Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page R. Buckminster Fuller Quote “The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.” ~ R. Buckminster Fuller [Richard Buckminster Fuller] (1895-1983) American visionary, designer, architect, poet, author, and inventorAttributed Arms , Disarmament , Guns , Politics , Tyranny Ratings and Comments Reply Anonymous 7/5/06 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 6/27/07 Reply Anonymous 6/27/07 1 Reply helorat, Milton 6/27/07 An eminently true statement, even if you don't like it. It is merely a restatement Clausewitz's description of war as a "continuation of politics by other means" and an irrefutable historical fact. Fuller was a smart man and scientist. Reply E Archer, NYC 6/27/07 Hence the 2nd Amendment... Reply Mike, Norwalk 6/27/07 I absolutely agree with Archer here, the thumbs down is because of the need. 1 Reply Ken, Allyn, WA 6/27/07 Civilization is a fragile thing. Most people don't realize that society is a house of cards that is always on the verge of collapse. When push comes to shove, we all behave like savages. That is human nature. Reply Eric, Wichita, KS 6/28/07 Focus here folks, focus. END move. When ALL else has failed, and there are no other acceptable solutions available. Our liberal friends may say that there is always a compromise available. I say tell that to my grandmother's family, exterminated by the Nazis in Lithuania. You may not like the idea, but you will never do away with it's needfulness in maintaining civilization. To NOT pick up the gun is to surrender to tyranny and slavery. This is why any and all attempts to disarm US citizens will be met with the fullest force that can be brought to bear, including the last one of picking up a gun and using it. Reply dad4justice, NEW ZEALAND 6/28/07 History does show that this quote is one of credibility made by a wise man . Reply Justin, San Bernardino 6/26/14 Yeah, having guns to shoot down the Nazis bombs, tanks and planes(or any bombs, tanks and planes) seems like sound logic to me. High Five for your face. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This R. Buckminster Fuller quote is found in these categories: Arms quotes Disarmament quotes Guns quotes Politics quotes Tyranny quotes About R. Buckminster Fuller Bio of R. Buckminster Fuller Quotations by R. Buckminster Fuller Books by/about R. Buckminster Fuller R. Buckminster Fuller videos R. Buckminster Fuller on Wikipedia Astrological chart for R. Buckminster Fuller