Mark TwainMark Twain, [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) American author and humorist

Mark Twain Quote

“When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.”

Mark TwainMark Twain
~ Mark Twain

Ratings and Comments

Cynthianna Crawford, Shelby, Ohio

If I accept the fact that I am mad, that leaves me free to think outside the box. It also means that I don't have to worry about what others think of me. I love being a little eccentric. It keeps others on their toes, because they don't know what I will do next. I like to make good surprises happen that no one expects. Life is good when you're free to think.

Bob, Charlotte, VT

All the world is queer save thee and me and even thou art a little queer. Robert Owen. ( It came to mind after reading the Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens quotation ) Now I need to research Owen, his time and his works.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

The Quote is so steeped in depth, from the simplest of points !! One can only know to see the truth. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the rock.

Ronw13, Yachats Or

Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity. Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them. God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; power belongeth to God. Psalm 62:9,10,11.

Mike, Norwalk

(-; I like it ;-)

E Archer, NYC

Ah, yes, what a relief. ;-) @Cynthianna, I like it!

Ronw13, Yachats Or

It is not eccentric to follow your own conscience. Telling the truth and seeking after that which good is, Always gets a stare in a room of thieves and liars.


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