Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 71Posts from al, dcal, dc Next 25 1 Reply Al, DC 3/5/20 re: Henry Clay quote Principle over power Reply Al, DC 2/3/20 re: Maxine Waters quote Maxine's wig is not on right, her brain is seeping onto the floor. 21Reply Al, DC 1/17/20 re: Rose Wilder Lane quote Right on sista!Constitutional law is founded in the natural law. 1 Reply Al, DC 1/14/20 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote "Democracy is indispensable to socialism."V. I Lenin Reply AL, DC 8/30/19 re: Rich Granville quote aka: a One world Totalitarian dictatorship. 4 Reply AL, DC 8/13/19 re: Booker T. Washington quote The more things change...the more they stay the same. 1 Reply Al, DC 7/29/19 re: Charles De Gaulle quote LOL!! 2 Reply Al, DC 5/30/19 re: Adolf Hitler quote He aint lyin... 1 Reply Al, DC 5/7/19 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Beautiful. 2 Reply Al, DC 3/26/19 re: Patrick Henry quote "Federal" Reserve notes are not Constitutional money. Reply Al, DC 3/15/19 re: James Madison quote He asks: who shall be permanently armed?The People or the State?The former ensures freedom; the latter perpetual slavery to whom ever controls it.Never forget that the 2nd Amendment requires all men between 17 and 45 to be armed and in a militia. 1 Reply Al, DC 3/14/19 re: James Madison quote He asks: who shall be permanently armed?The People or the State?The latter ensures freedom; the former, perpetual slavery to whom ever controls it.Never forget that the 2nd Amendment requires all men between 17 and 45 to be armed and in a militia. 3 Reply Al, DC 3/4/19 re: Edward L. Bernays quote He aint lyin: the first place the owners of civilization possess is the common persons mind. 2 Reply Al, DC 11/2/18 re: Westbrook Pegler quote If WE can keep it... Reply Al, DC 10/25/18 re: Sir Denison Miller quote Here,! Reply Al, DC 10/12/18 re: Abraham Lincoln quote Aint it the truth Abe...aint it the truth?! 1 Reply Al, DC 10/9/18 re: Adolf Hitler quote 9-11... Reply Al, DC 8/15/18 re: Homer Simpson quote LOL 1 Reply Al, DC 6/26/18 re: Frederick Douglass quote The more things change, the more they stay the same. 2 Reply Al, DC 4/12/18 re: Glenn Harlan Reynolds quote Also no standing Army. 3 Reply AL, DC 3/7/18 re: Tench Coxe quote A republic if we can keep it! 1 Reply AL, DC 1/31/18 re: The Bible quote Money changers:OUT! 1 Reply AL, DC 11/15/17 re: George Washington quote Death to the political party 1 Reply AL, DC 10/2/17 re: Henry Grady Weaver quote "Unrestrained majority rule" is a dictatorship.This is why the Founders gave us a Republic-- if we can keep it. 1 Reply AL, Dc 4/20/17 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Oh the Irony of that quote Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print