Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [351-375] of 811Posts from anonanon Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anon 10/13/09 re: Samuel Adams quote Waffler, your vote means nothing in reality and I'm willing to bet it is the only decision you dictate to yourself in your ongoing fantasies that you really do dictate and control your own life. Reply Anon 10/13/09 re: Oscar Wilde quote Controlled slavery enslaves the creative imagination in many ways but thanks to the ingenuity of the free spirit slavery prods and forces the imagination to rise out of the stagnation of controlled thought thus captured thought enlivening once again that individual's imagination which is conducive to free thought. In this day, free thought is essentially more important than it normally is. The best government is the least government when one governs another. The best government is the most government when the individual governs himself. When no one responsibly governs thenself first and others after we get what America has become. Reply Anon 10/13/09 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote For every one that can be or do something better than someone else that bested person has something else he can do better. No one has any ability that is wasted. It is all for the good as long as ego doesn't allow one to think his self is any better than others just because of his particular strengths. That is not treating your neighbor as you would have him treat you. 1 Reply Anon 10/13/09 re: Ludwig Von Mises quote John Donich, You said "This is the philosophical reason why we as westerners don't understand diversity and practical equity. Until we drop this ignorant idea that the west is the way we will fall just like every ruling ideology."----------What diversity is the most recognized when the right to choose of any individual is respected and what practical equity is shared so evenly when every citizen of the world is equal to all others under natural laws. It is only men's laws that change that equality with such selfishness that could only create the idea of the divine right of kings when in truth there is only one king. It is wise to remember that present day westernization is not the way the west was to go 230 years ago and America's present day methods of empire building were far from the desires of what our founders hoped for. The selfish and greedy have altered (corrupted) constitutional methods for their benefit and the greedy of society, thinking the economy constitutional and born in a very materialistic society, think this way of life is just and deserved one has a right to and that rights have something to do with access to the money and things money buy and then they are free. True westernized freedom is not what you seem to think it is as judged by your condemnation of it. 1 Reply Anon 10/12/09 re: Auguste Comte quote and since morals (ideals) show us the perfection of being god like in loving all life created by life because in essence all that's created IS good it is only choices by mankind that carry consequence that create bad, error, or sinful events that hurt our own development into higher life forms and in fact harm us. When mankind once again decides to seek moral truth and put its power into effect as law on earth as was once done with the american constitution, If mankind somehow sees the light again, heaven can still be created here on earth as it is with god. The one. The first and eternal individual the powers of which we can't even fathom lest a new truth set you right and remind of your lack of knowledge regarding his unlimited abilities. Those abilities that are his are ours as well and use them rightly, in all aspects of life, peace and heaven is created on earth and the opposite creates hell. This is an immutable law of god's nature or nature's god and because this truth is unknown to the many the decay of world society, particularly American, is a natural inevitible event. These events of moral breakdown by both citizenry and public officials in our lives IS the decay of society purposely targeted by world government advocates with the influencial financial power to cause loss of faith in the constitutional structure of our form of self government justifying the growth of more controls and the need for an international union that in law, will have no bounds regardless of physical boundaries. Simply, the world is being set up. Individual morality is the answer and there is no other one that will change the damage done and turn things around. Reply Anon 10/12/09 re: Auguste Comte quote Social positivism is corralment and the current statist mutation (it changes daily) further centralizes its power over the various corporate powers of the world debt has made them vulnerable to, and by extension to every living being on earth. We not only misuse the moral principles of natural law that (good for some not for others) are beyond shadow of doubt self evident eternal truths, we also misuse physical natural law and of course disrespect of the first naturally leads to disrespect of the second affecting the balance of natural effects in a negative way in not fully appreciating the FACT that it is finite in its creation and so if invention be free then if it benefits one man and harms no other by its invention if love thy neighbor as thyself is the rule of thumb, (morality) and helping others helps oneself then how is one's labor robbed if his every effort is to help others and their efforts are to help him and all others to cooperate WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENT (centralization centers ripe for infiltration even when limited as our administrations once were) other than the family and the community to see that no one needs or wants more than the natural balance of the earth can provide for. It's always been about where things equalize and harmonize to keep things running smooth and since morals (instructions showing list of respecting rights never been Reply Anon 10/11/09 re: Samuel Adams quote Good point Archer, dictating one's own life is the natural state of existence we are born into and freedom is the right of each to freely choose with consent to enter into any relationship with any one for any reason and at the same time the right to choose not to do the same. Absolute freedom begins at this natural self evident line in the sand that when crossed naturally and common sensically, with a neutral viewpoint, creates a natural loss of freedom. A point people miss is that the Constitution was to begin with, with freedom, what the respect of every individual life creates, foremost in mind, an agreement consented to for the purpose of limiting freedom without snuffing it out. It's a fact that the natural first agreement that is made by any man or group of men everytime they peacefully meet is to mutually respect each other by voluntarily with natural (non spoken) agreement to limit freedom so no one suffers personal injury to life and property that comes from criminal behavior that may be exercised by some individuals. This is the natural process that exists between individuals that the great experiment attempted to define and protect. Free association. Protecting freedom is the second thing the Constitution is supposed to do. Limiting it by punishing exercises of it that overstep the natural law that protects every individual's rights is individual freedom lost. From that line in the sand (the compromise), it becomes self evident as to how free an individual is once he takes a look at the restrictions that legally bind him into service without the choice to break those binds simply, easily, and as legally as it was when he signed the contracts. It's called freedom to choose and even setting aside the fact most are never informed of this loss of rights VOLUNTARILY waived there is still no law that can be written to deny an individuals free and natural right to say stop, no, I don't want to play your game anymore, I want to play the game nature has laid out for all of us that promotes peace and life that our Constitution protects rather than your game that, obviously, promotes war and death purely for financial profit leading to personal power over the way the world is governed through economic physical and mental slavery. It's always been a matter of who dictates and controls life as it is the natural instinct of some to dictate over others for their own benefit without a care for the life it is controlling. Reply Anon 10/10/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote RBESRQ, Your hypocrisy shows when you use the words "I deal with science and those elements that science can provide evidence." What? You don't BELIEVE in any of it as explaining what you are and why you are here? What is it you "deal" with when you express your ethics on here? I guess there's nothing you believe in then and science and self evident ethics are just there to be used...see this is where your line of thought loses its reality. Do you believe in yourself then? Atheism and God is dead mentality is a religion because religion in its purest form within the individual is believing in what his eyes can see, his heart feels, and himself, his belief and the strength of that belief it is what determines faith from simple to zealous. Can you tell me you believe in nothing? Your statement reminded me of a bumper sticker that said 'my karma transcends your dogma' and it is right away evident they are 2 sets of beliefs religiously held, simply in some cases, with zeal in others. You are a zealot in that you zealously stand on your position that Atheism is not a religion. In other words it is something that no one believes in, is that right? 1 Reply Anon 10/10/09 re: Karl Marx quote Waffler, Show me where Marx or Marxism offers free choice to the individual because everytime he or she doesn't, it KILLS the free spirit of man unless he gives up his choice by consent. If forced to give it up by gunpoint or law, it is death to the power that the exercise of the right to choose expresses and what is total death but the loss of all power (rights) on earth? It's a matter of realizing that there is death of the spirit as well as death of the body and forced slavery, particularly economic, kills. Research on whether Marx killed anyone? Waffler, that was a naive question and I suspect you know that. Reply Anon 10/9/09 re: Samuel Adams quote "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Simple enough to understand, there is only one creation and set of natural laws that go with it, in our existence anyway. 1 Reply Anon 10/9/09 re: Richard Rumbold quote Providence didn't. The few put the spurs on once here and then convinced the millions their survival on earth and salvation after death depended on their being ridden by the few (the so called smarter than everybody else). Plain and simple the ridden of the world have been duped. Reply Anon 10/9/09 re: Sir Richard John Cartwright quote Waffler, freedom of choice does allow for the right to join with others as a majority and effect policy and law but you seem to forget that the Constitution is supposed to protect the individual (minority of one) from acts of a majority that deny the minority's right to choose what is best for him by enacting policy or law that denies the individual that first of all natural rights. THAT is what natural rights and freedom is all about. The freedom to choose as long as the choice does not harm anybody else. Please, could you give an example of "some" basic rights that you believe no amount of a majority can interfere with."? In comparison, an example of a right the majority can interfere with and how exactly that action does not take away from and individual's freedom to choose? Freedom of choice is the foundation of freedom and though you can freely choose to join with others, that does not automatically give that majority the right to deny the choice of the minority of 49% or the minority of one under natural law rights PROTECTED by the Constitution. 1 Reply Anon 10/9/09 re: Karl Marx quote The difference between Jesus and Marx was that Jesus left you a choice to give to those who need where Marx offered no choice thereby changing the precepts of natural law for the purpose of control. Jesus never forced anyone to believe in him and if you didn't you were free to go your own way whereas Marx killed you for trying to go your own way. Freedom to choose and to act upon those choices was the difference and I add that every choice does carry consequences. Reply Anon 10/7/09 re: Council on Foreign Relations quote Jim k, your post brought up an interesting question. Do they they still say a pledge of allegiance to our REPUBLIC anymore? Reply Anon 10/7/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote Cal, in answer to your question, kids are taught in 1st grade that the government is there to take care of you. The seed is planted and all the social programs you mentioned are the fruit of that seed. Knowing your posts I think you asked the question rhetorically but I couldn't resist answering it. 3 Reply Anon 10/7/09 re: Council on Foreign Relations quote E Archer, haven't heard from Waffler yet but this is one of the structures he spoke of the other day that has influence in America toward a NWO that he said such structuring was a good thing. I have one question for him and his DEMOCRACY. Where and when do we get to vote for these people and how come we hear almost nothing about them? Thumbs down for the intent and follow through of the idea in the quote. Reply Anon 10/7/09 re: Auguste Comte quote "Since there are no divine rights anymore..." Heh heh heh, Ha ha ha, This made me laugh so hard I doubled up on the floor. Every individual's rights are of divine nature. Reply Anon 10/7/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote All people have talents to make something of himself and unless physically or mentally disabled the choice is to be responsible for himself or if that choice be ineffectual then the choice is automatically to starve to death or become an irksome burden on the talents (abilities) of others to support their (the ineffectual) livelihood. To be free from freedom is laziness on the one side and when the lazy needs to be fed he feeds off the labor (expressed talents) of the responsibly free and now you have theft on the other side. Legalize it and you have slavery which is simply legalized theft. 1 Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: Josiah Warren quote And when individualism and the respect for it is gone, so goes freedom. Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Ten stars. 4 Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: Albert Einstein quote Einstein is also speaking of the pied piper and his sweet sounding music that lures our children into his trap. He is also referring to those who don't think for themselves and listen to what their own hearts are telling them 24/7 if they would only choose to listen to that instead of the pied piper. It has and will always be a matter of choice. Einstein might argue with me and stick with his nothing above the spinal cord description and I would agree with him because both our descriptions picture the same situation, brain dead. Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: John Stuart Mill quote E Archer, agreed. Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: Samuel Huntington quote J, I think the cracks are caused not so much by what they report but what they don't report after an aware individual takes a good look around and then desires some place that's talking about and reflects what he is seeing that is not being reported. Cracks here, cracks there, cracks everywhere. That's what happens to a poorly poured foundation and when it crumbles the natural foundation will be built on again. Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: John Stockwell quote Natural law regarding the natural individual rights of the individual with the force to punish ANY violations of such are the only laws that need enforcing in a free society. Quit being so naive Waffler. Support your local sheriff. -------------------------------- Reply Anon 10/6/09 re: Episcopal Church General Convention quote So Waffler, you are a traitor to the sovereignty that was once America. Good show. A foreign organization's structures to bring about ITS sovereignty are based in the US and it's a good thing. I have to laugh again Waff because what you consider a good thing is based in evil intent and so cannot stand just as any other realm that existed that enslaved mankind. It's not natural, it's created by men for the sole purpose of controlling and enslaving the nations of the world, and of course, the individuals within without regard to their natural rights. It was doomed from its inception and guys like you just don't see it....yet. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print