George WashingtonGeorge Washington, (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'

George Washington Quote

“I cannot conceive a rank more honorable, than that which flows from the uncorrupted choice of a brave and free people, the purest source and original fountain of all power.”

George WashingtonGeorge Washington
~ George Washington

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Anon    3/3/10

..."the purest source and original fountain of all power"....This is what each individual, Americans in particular, need to rediscover for themselves and then to start using that power.

vedapushpa, Bengaloru;India

Yes - I fully agree witrh Anon - that as of now ahumanity in general is in 'fetters of sorts' some imposed by the corrupt givernments and others chosen by us - in the name of 'security' so to say !!! In the context -- I am with Karl Marx who said '''"Revolt ... and all you lose is your shackles' !! Free Thyself and Dare Be Thysels !!

jim k, Austin

I cannot think of anything more dishonorable than that which flows from the Obama, Pelosi and Reed bunch.

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RBESRQ    3/3/10

Both Anon and vedapushpa have good points. But I'm afraid there is much missing in the statement ("uncorrupted") that read alone does not merit 5 stars. ..."the purest source and original fountain of all power." is compassion and love (it is the Universal Principle), and my friend from India should know that! Today, we have abused many human rights and are probably the worst nation on earth for being responsible for terrorists acts against humanity.

cal, lewisville, tx

The power to make laws should be left to the people-not the supreme court.

J Carlton, Calgary

Exactly Cal, I don't trust the Republic to be left in the hands of 9 government lawyers with life time tenure.

E Archer, NYC

The definition of a representative republican form of government. Note the word 'brave' -- courage is the only guarantee of security.

Waffler, Smith

Here he obviouusly refers to the free election to leadership by free citizens thus a Democracy, Jim K is caught not thinking all over again. He gives it five stars and then bewails the honors the American people have bestowed upon Barach Hussein Obama. You may disagree with his policies but as an American you MUST honor the choice of the American people, even if you think they are wrong. They have a right to be wrong.

J Carlton, Calgary

Interesting point Waffler. I'd like to take your thought a step further. Liberal view: "They have a right to be wrong" Agreed. Libertarian View: "They have a right to be wrong, for themselves, but not at everyone else's expense." Now we're back to a Republic :)

Waffler, Smith

We have been wrong about many things at each others expense for a long time J. How else can you explain the almost extinction of every living creature in North America and other environmental degradation. We live, grow, prosper, and suffer together, make mistakes, and correct msitakes etcetera. Since no one, except for Mike on these pages, knows absolute right we suffer through with majority opinion and correct it as we go.

aa, hb
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    aa, hb    3/5/10

    But where are they? Are the 'free and brave people' sent to other lands so they cannot aid our very own freedom? Are we left here with just our old women and weak men to have our liberty removed in the absence of our courageous and honorable men? Are there any uncorrupt men left who would be free? There are so many of us demanding we lose not a single liberty more but 5 people more who stand for nothing. Where are those who would be among the brave and free? I think we would fit on Long Island...for all the others are drones, already enslaved. Where are those "uncorrupted choices of the free and brave"? That is the question I ask today.


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