Karen HorneyKaren Horney, (1885-1952) German psychoanalyst

Karen Horney Quote

“We may feel genuinely concerned about world conditions, though such a concern should drive us into action and not into a depression.”

Karen HorneyKaren Horney
~ Karen Horney

Ratings and Comments

Joe, Rochester, MI

Action like giving food and money to governments? Those in power will not starve and will become rich. Action like attacking a government? We should not die for the freedom of another country. We should take care of ourselves, not interfere with other governments.

E Archer, NYC

I agree with the sentiment -- stop complaining and do something about it.

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EGL, LA    2/5/07

I am continually chagrined by those who say they are so depressed or angry about world affairs-currently the cause of our govt.-that they have stopped reading or paying any attention to the news. That is the part that is depressing.

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

Right on EGL

Mike, Norwalk

I might add to feeling genuinely concerned about world conditions, one would be well served to actively seek facts and absolute truth outside their/our comfort levels, prejudices and indoctrinated based perceptions. And speaking of perceptions  it is a personal perception that depression is a great activator of NON-activity. A journey into the light is generally a phenomenal anti-depressant.


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