Aesop Quote

“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”

~ Aesop

The Dog and the Shadow

Ratings and Comments

John-Douglas, Nassau

We seem to grasp at shadows every four years - and lose the substace in our lives.

K.S., N.Y.

This is an appropriate statement as the line separating "virtual" reality and our "3 dimensional reality" begins to blur. Remember, perception is reality.

Don, Canada

Pretty much sums up how most people veiw liberty.

E Archer, NYC

Liberty is NOT dependence on government.

Mike, Norwalk

The individual sovereign is the substance, the government his representative shadow. When government forcibly compels compliance, defines and enforces victimless crimes, issues licenses, steals from the sovereign with impunity, the slaves have grasp the shadow and lost the substance.

Joe, Rochester, MI

Politicians throw up numerous shadows, hoping we will believe they have substance. Such are people like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. People need to examine what is said, to touch what is put up, to see if it has substance. If their statements have no substance, like Clinton's "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans" ... don't vote for them.

Ronw13, ID

The votes were overwhelmingly for President Trump, the rightfully elected President. Now fear grips half the nation, while the other half are really pissed off ! Votes are becoming slim to trust Considering the blatant Fraud committed by Despotic Tyranny on full display !! 

jim k, Austin

When it's all said and done, there's usually more said than done.


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