baghdad, etcetera to such a group of louts. So I wont. (As for vigilante groups I think they would be right up Mies alley, sort of like private militias. Would you like that Mike?) 13Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Communist Party Education Workers Congress quote Mike you have before complimented my contributions to this site. Oh how you quibble and shift. It is so sweet of Archer to speak for me but unfortunately as usual he is full of BS, thinking that children can be left out in the wild so to speak and learn to think and use logic. Have some respect for the human race and its advanced stages of thinking Archer. Did you not ever go to school? Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Michel de Montaigne quote Unfortunately law is a living thing. Like living things it grows and older parts die or get buried under the heap. This is why law and legal precedent must be researched. Thus it is in a free democracy. In a totalitarian state they have but one law and that is whomever is on the throne. I remember standing in a long line at a sales counter in the last decade and a man complaining about the law that would not let him smoke in the building. Now most folk have accepted or acquiesed to that "law". Is this one or a type of law you guys don't like? Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Max Stirner quote A GREAT QUOTE! It is true that groups, clubs, societies, states, governments enact or acquiese to certain standards, mores, laws, and regulations. For the sake of community, cohesion, happiness of the village, city, town, state, nation, people generally fall into line with these traditions, laws etcetera. Such is life. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/2/11 re: Emma Goldman quote Obviously wriiten sometime in the early part of the previous century maybe as much as 100 years ago. Thus she was obviously full of it. Kimo I know not where you got the year 1939 and she did not say that it started she said that its ability to stop crime ended. The worst quote ever posted on these pages. Carlton apparently prays for the days of the snak oil salesman, more phony drugs etc. Reply Waffler, Smith 8/1/11 re: James A. Bruton, III quote Crimes and laws without an enforcement mechanism ain't worth the paper they are written on. If you have a law and/or a criminal statute you best better have a cop and/or investigator. The wild wild west knew or at least learned this why don't folk know it now? I give the quote a thumbs down for pure stupidity and a huge duh factor! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print