Leonardo Da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci, (1452-1519) Italian inventor, artist, polymath, the "Universal Genius" or "Renaissance Man"

Leonardo Da Vinci Quote

“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.”

Leonardo Da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci
~ Leonardo Da Vinci

Ratings and Comments

J Carlton, Calgary

As the Global Communists carry forward and we remain too polite or too politically correct to say or do anything about it...our task will eventually be one of great difficulty. But it will never be impossible.

jim k, Austin, Tx

Well said, J Carlton.

E Archer, NYC

"We must hang together or surely we will hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin

Mike, Norwalk

I here poorly paraphrase a recently reoccurring anecdote: It is easy to vote your way into socialism (tyranny, despotism, etc.) while it is much harder to shoot your way out. (author unknown, if someone knows the exact quote, please help out ;-)

Ronw13, Oregon

I like it Mike, Norwalk. Bread and circus for idle minds causes the children to fall at times. 


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