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Posts from cal, Lewisville, tx

cal, Lewisville, txcal, Lewisville, tx
cal, Lewisville, TX

I liked the "iron lady".

cal, Lewisville, TX

One also enslaves himself when he only sees himself as a victim. One must take charge of himself.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffler, are you for Hillary or Bernie? It has to be one or the other.

cal, Lewisville, TX

I about always agree with Walter Williams

cal, Lewisville, TX

Cal was a rare breed especially coming from Vermont . Bernie Sanders ring a bell.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Jefferson was our greatest president without any doubt.

cal, Lewisville, TX

It seems our government often believes that our liberties are a gift from that same government.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffler is dead wrong. I wish I had studied foreign language sooner. It really does teach one how to study.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Damn JFK for starting the Federal Department of Education. This invited the Federal courts and centralized the state's school system beyond repair.

cal, lewisville, tx

Where in our Constitution does it support "selective service?"

cal, lewisville, tx

Rand escaped from the Soviet Union. She knows well about government redistribution. Her father worked his entire life building up his own Pharmacy when suddenly the Communists walked in and informed him it was no longer his property. "This belongs to the people now," they told him.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Harry Browne could never be a democrat or a republican. He was a great Libertarian.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Never liked this judge who helped re-write the constitution and centralized all power to D.C.,but the quote is worthy

cal, Lewisville, tx

In the year 1900 all drugs were legal and most everyone was on drugs. Funny thing that times were peaceful. The DEA didn't come until 1905.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Prohibition created the Al Capone mobs. Drug laws are no different.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Is politically correct ever morally correct? ??

cal, Lewisville, tx

The state of Texas has it in their constitution that the budget must be balanced. We even have a surplus.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Still our greatest president.

cal, Lewisville, tx

We must forgive in order to be forgiven. We all know that we are not perfect.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Obama sent representatives to Brown and Gray's funerals, but to hell with fallen officers.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Very informative H Reardon, but if you are speaking of Romney in2012 then you are only trying to select between the lessor of two evils. If only they had "None of the above" on the ballot.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Loved what Reagan said. What he ended up doing is a whole different matter.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Richard, Jefferson would not be a democrat by today's standards. He was a strong believer in individualism. That would include business owners as well.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

I would gladly carry the old fashioned coin purse knowing what's in it actually has value.

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