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Posts from bruski, Naples FL

bruski, Naples FLbruski, Naples FL
Bruski, Naples FL


I would change "Liberal" to socialist.

And, I believe Reagan was correct.

Bruski, Naples FL

PPT aka the plunge protection team is hard at work.

Bruski, Naples FL

"What fools these mortals be!"

William Shakespeare in Puck.

Mr. Greenspan & Co. are the captains of our Ship of Fools floating in an ocean of fiat money.

Massive deflation and then on to hyperinflation. Nice work Alan.

Bruski, Naples FL

Sad that we have refused to listen to our Founding Fathers; especially George Washington in his farewell address.

Semper Fi.

bruski, naples FL

The biggest "takers" are in the military industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower described in his farewell speech.

And, the "crony capitalists" are right in there getting theirs.

Bruski, Naples FL

So true in all phases of our lives.

But, especially in how we govern ourselves.

Bruski, Naples FL

Wish that our congress would follow this line of thinking.

Will they?

My guess is no.

Bruski, Naples FL


But, sad to say that the majority of Americans have forgotten the Declaration and our Constitution.

Semper Fi.

bruski, naples FL

Too bad and tragic that the Joker in the White House and the Clowns in Congress have forgotten what made America great.

Looks to me that the "Crony Capitalists" and the Socialists are winning the war against freedom.

Semper Fi.

Bruski, Naples FL

We should reinstate "Universal Military Training" which was instituted after World War II by Harry S. Truman.

All U.S. Citizens should serve in some way.

Will it happen? Of course not. We have become a nation of wimps.

Semper Fi

Bruski, Naples FL

Oh, how I wish we would listen to our Founding Fathers.

"Avoid foreign entanglements".

And, many other words of wisdom.

Bruski, Naples FL

The socialist/communist bloc loves to hate simple clear ideas that are clearly demonstrated over long periods of history.

"Bread and circuses" to hold the people.

bruski, naples FL

Amen to the above from Ronw13.

"Universal military training" should be re-esatablished for ALL American Citizens. 18 months of service in some form for both men & women.

Marine Corps was a very good thing for me. Joined in 1958 because we had to serve for 6 years of reserve & active duty.

For those who are against violence, serve in hospitals.

Semper Fi.


bruski, naples FL

Amen, Maggie.

Now let's try to regain our precious freedom from the socialists tearing it away from us.

bruski, naples FL

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

Lord Acton

bruski, naples FL

Our Founders understood the evils of "absolute power". They experienced it and studied the history of it.

The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution are beautiful expressions limiting and protecting us from those evils.

bruski, naples FL

She has it dead on and from the personal experience of living with the evils of collectivism.

Our problem today is expressed so well by Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and he is US!"

bruski, naples FL

Says it ALL about "Dick", a 5 time draft dodger who loves war as long as he doesn't serve in combat or is at risk in any way.

"Dick" represents much of what's wrong with our precious country. Both parties and much of congress.

bruski, naples FL

How far we have traveled from rule of law to rule of men?

For me, it seems to be a long way.


bruski, naples FL

Yes! Truly the foundation of our 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights.

Defense against evil "wrongdoers" is ALWAYS a 'sad necessity'.

Semper Fidelis

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