Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [76-100] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply WARREN, OLATHE 4/5/13 re: Lord Acton quote That is bass akwards. Reply warren, olathe 3/23/13 re: Doris Lessing quote anonymous, huh? Reply warren, olathe 1/23/13 re: Adolf Hitler quote I do not know about the folk community but he is right on the point that productive labor is what gives money its value. That is why government spending does not boost the economy. There has to be some type of goods or service produced in exchange for it or it has no value. Moving money from one pocket to another can create no wealth. This concept is entirely too simple for most to understand it. Simple example. If you offered everyone enough money so that they would never have to work again they would soon find that they would in fact end up with nothing unless they went back to work. 72Reply warren, olathe 1/23/13 re: Adolf Hitler quote Hitler always has the best and most educational quotes. The left loved him until he attacked Russia. Margaret Sanger ,founder of planned parenthood, envied Hitler. She said that it was unfortunate that the U.S. would never deal with inferior races like Hitler did. She wanted to use abortion and birth control to rid the country of blacks, Jews and others she considered undesirable. Hitler and Stalin are about all you need to know about Socialism. All socialists are the same. Socialism kills every time it is tried. 3 Reply Warren, Olathe 1/4/13 re: Adolf Hitler quote GOP voting fraud? I guess that anyone that voted GOP would be considered a fraud then. The GOP would never get a way with that. The Dems on the other hand have a free hand because the press is the only arbiter in our elections. If a prosecutor (as in 2009) tries to stop Dems illegal activity he is over ruled by the big O. In previous elections there were many Dems across the country that were caught and some went to jail, but the press ignored it because it did not fit their agenda. I well understand that the left believes,as Hitler did, that the ends justifies the means. If we were a moral society and did not accept corruption, even if we thought it were to our advantage to look the other way, all this crap including Obama would go away. All problems in our government, laws, over spending, fascist hate speech against any one that has money or morals, would end. Hitler is absolutely the best source of quotes and government philosophy. Understanding him and how he won over many people to his vision (including the american left until he attacked Russia) is the best defense against having a similar problem here. I fear we are not far from it at present. Reply Warren, olathe 10/29/12 re: Hillary Clinton quote excellent quote. Need more like it from those progressives. Some how the main public doesn't seem to notice the true nature of the left. 1 Reply warren, olathe 10/28/12 re: Nikita S. Khrushchev quote Excellent quote! If everyone in this country knew more about the thought processes of socialist leaders the left would never get more that 20% of the vote. All the tyrants in history had this as a goal. 4 Reply warren, olathe 10/28/12 re: John Derbyshire quote So sad that this is not obvious to everyone. 1 Reply Warren, olathe 10/28/12 re: Sun Tzu quote The problem is the number of people that do not instinctively know that this is true. Properly teach the constitution in our schools and morality at home and the rest will come together. The founding fathers knew that our republic depended on that. Foreign policy is simple. Do the right thing and be prepared for their worst. Muslim out reach my ass. Reply warren, olathe 10/20/12 re: Walter E. Williams quote He is always right on the money. One of the best minds in this country. Reply warren, olathe 10/20/12 re: John Dobbins quote Fascist? Their has never been a Republican in my knowledge that could be accused of that. The Dems are much closer to that form of government. I am sick of the absolute crap that comes out of peoples empty heads. The fascists are the ones going around trying to convince people that it is the Republicans that are. They try to transfer their guilt on to their political counterparts to make themselves appear less guilty. This is a tactic that is so obvious that I have trouble understanding how people fall for it. Reply warren, olathe 10/20/12 re: John Dobbins quote Unfortunately the Rep party has only managed to slow the growth when in power. Mostly because every attempt receives endless hate speech from the press as a reward for doing what is necessary. Now they are going to have to nickel and dime away over a trillion a year overspending caused of the "stimulus" package while the press demonizes every suggestion made to correct it. Unfortunately they are politicians and rationalize that they will loose their job when they get singled out by the press for their actions. You can not argue that they are wrong. What needs to happen is the people have to demand action and punish lack of it. When they begin to fear the people instead of what is said about them by the press we will see movement in the right direction instead of just slower movement in the wrong direction. The american voter has for too long rewarded intentions over actions. We are to lazy to investigate instead of just accept what we are told. The poor education system is no excuse for not being informed and not learning about our constitution, its founders, and the philosophy that brought it about. If every voter did his civic duty and became an informed voter all this would be corrected very quickly. We may not survive what was done to this country by Obama, but I fear another term by him would sink us for sure. We have to add action to our complaining. Complaining on its own only lets us feel like it is not our fault when lack of action is the problem. Being good men is not enough. Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Justice Joseph Story quote Leaders are men of integrity. The masses ridicule them. Call them stupid and out of date. Lies and slander is all that will be printed or broadcast about them while the panderers will be hailed as "visionary", we are all responsible for allowing the "information" peddlers to fill the minds of the gullible with rot. It is time to clean out the vipers nest and be vigilant protecting our liberty from them. so that Obama can sue the state again. Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Howard C. Peterson quote The kind of quotes I like to see. Education is the key to freedom. 1 Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Kort E. Patterson quote Yep. Always somebody willing. Arizona I am sure has plenty of people that are willing to call up Obama to tell on somebody looking for illegal so that Obama can sue the state again. Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Joseph Sobran quote Great!! Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Dr. Leonard Horowitz quote It is ridiculous to claim that we could spare any building during carpet bombing during day and night raids. Sounds like a KOOK to me. Just like some of the other comments in here. Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: Joseph Paul Goebbels quote How many times in here have we been told by some one that the Nazi party were right wingers and not socialist? Very good quote. Reply warren, olathe 6/30/12 re: J. Edgar Hoover quote When will it be ok to point out communists again and not ok to denigrate conservative constitutionalists? Reply warren, olathe 6/28/12 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote I like the guy but this is crap. In fact I think he has it backwards. Reply warren, olathe 6/28/12 re: Mikhail Gorbachev quote It was Wilson's dream. He got this crap started. He has to be the worst, or at least tied for the worst, president in our history because of the path he set us on. His only redeeming feature is that he probably did not know better. Now there is no excuse for what the left is doing. They know that their agenda is destructive and bad for the country but that destruction is the source of their power. That is all that matters to them. They just want the power and to hell with the rest of us. Reply warren, olathe 6/28/12 re: A. M. Rosenthal quote Brain dead. Not worth a quote. Reply Warren, Olathe 6/15/12 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote We have never initiated a war by the whim of one man. Nor is our economy based on war. All that kind of crap is pure Marxist propaganda. You that think that should be ashamed. The quote is true but there is an implication behind it that is not. Reply Warren, Olathe 6/15/12 re: George Will quote It seems that justice is only for Obama buddies these days. Reply warren, olathe 5/4/12 re: Mark Twain quote The reason that government departments that do harm are expanded is because harm is what was intended. The bigger the mess, the more difficult it its for an individual to fend for himself, the more tempting it is to rely on public assistance. To actually make government effective, efficient, and beneficial would put the Dems out of business. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print