Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [701-725] of 2040Posts from wAFFLER, sMITHwAFFLER, sMITH Previous 25 Next 25 1Reply Waffler, Smith 6/28/10 re: Kenneth W. Royce quote I dislike it. It implies that to be free we must be mean, constanly at "wa" with every thing around us, especially our fellow man. While I abhor constant pampering, if I can afford it, am I not free to choice it. This guy would appear not to be free at all. To never be able to relax, to be pampered is not free, it is to be some kind of psychotic. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/27/10 re: James Madison quote Folk who frown on Taxes and Social Security etcetera fail to know the histroy or follow the reasons that these things exist. The current Financial Regulations that jsut passed Congress are a return to a past we have forgotten. The Republican roaring '20's led to the crash of 1929 and the need for the New Deal. The Reagan/Bushites leds to the Wall Street debacle of 2008. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn? When they learn to remember the past that is when! Reply Waffler, Smith 6/27/10 re: Alexander Hamilton quote What is conservative about the use of experience. Conservatism as preached by many is a set of hard and fast rules dic tums or theories that pay no attention to experience. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/24/10 re: Isidor Issac Rabi quote Absolutely. Sensitive folk and intelliegent children know what pollution is form seeing one piece of trash, or one filthy stream, or one easy evidence of global warming. The nay sayers and deniers will gain insight only when the earth as we know it is virtually destroyed. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/22/10 re: Alexander Haig quote True but politicians and generals seldom do this. A person must also and often keep his/her own counsel. There are wolves at every turn to twist and interpret everything you say or write. More often than not candor should be avoided in favor of a measured word, a concern for nuance with the person with whom you are interacting, be it spouse, neighbor, co-worker etc. On the other hand when something is BS on occasion it may be best to say so but the reasonable person should find a better way to say so. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/22/10 re: Albert Wohlstetter quote Tension comes from the feeling of not being in control. When you know the difference between what you should and what you should not control your tensions will ease. Some people are control freaks and are always tense, like Rush! Reply Waffler, Smith 6/22/10 re: Albert Einstein quote As Bertrand Russell said in the quote the other day science is the answer. Science and group or united action based on good science. Mikes narcissistic individual, royal soverign approach says nothing to me about how united action will come together to solve the problems he has listed. Mike how do royal sovereigns united to combat the ignorance of the polluters etcetera. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 6/17/10 re: Francis Bacon quote I think he is simply talkingt about Rush! 1Reply Waffler, Smith 6/16/10 re: Henry St. John quote Carlton the quote was not about an authoritarina state it was about the commonwealth, can you dig that. The commonwealth can be conceived of all that we hold in common, like river banks, village greens, road sides etceter, Can you dig that! I doubt it, I really doubt it. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/15/10 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote I really cannot believe Carol thinks kindly and helpful has to do with redistribution of wealth. Does that mean Carol that if you do not wish to have wealth redistributed you must be the opposiste of kind and helpful in order to protect you and yours. Does that mean you must be mean and hurtful to as many as possible. And the meaner and hurtful you are and the more folk you hurt the better off and less distributed your wealth may become. Is that what you are trying to say Carol? Reply Waffler, Smith 6/15/10 re: Henry St. John quote Quit looking at the big problem and sighing as Archer does that he cannot solve it, and thus throw your hands up in despair. Do what you can do each day for self, and fellow man, ie community, state, nation. When I go RVing in a state or commercial park I pick up other peoples trash. When I boat and put into a remote area, I pick up a floating bottle etcetera. If all people did this not just in regards to these silly things but in regards to all things then we would live in a much better environment. The issue is as quoted "the sin of indifference". When you think you do not or cannot make a difference then you have lost your soul or something like that. The reason people become indifferent is because they want to be controlling rather than be humble and just do what it is that they can do. Do your part and people will take notice and start to do their part and the world will change. As Archer mentioned it may simply start with paying your taxes correctly. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/14/10 re: Frank Zappa quote The ten best schools in America were named today. The Taliban and Al Qaeda take their pledges also. Our fighting org have the best command and control in the world, our people are loyal to our nation, ideals and principles. A pledge to any nation or org that stands for liberty and justice deserves loyalty. It is not the pledge that is the problem it is keeping that promise of liberty and justice alive here and everywhere. Because schools can be better does not mean that they are bad now. All org need constant vigilance to be at their best. It is fun to point fingers and joke about "remember all that crap I learned in High School" We will always argue about what should be taught, the important thing is to keep learning something all of our lives. Kids as well need to keep learning. School does that for many of them. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Lewis Thomas quote Thanks Jim for keen eye and attention. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Justin I really do not know that I can explain it to you. Is the opposite mean and hurtful? Would you prefer living in a world where people did not hold the door and the elevator for each other? Would you prefer having doors slammed in your face and to be treated by all others as if you did not exist? Mike don't get upset, I never understand what you mean. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Voltaire quote Some pardon is necessary, I can't go whole hog on this quote. I like it that Mike seems to like "law abiding society" but he hates law enforcement. As you know Mike I seldom comprehend you. Allowing for some doubt and leaway for errror and pardon is necessary. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Lewis Thomas quote Mike gives it five stars and then contradicts it. Mike the gentleman said that we do in fact evolve in this way, and if we are a "statist theocracy" (a phrase to which I don't subscribe) as you say that we are, we have evolved that way by the aforementioned process. So my friend our unique capacities to comprehend each other have led to where we are at. Now will things continue to change of course. Should we cling to stupid repeated phrases like "statist theocracy" which does nothing to advance comprehension, of course not! Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Forgot the stars, kindly and helpful are good. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/11/10 re: Clarence S. Darrow quote Mike is saying that society by its very nature is tyrannical since all societies have law enforcement. Of course we always knew of Mike's warped mind set. Justin is right, going home to be with our parents at the end of this wonderful life certainly is not doom. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/10/10 re: Leslie Stephen quote Quote gets a five for provocative and the comments it has elicited. Yeah preachers in pulpits have no right to be so certain when the Bible defends the man who says, "Lord I believe, help my unbelief". The Bible also says "men are saved by the foolishness of preaching". Preaching is sort of like a psychological talking cure but like the quote says we need to leave room for honest men and honest doublt. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/10/10 re: David Starr Jordan quote Wisdom may be knowing that one should do nothing and let things take there own course without your own meddling. How about Solomon for an example of wisdom. Mike is right about the guy being interested in eugenics, or selective human breeding. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/10/10 re: Confucius quote I think he is correct. Definable goals change I think with learning and practice. I know that learning totally changed my life and my goals and direction changed along with it. Reply Waffler, Smith 6/9/10 re: Henry Brooks Adams quote Judith I have learned that there are an estimated 85,000 political entities in the US. There are 30,000 cities. Can you tell me one or even a few that are incorporated in Europe or any where else outside of the US or even outside of the State in which they are located? I appreciate in advance. Regards Waffler Reply Waffler, Smith 6/9/10 re: Henry Brooks Adams quote Judith, I will research your statement about cities beomg incorporated in Europe or can you supply some details and/or names? Reply Waffler, Smith 6/9/10 re: Ezra Taft Benson quote Now let us march off like good illogical reactionaires and get those flag wavers and food eaters and string 'em up! Reply Waffler, Smith 6/9/10 re: Ezra Taft Benson quote No Mike you and I agree but you are two lame to see it. Flag waving has nothing to do with either side, So I agree with you. Benson could have said that "people who eat food may be the destroyers of the nation". That is why it is a BS quote! Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print