Alexander HamiltonAlexander Hamilton, (1757-1804) American statesman, Secretary of the Treasury

Alexander Hamilton Quote

“It is the advertiser who provides the paper for the subscriber. It is not to be disputed, that the publisher of a newspaper in this country, without a very exhaustive advertising support, would receive less reward for his labor than the humblest mechanic.”

Alexander HamiltonAlexander Hamilton
~ Alexander Hamilton

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

OK, that is nice. In Amerika today, a breed of advertiser buy's what is printed.

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

The quality of contemporary American journalistic, in actuality, propagandistic practice is such that its characteristically
soulless practictioners are unworthy of latching the sandals of the humblest of mechanics, much less of being compensated for their contemptibly subversive contributions.

E Archer, NYC

Yes, but who could have imagined the power of mass media over the hearts and minds of the populace. MSNBC hardly makes money, but the power they wield over the populist classes is immense. Repeat it all day and soon the people start parroting it as gospel. Government propaganda channels (PBS obviously, but also include NBC, CBS, and ABC) are paid by companies that benefit from government contracts. Count the number of drug commercials in a days' worth of viewing broadcast TV -- not to mention the number of cop, lawyer, school, and doctor shows. Cultivating a blood lust side-by-side with a 'justice-lust' guarantees perpetual conflict that only the 'state' can solve (via more conflict).


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