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Posts from Warren, Olathe

Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe
warren, olathe

Social justice is a nice sounding term for totalitarian social oppression. Economic justice is another misnomer. Both in reality have the exact opposite meaning as to what they sound like.

warren, olathe

Yes J. Is it not sad that every thing created by the government, even if the original intent was good, can be turned to support evil? As you may well know Obama campaigned on and still talks about a "domestic” army that will be as large as, and in addition to, our current army. This army he intends to use to control "domestic" terrorism. Make no mistake; he means the very people you are talking about are the ones he means to control. There is no difference in what he intends to do and what was done in pre WWII Germany. Obama knows that speed is of the essence. Hopefully more of his people will start to get concerned. That may be our only hope.

warren, olathe

Dead on. As usual Waffler you are clueless. The amendment process is no longer used. Now we have the courts amend the constitution according to their whim and you, I suppose, would call this another improvement.

warren, olathe

Again Waffler is clueless

warren, olathe

Yes J Carlton. We hosted several exchange students over the years. 2 were from former communist countries. They had a much better understanding of what freedom is all about than most people here. Our lack of freedom tends to be self-imposed where their lack of freedom came from government actions. This seemed to be a more effective way of teaching one to recognize true oppression. Until recently our oppression was mostly imaginary. The students were from Moscow, Siberia, and Serbia. They had very strong feelings about what freedom was all about and certainly had little tolerance for any infringement of it. They were well aware what real oppression was all about and did not understand how so many people here had no clue. Perhaps we are going to have to let it slip thru our fingers before we wake up and realize that it is worth fighting for. Every day we here more news on how Obama is taking another giant step towards the destruction of our system and our constitution. I guess the framers had it right. Our form of government framed by our constitution is only fit to govern a moral people. If the president of the U.S. chooses to ignore the constitution and has control of the congress we are powerless to stop it. If the Supreme Court tries to stop him he can just replace or add justices till he has them in line also. Soon we will not even be able to complain about it on this site.

warren, olathe

As always Waffler you are clueless.

warren, olathe

Is the press the Dem's puppet or are the Dems the press's puppets.

warren, olathe

Obama is to blame you dope. He is the one doing it. The fact that so many people do not pay attention does not justify the destruction of the Constitution. He swore to uphold the constitution when taking office but turns around and says that the constitution is insufficient because it does not require the government to guarantee "redistributive rights". No sane intelligent person could both pay attention to what is happening and still think Obama is any thing but a fascist thug. We have never had to deal with any thing like this before and people are likely to not believe it till it smacks them in the face. The opportunity that the few have to warn others will quickly come to an end. Then it will be too late. Unfortunately Waffler you will not be the only one to suffer the consequences.

warren, olathe

Robert - liberal became a dirty word when "liberals" first claimed that for a label. The word was then perverted beyond recognition from its true meaning. There is absolutely nothing liberal about "liberals".

warren, olathe

Too late. It has already happened. The rest of the private businesses are going to fall like dominoes. I fear that when the people start to wake up there will be no guns to buy, no access to any media, and not even a street corner soap box safe to speak from. No opposition will be allowed.

warren, olathe

Obama is more frightening each day. It may be too late to stop the destruction and by the time he is done it is likely to be impossible to repair. It is baffling how we elected a hate America fascist for a president. It is only possible because of the years of leftist control of the education system in this country. I include the media in the education system.

warren, olathe

When a country truly has individual rights it has no cause for advocating "group" rights. Any one that advocates group rights advocates the destruction of individual rights and therefore the removal of all rights in general. Group rights always assume one group is superior to another and entitled to special privileges. Individual rights are the only true rights that can be had in a free society.

warren, olathe

What are you talking about Waffler? You are all for legislative good intentions. Cost be damned. Full speed ahead with wasteful spending. All you ever need is a politician’s "good intentions" and you are all for it. Yet you say you agree with this quote. You think that the Constitution allows anything you want it to yet you say you agree with this quote. Your drivel never ends.

warren, olathe

Unfortunately the layman’s view of the constitution and several of our Supreme Court Justices' view are one and the same.

warren, olathe

If he were here today he would be called a radical right wing extremist. Obama would have him watched as a possible terrorist. The press would chuckle and joke about his "ludicrous" ideas. Congress would propose legislation to shut him up.

warren, olathe

Waffler, Obama is a disgrace to the office. The systematic destruction of everything that the constitution stood for is under way and all you can do is cheer. The hostile take over of the banking industry and then starting on industry, then the medical and finally oil. Did you ever hear of Juan Peron? Obama is doing the same thing here. Following every step. Everyone is afraid to speak out. The few that do are immediately attacked by the press, not debated, but attacked. The left does not debate because it loses when it tries. It wins the battle by false innuendo and lies. Propaganda is the only thing you know or understand. If Obama succeeds in all he wants, you will not be able to recognize this country in a few years. Obama needs to fail and fail miserably or we are lost.

warren, olathe

Wake up Waffler. You got a fascist in the White House. I suppose you will just think it appropriate when only your opinion will be allowed. It will not be long before people that disagree with you could be looking at prosecution. Just take a look at what is going through the congress right now. It’s coming. The ball is rolling to nationalize every thing in this country and they have already started to push through the legislation that will support criminalizing your speech just on the basis that someone has decided it to be offensive. Our freely elected government managed to get into control by making sure that the voters no longer have enough knowledge of history or our constitution to know better than to vote for someone that promises "redistributive rights", “economic justice", and to "rebuild America on a new foundation". I suppose you might think that sounds good, but that would only prove to be ignorant. Our fearless misleader is now about to select a Supreme Court justice. He has stated that he believes that the court needs to be less concerned about the constraints of the constitution and more concerned about "redistributive rights". Heaven help us if we are told that the constitution protects the theft of property because someone deems it to be "fair".

warren, olathe

Nothing but BS. Read the damn quote Waffler.

warren, olathe

Waffler you voted to throw out the constitution when you voted for Obama. The Supreme Court has 4 members that regularly decide that not only the Constitution is up for individual interpretation, but the constitution is not in fact adequate to be used as a reference to determine whether or not a law should be deemed constitutional. They believe that THEY are better equipped to decide the constitutionality of a question than the constitution or its founders were. To use the constitution as a reference would be a hindrance to them. Richard you have been smoking too much of that stuff.

warren, olathe

I think that that now reads: This constitution...shall be interpreted by the SUPREME JUDGES IN EVERY STATE and shall be bound thereby.

warren, olathe

The constitution is a very small document and is not written in the type of legalese that one might expect. It is quite easily understood and does not allow for the vagaries that some would have you think.

warren, olathe

First place to start is to have the Supreme Court read it.

warren, olathe

You make a good point Mike. Waffler you are the main misinformation specialist on this site. If it wasn't for propaganda you wouldn't know what to think.

warren, olathe

Terry the increase in spending was on domestic giveaway programs. The military was only increased about 90 billion while domestic was increased over 400 billion. The taxes created by the tax cuts more than paid for the necessary military increase but did not come close to paying for the domestic increase. If you find different then your source is full of it.

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