Michael Bloomberg Quote

“Government should not tell you what to do unless there's a compelling public purpose.”

~ Michael Bloomberg

Ratings and Comments

Anonymous, Denver, Colorado

What an insidious comment. Compelling is in the eyes of the beholder. And the ones who claim that compelling nature are often the perpetrators of freedom.

J Carlton, Calgary

This from an elitist who is completely anti-American.

jim k, Austin, Tx

From a man who presided over a city which is now up to it's eyeballs in debt. As to "a compelling public interest", that's a joke. The hacks in Washington try to convince us that every hairbrained scheme they come up with is done because of a compelling public interest.

cal, lewisville, tx

What words from the one who bought his election.

Mike, Norwalk

Compelling public interest? Can the servant compel the master? Can a hireling compel an inalienable rights endowed sovereign? The whole concept of a government compelling is that, the organic person - government, is a separate and distinct 3rd party (not a representative of 'We The People') superior in all way to mere individuals (individually or in concert).

Mark M., Alpharetta, GA

Compelling public purpose? Like restricting citizen's rights to defend themselves? Bloomberg is a leftists puss head.

E Archer, NYC

Insidious. A republican government never commands the citizen; the citizens command the government. There are no laws on what you must do, only laws on what you may not do.

Evan, Tivoli

This quote would only be ok if followed directly by: "There is no compelling public purpose".

Ed, Athens, Ga.

This despicable excuse for a human being winds up being quoted on Liberty Tree ? ? ? Have you run out of people whose quotes mean something ? ? ?

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Publius    7/6/11

This tyrant once authorized the NYPD to leave the city, going as far away as Arizona, and enforce NYC gun laws. His reasoning for completley leaving his jurisdiction in dust was that these other states protecting the right to bear arms is the cause of the crime in NYC so the only way to lower crime in NYC is to take guns from everyone everywhere. He completely dishonored his office and pursued power not given to him. Bloomberg is a tyrant completely ignorant of the true idea of liberty and the pure principles of justice.

Sterling Wart, Fire Island

To Bloomberg, Bloomberg is the government and the compelling purpose.

Robert K. Greco, Staten Island N.Y.

This from a man who tells us what to eat, where we can light up,? Is he kidding?? Why is it he thinks he knoiws best? He is such an elitist that he had to BUY himself a 3rd term. He has forgotten that he works FOR US, NOT the other way around. I for one can't wait until this condescending, arrogant pimple of a man finally leaves office.


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