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Posts from wAFFLER, sMITH

Waffler, Smith

GunnyCee excuse me if I am wrong but I tend to believe that you generally think Republicans good and Democrats bad. Repulbicans save and Democrats spend, etcetera. I was watching the Ted Stevens, Senator from Alaska funeral. Was interesting to hear him described as the Father of the Earmark. What do you think about that viz a viz your Democrat bad Republican good tirade or rant above.

Waffler, Smith

Anon get use to it I will argue the Republic vs Democray dichotomy (look it up) tell Hell Freezes Over. That there are still people who think there is a dichotomy is amazing to me. America is a republic that is a democracy, North Korea is a republic that is a dictatorship, Get a new vocabulary Anon. If it weren't for me you guys would only be kissing each others derrieres all day. Is that what you are really looking for in a blog site. Why not just stayed tuned to Rush all day and keep your mouths shut, and you might be better off and happy thinking all the world thinks like. Well they don't and November will prove it. The Tea Party candidates have already gone down in flames in many primaries. Lets face it when Obama won you all decided to be miserable for the length of his term. Well you have a year and a half to go at minimum and I would bet more like 5 and 1/2 years.

Waffler, Smith

Yeah Jimmy I am a lousy speller, what are going to do about it? Generally speaking de Toqueville was an admirer of the American experiment in Democracy as he observed and wrote in his "Democracy in America" circa 1830. This quote is so unlike him, but I admit I am no authority on all of his works, nor have read and completely study the above famous referenced work. In a democracy men do not govern other men. Men govern themselves. No men governing no men as Archer would have it is chaos or anarchy! Can any of you explain the philosophical underpennings of the prhase "inequality with freedom". To it means the freedom to take advantage of those whom you deem to be unequal. As Lincoln said. "As I would not be a slave nor would I be a master." Can this not be paraphrased to say, "As I would not be unequal to anyone nor would I be more equal than anyone.". Kindly explain yourselves please,

Waffler, Smith

the quote has some truth but fails to tell the whole story. In the US the government is us. Generally speaking us is a fair and just entity but of course errors occurr and attempts at putting our best foot forward and leaving the other behind are made. Individuals often want to dwell on the errors rather than the successes. Taking the Tillman affair for example, a sad case inddeed. While we have put al qaeda and the Taliban on the run, one of our most famous fighters gets killed by an error of our own, friendly fire. The military and the White House tries to drag this foot behind and continue the best foot forward mentality. In this case I think "they" W should have found a better way of handling it. When a person makes mistakes in the process of doing a job for you but corrects them do you look at the mistakes or the final correctly completed job. We are not perfect thus are government is not perfect but as Churchill said it is the best ever conceived - democracy that is!

Waffler, Smith

the dumbest uglyiest quote I have read. I give it 100 thumbs down. A quote only Vlad the Impaler could love and Mike of course.

Waffler, Smith

"Cheap labor has nothing to do with it", wash your mouth out Mike! "Income" Mike means what comes In. You get more delusional and schizo everyday.

Waffler, Smith

In the same paragraph GunnyCee proclaims our Constitution and then lambasts it by attacking the freely elected government operating under it. He probably thoght the narrowly elected and Supreme Court appointed government of Bush II was some kind of great Constitutional achievement. Gunny I suugest a little patience and respect for your fellow citizens who elected the present government in a substantial relateively speaking "landslide". I support your right to be a vocal dissenter but I think you should clean of your act. What is destroying you loyal oppositionists is your anger and your irrationality. Mark my words this election is not going to be a landslide for the angry and irrational "enemies of Obama". I firmly believe that right and rationality will win this election. And it ain't on the side of the Sarah's, Rush's, Mike's and GunnyCee's. Republicans our choosing idiots like Mrs Angle in Nevada. There are some good folk on that side of the aisle, find out who they are?

Waffler, Smith

and I thought Socialism was when the captains of industrty meet at the Country Culb and decide how they can better take advantage of society, hire illegal aliens, export jobs to communist countries like China, appoint each other to their respective Boards of Directors etcetea. They are alwayy talking about Golf Socials, Ice Cream socials etcetera

Waffler, Smith

The quote makes me think only of Sarah and Rush. Mike the word income has always been the same and will never change. Income is what comes in, what you put into your pocket. The opposite is out go what you take out of your pocket. You talk like you are or wish to be some kind of natural law or fundamnetal thinker and cannot understand somenthing as straight forward as that. We have rampant capitalism J. That is what all our industrialists going to China to manufacture our goods are about. Going to cheap labor markets in a Socialist or Communist country. Wake up man that is pure raw capitalism. Now they are moving from the coast of China to the interior where labor is cheaper.

Waffler, Smith

The above comments certainly have a certain tone or bias. For counter intuitive analysis have any of y'all considered the fact that starting with Washington we have a 223 year history of Presidents, Senators, Congressmen giving up power whenever they are defeated at the polls. Some wanted Washington to be proclaimed King but he would have none of that nonsense. That standing in front of a crowd, wooing people and being admired can be intoxicating I will not deny. But we have laws and we have honest elections, and we throw the bums out at will. This November we will wait to see on whom the judgement of "bum" falls.

Waffler, Smith

You would be better served Mike by thinking large rather than be thinking small. The tendency described has been the mover of humanity for ever from Tallerand, Alexander, the Greeks, Romans etc. If I remember the latin it was Vini, Vide, Vici. soemthing like that, "I came, I saw, I conquered (controlled)". So what else is knew?

Waffler, Smith

Carol is Sarah Palin just a poser while claiming to be a "conservative" what ever that means. She supports and increases the public dole in Alaska so that every man woman and child gets $2,000 or so from the oil companies. Which side would you say she is on? Our friends for whom we bleed and die, the Kuwaitis, do the same thing with their oil money. So which are these two sides really? Archer tries to control me and get me off of these pages, he says that no one on here will be swayed by me, and on one post he indicated that he was sick of my truth telling. He simply cannot get his ideas or opinions to be the controlling ones and it drives him up a wall.

Waffler, Smith

Why does Mike bring the current President into this? He is no more of an example than any of the others. Presidents are just flag bearers for the philosophy of their party.

Waffler, Smith

and he was some think the epitome of this rapping himself in the French flag and posturing as if to say "I am France"! It is normal to promote those who serve as leaders. If you cannot serve and take orders then you should not be elevated to lead and give them.

Waffler, Smith

I was telling the truth of what Limbaugh said, in my view a man who is held in the esteem to which many hold him to show that much lack of knowledge of the world in which we live is shocking. Any reasonable person would admit that his statement showed immense ignorance. Now Jim K. says it was a rare mistake, ha, ha, ha! Jim K. also fails to know that the troops are coming out of Iraq, amazing totally amazing.

Waffler, Smith

Talking about ignorance and prejudice yesterday Limbaugh spoke about building a Japanese Hindu Temple at Pearl Harbor. Then he talked about a Japanese Buddhist Temple finally he was informed that the Japanese are Shinto.

Waffler, Smith

Good idea but seems to be a zillion miles from reality.

Waffler, Smith

Lots of this going on with folk calling Obama the Kenyan, the birthers, and terms like Obamaunists etcetera. None of these attempts further public discussion of issues and policies. But heck we know all is fair in love and war and further that elective politics is a form of war, war of opinions but still war.

Waffler, Smith

I only give a three because there is no divide. They all want people controlled, maybe sometimes in different ways and for different reasons but politics and its policies are all about controll and mastery of our lives, environment, social interaction etcetera. I think he is wrong about people who have no such desire.

Waffler, Smith

I like it alot. A freeman is somehow free in his brain, and that can never be taken away. Knowing that we should not have the fear of big brother and big government, and others that so many have.

Waffler, Smith

I try to live without having opinions and it makes me feel so irresponsible, I guess I agree a little with Jamies on that. But a neat observation Laura, very neat indeed!

Waffler, Smith

Mike I posted a repartee to you at Dr. Johnson's quote. Please check it out.

Waffler, Smith

Mike you and Dr Johnson have it ass backwards. There can be no individual liberty without universal liberty. As Lincoln said "Since I would not be a slave neither would I want to be a master." For a person to have private liberty (what ever that is) while every one else has no liberty at all would be a sick world do not agree? And most nominal healthy personalities would tire of their private liberty fairly quickly. Now the those who are into such things as sex slavery and stuff like that of course would love to have and take their private liberties out on any body they choose. Are those the private liberties you are defending? Is it really liberty with others privates that you are all about?

Waffler, Smith

This statement makes being in prison sound like it must be heaven on earth. How it is that J Carlton can say what he says while other folks write song lyrics like "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I am free" is just totally beyond me. What a disconnect you make J to that other reality. I think what this guy is saying is "Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed and be able to knwo the difference." We need a Congress that will change tax policy, reduce spending, improve the environment, sounds like we need a Democrat landslide in November.

Waffler, Smith

Archer is forever the victim. We have numerous millionaires and billionaries in this country and the world. Numerous happy well adjusted people. Obviously Archer hangs with the wrong crowd and attempts to bring others into his weird world of schizo depressed victimhood.

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