Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson, (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Thomas Jefferson Quote

“There is no act, however virtuous, for which ingenuity may not find some bad motive.”

Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson

letter to Edward Dowse, April 19, 1803

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JG, USA    12/30/06


Robert, Sarasota

The Australian President just gave us an example of that...

Joe, Rochester, MI

The Second Amendment is virtuous, yet criminals do bad things with arms.

Logan, Memphis, TN

Such as forced welfare. The act of taking care of society's poor, destitute, sick, and down-trodden is indeed virtuous. However, if I were to start a street gang to break into people's homes to steal money for the poor, I would be breaking the law and committing an un-virtuous act. I would not be praised for my actions for being “advanced” in my thinking; If I was caught stealing for the poor, I couldn’t argue in court that they were “entitled” to it; I wouldn't be labeled clever, resourceful, original, skillful, cunning, nor would people say that I used ingenuity-- I would be called what I am: A thief and a robber. I would still be a thief and a robber, even if I was allowed to do this by the government. How then can I authorize my government to break into people’s lives and steal money for the poor? I cannot. Legalized plunder is still plunder.

Mike, Norwalk

Dittos Logan

E Archer, NYC

That's why Liberty requires constant vigilance by the People (not the politicians)..

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

... and Logan's statement outlines exactly the problem... those who cry how evil it is that we as a society believe that it is good and proper to make sure that all of society have the basics of life (food, water, shelter, health care, education for our young)... rather they seem to believe that it is more Christian to bless the rich and kick the poor and down trodden...

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Anonymous, Reston, VA US 11/23/18

In fact, Christians have been serving the poor for eons, before socialism became popular.  They have been providing food, water, shelter, health care, education VOLUNTARILY while the authoritarians have pushed compulsory progressive indoctrination and forced 'charity' for the common good (which apparently makes the politicians extremely rich in the process.)  "We as a society" is not as important as "we as individuals"   my duty is MINE, not society's, and society has no authority over me or you.  Society has NEVER been needed to provide for the basics of life, every individual does that.  We drive ourselves, walk ourselves, eat ourselves, work ourselves, we do not need to be commanded to do good.  Liberty means responsibility, and it cannot be traded for security without losing it. 

Better that people are educated in being self-sufficient, not dependent upon 'society.'  Note Americans are the most charitable people in the world, and never has a cause gone unsupported  your charity is voluntary and you invite others to do the same.  Just know that many are answering their own calling.  It's the difference between service and servitude.

Ronw13, OR

Well said, Logan. 


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