Friedrich August von HayekFriedrich August von Hayek, (1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974

Friedrich August von Hayek Quote

“The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception.”

Friedrich August von HayekFriedrich August von Hayek
~ Friedrich August von Hayek

Ratings and Comments

Waffler, Smith

The only short happy period I know of was the Clinton yeas.

allen, DC
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allen, DC    9/20/10

Hayek needs to read article one section 8 of the US Constitution

vedapushpa, Bangalore - India

The main cause for a successive and an unjustifiable 'differentiation' between Public finance and Private finance has been the ridiculous acts of doing away with 'economic ethics' ... in the name of Ism-s of sorts like capitalism, communism. feminism. and worst of all secularism - which has no etymological validity even !! Economics has slid down from the sublime to the ridiculous as it were....

E Archer, NYC

Economics is politics in disguise. A fool and his money are soon parted. When the People no longer demand that their representatives obey the rules of their offices, it is only a matter of time before the servant government assumes the role of masters of us all. Our entire economic system is now a system of fraud -- there is no money, only promises of money and an unpayable debt the price of which is 90% of one's labors and property over a lifetime -- actually they take it all and you still owe more. The Federal Reserve is the biggest fraud of them all.

J Carlton, Calgary

Succinct and Accurate

Renegade, Lansing, MI

WOW !! Really ?!?! Someone give this man a cookie and a gold star....STAT !! I suppose I'll give him 4's concise, short, entertaining ( inspired me to comment with sarcasm ) so while a little imperfect, it still winds up coming out with all the right stuff.

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Nick    9/29/10

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