Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan, (1911-2004) 40th US President

Ronald Reagan Quote

“Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, 'What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.' But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector.”

Ronald ReaganRonald Reagan
~ Ronald Reagan

Ratings and Comments

J. B. Wulff, Bristol, CT

I said the same thing in Kindergarten, a long time ago - I'm 67. I still believe it. I also predicted Harry Truman would beat Tom Dewey. Sadly, neither of these opinions ever grew into anything that would make me a millionaire. I remain content. Ron Reagan will always be ranked as one of our greatest Presidents. JFK made is Ich been ein Berliner speech after the wall went up - Bravo! Ron said, "Tear down the wall!" and it was done. Pick your hero.

Anonymous, Reston, VA, US

And yet the great experiment of privativing so many government functions that King George W undertook has shown us that private industry is just concerned with "this quarter's profits" and not with the greater good of society.

J Carlton, Calgary

In order for private industry to function at its best it needs to actually be private. "Privatized" is a different word and it still has the weight of government attached to it. As long as government remains involved nothing can grow to be profitable or self reliant as Mommy is always there to bail them out.

cal, lewisville, tx

Instead of sitting around and complaining about private industry, folks should buy stock in it so they can have some say-so about it and reap the dividends.

Judith, Corrales

If you apply this to insurance, having worked for the Michigan Medicaid program and for Washington state Blue Shield, I am firmly and significantly in favor of government control over private greedy insurance companies. Government did it better, cheaper and with conscience.

J Carlton, Calgary

Sorry Judith, government has no conscience. In fact they are psychopathic. Its laws that need to change. Insurance must be accountable and detached from the government teat.

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RBESRQ    1/20/10
E Archer, NYC

Giving government more money and power has only allowed them to create govt monopolies that provide substandard service at double the rates (often much more). The health take-over plan will merely create a government monopoly of insurance that will not need to compete to provide better service. Government is the biggest waster of money ever devised -- stop them!! Medicaid is one of the reasons health care is so expensive in America -- I know, I knew the IT guys that wrote the billing systems -- government is always charged more than an individual.

Elisabeth, Astoria

Jeffersonian. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (All stars in the sky)

Crystal Pilcher, Vidor, texas

I have deep Respect for this honorable Man. He is missed greatly!! What he states is absolute truth, no one can contradict this. God rest his soul. We Luv You ronald Reagan in Texas!!


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