Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page William Comer Quote “[W]e are living in a sick Society filled with people who would not directly steal from their neighbors but who are willing to demand that the government do it for them.” ~ William Comer American authorAvoiding The High Cost Of Dying (And Many Other Financial Dilemmas) Collectivism , Government , Society , Theft Ratings and Comments Reply larry barnes, Golden, MO 8/5/11 Reply jim k, Austin, Tx 8/5/11 How true and the problem is that we continually reelect the same thugs doing the stealing. Reid, Pelosi, and the gang are really no better than any burgler residing in your county jail. This goes for most of Republicans as well. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/5/11 You nailed it on the head Jim K. Reply Chuck B, Hudson Valley 8/5/11 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 8/5/11 I'll never forget the Detroit woman I saw on CNN..."Obama gonna fill my tank and pay my mogage". The quote is absolutely true. Reply Mike, Norwalk 8/6/11 Absolutely, we hold this truth to be self evident! ! ! Reply GunnyCee, Durham 8/6/11 If that doesn't describe our sick society, then nothing does. The best part thouth is that those who don't demand of their government--the hard working people--are finally waking up to the fact that their government is nothing more or less than an organized crime gang. Reply Krista, Palm Springs 8/6/11 Enter Imerialist America! That is why we need Ron Paul in office, and none of the other war-mongering "conservatives". I want our Congress et all to end ALL wars, bring home our 700 bases (reducing our defense budget by 300 billion a year and protecting American lands only) and bring home the Americans sacrificing their lives to "Save the world" hahaha, as what they are really doing is en-sLaveing the world, and creating massive poverty through the policies of the UN, IMF, and un-World-ly Bank, which seem to be the puppet masters of American politics, and our so called "leaders" in office at any given point in history for at least 30-80 years. Reply GunnyCee, Durham 8/6/11 Obviously, Krista, you have no idea how evil the world really is. It must be nice living in your own world. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 8/6/11 Gunny, the world is indeed a dangerous place. However the role of America's military still isn't to be "over there" unless Congress actually declares a war. We are not the world's policeman, and if we are the world's policeman...Krista's observation is entirely valid. I say we need to defend American soil the world can look after itself, or not...we can't afford to babysit anymore. Reply Bruce Connors, Cortlandt Manor, NY 8/6/11 The prime directive for the United States government is to make the world safe for corporations to do business. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This William Comer quote is found in these categories: Collectivism quotes Government quotes Society quotes Theft quotes About William Comer Bio of William Comer Quotations by William Comer Books by/about William Comer William Comer videos William Comer on Wikipedia Astrological chart for William Comer