Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-24] of 24Posts from Krista, Palm SpringsKrista, Palm Springs Reply Krista, Palm Springs 10/12/11 re: Vittorio de Sica quote As an Occupy Wallstreeter here in the Palm Springs area where the difference between the rich and the rest of us is glaring, I see the point about Soros, and Koch brothers both of whom change the laws in OUR REPUBLIC (not democracy!)to suit their PERSONAL agenda, and my aim is to rid America of the likes of both robber barons! They have bought and sold The Peoples' representatives, and changed the laws of this Republic for their personal GAIN......anyone who thinks it is okay for any ONE to own 70 % of America is A COMMIE! We are actually a Plutocracy in practice, here in America(socialism for the top 1 %, and capitalism for the 99 %) 50 people in America RUNS America regardless of which pony show (party) is on stage (in office). America is owned by The People (I realize that isn't the case anymore, but soon it will be again), and FYI.......everyone on this post is the 99 %, and always will be, since the billionaires club is a closed club, and like George Carlin said, "you ain't included, and you never will be!" AND guess what? Yes, we all would like a fair chance to play in a NON-RIGGED GAME! Yes, we all would LOVE to send our kids to college! Yes, we would all love to eat pure NON GMOed food that costs 5 times as much as Monsanto's poison slop! Yes, we would all love to have a big fat checking account handed to us at birth to pay for silly things like electricity and rent, and goofy things like shoes without having to leave home for 3 jobs that barely pay for it! I know, I know, you'll call ME a socialist....I DON'T CARE! I am used to dealing with mean republicans that attack as their FIRST resonse! I agree with Daniel on this one.......and YOU all proved my point with your attacks that followed Daniels comment! Anyone who works like I do, could NEVER be a socialist......the RICH are the socialists recieveing 90 BILLION A YEAR IN RND, and about the SAME AMOUNT IN "FOREIGN AID".....hahahahaha, ALL the money goes to the mutinational and large corporations! NOT you or me, or to help the poor, like the LIARS claim! Lets at least call it what it is! If you cannot let someone else have their opinion, what makes you think you are allowed one? AND these are ALL opinions, I saw NO facts presented. We (the 99 %, minus the duped repubs that defend the robberbarons til their death on the streeets (oh, wait, all my repub friends are ALL on SS, medicare, and about 14 other LIBERAL programs the dems voted in, having their babies on the DOLE, food stamps, and on and on and on, all the while screaming at the dems for ruining our country! The duped have HUGE MOUTHS and are mean besides!) We are sick and tired of the back and forth bullshit that goes on between parties! I don't give a bloody hell about party lines, and I will NEVER fall in line for anyone! EVER! Attack all you want, and the only thing you'll get is NO ONE wanting to comment or sign up for your liberty site! I bet PRVITIZATION is your answer? another hahahaha.....the world bank and the IMF have destroyed this world with American imperialism & privitization, and incuring debt (to be paid back by the people, and to be GIVEN to the multinational corps that are RAPING our world) But what I have found is that most people with gross excess are going to fall hard when this ship goes down, and it will if we don't elect a Ron Paul or someone who speaks the truth, and follows through! I will survive as I'm not that far from living off the grid, and eating lizards....I am well prepared....the rich need someone to wipe their asses, so when (not if) they fall from their ivory tower, down to the grass where all of us lunatics are, they will be in for a rude awakening, but we will welcome them with open arms, unlike they have done with us using their "trickle down theory" that is leading to the revolt of the 99! We hold ALL of the power, the 1 % knows it, we know it, and earth knows it.....mathmatics doesn't lie (a chimp with a calculator can figure out this equation).....We The People are THE ONES with ALL the power! The Oath-keepers (although they are mostly repubs) will defend The People, and not our ruthless dictators, so The Peoples' military isn't going to help the robber-barons and their pawns like they think! The playing feild WILL BE LEVELED! That seed has been planted, and no BIG-FOOT on earth has the power to smash it this time! Yippy to that! GREED IS DEAD! LONG LIVE FREEDOM! Reply Krista, Palm Springs 10/12/11 re: Slovenian Proverb quote Most Americans believe the truth to be the lie, and the lie to be the truth, so that gets a little tricky..........I like to stick with the facts, as in dates, signatures, and truth that is not opinion (One's truth, My truth). People are educated toward keeps them in obedient, and sleepy. I still speak up when someone opens their unimformed mouth (when it feels right to speak up. I would have remained silent at the Republican debates, except to cheer for the only one speaking with any integrity....Ron Paul), and correct them with the facts. They are surprised at first, and slow to their normal resonse of anger (my republican friends froth at the mouth they are kept so ignorant. I'll say, "did you hear that on fox? That isn't news, neither is MSN, etc, nor any "media" in the US".....Corporatocracy, is what the media serves, and they do it well! I loved all yr comments above, Jim, J., Mike, and E. And lastly, I always spread the truth with kindness, love, and hopefully some humor, and forgive the ignorant, for they have been manipulated, and led to drink the coolaid that has them deep in slumber. I too, was ignorant to what was going on in my world, and now I am wide awake! I joined with We The People, who are taking it ALL back! Anger needs to be put on the down low (eliminating it altogether seems to be difficult), and a cool head works well in keeping the peace. When info is delivered with LOVE, the message isn't so extreme, and people are more open about the subject, and will at least listen. Listening and hearing is the first step to breaking out of the prison we all live in, just because we can't see the bars, doen't mean we are "free" under the law of the Republic, which the robber barons change to suit their deadly (to the People) agenda of PROFIT above all else, which clearly is not Capitalism, nor good for The People of any country! We simply must change their charter, and make them serve the 99, instead of the 1, like it was when our country was founded. ALL corporations (and their were very few) operated under a charter, every little detail was outlined, and they, to some extent, had to be good for America (all of us), or their charter was revoked. Back to basics, is what this Progressive~Conservative~Constitutionalist, says! That is my vision for my world. Reply Krista, Palm Springs 8/6/11 re: William Comer quote Enter Imerialist America! That is why we need Ron Paul in office, and none of the other war-mongering "conservatives". I want our Congress et all to end ALL wars, bring home our 700 bases (reducing our defense budget by 300 billion a year and protecting American lands only) and bring home the Americans sacrificing their lives to "Save the world" hahaha, as what they are really doing is en-sLaveing the world, and creating massive poverty through the policies of the UN, IMF, and un-World-ly Bank, which seem to be the puppet masters of American politics, and our so called "leaders" in office at any given point in history for at least 30-80 years. 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 8/6/11 re: Lady Marguerite Blessington quote and it helps that the rich (on both sides, dem and repub.....enter the Koch brothers, and Sorros) make many of the laws in our world, with the help of their lobbiests, and special interest money! We can give a BIG thank you to the not-so-supreme court for making a corporation a PERSON......our founding fathers are turning in thier graves over that UN-patriot act! I would expect the Republicans to uphold our civil rights, and not give tyranical power to soul-less, profit driven corporations led by sociopaths, and consciousless people. But, here we are! Thanks chief un-justice, John Roberts! Yet another not-conservative, in a long line of not-conservatives calling themselves Rebublicans! Reply Krista, Palm Springs 8/5/11 re: Paul Craig Roberts quote I agree, and although I do not have a gun, I will defend my right, and every Americans right to own guns. However, I do not see the need for AK 47's or any kind of gun that can kill over 90 kids on an island in a flash, when in our founding fathers day, they had to reload in order to shoot another slowed down the process of killing. That is where our gun laws have gone wrong. There should be laws for guns, just as there should be laws for cars, BUT, there should be as FEW laws as possible on all accounts! Laws can easily be made to protect and defend the cretins that the second ammendment sought to protect the American People from. It is happening all over our world.....changing laws to make crime (only for the uber-rich) legal. Reply Krista, Palm Springs 8/5/11 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote Tell that to the Predatory Capitalists, the Spanish, and the Europeans, who 500 years ago, stole the lands from the rightful owners, the indiginous people of earth, and then called themselves the rightful owner, showing a peice of paper as prroof! And backing up their claims with military might. They had to murder and displace or make slaves of the people who used those lands for thousands of years, then they cried that the "socialists" were stealing those same lands from them. haha Globalism was born, and both the dems and the repubs are in on the deal as I type this......Imperialism and colonialism are being shoved down the rest of the planets throat, by the neo-cons and the neo-liberals.......war war and more the name of peace, no less! I would love to see nonpredatory Capitalism practiced, but I cannot find any time in the last 500 years, any where on the globe that it has, without WAR, and inhumane actions toward the people of earth that have the same claims to the land as the Capitaists do! Maybe Ron Paul can turn this sick world around?? We shall see? Reply Krista, Palm Springs 7/23/11 re: Barack Hussein Obama quote I'm wondering where all of the "Conservatives" were when Bush Jr was spending MORE money than all of the Presidents before him, both dem & rebubs alike. ZERO jobs were created in that 8 year span (yes, I did vote for him both times, we all make mistakes!), the Greenspan God (he has now admitted that he was WRONG about his "ideas" on the economy) was flooding the markets with fake money, just like now, over 60 trillion in black box financial vehicles/deals (swaps and derivatives) were bilking many good people out of their assets & retiremant funds, and more money was transfered into the bank accounts of the few than ever before (if possible, since 1 % of Americas population owns 40 % of our assets!), 2 illegal wars were started (and millions of innocent people were wipped off the globe, which is part of the Republican/Imperialist war-agenda), the UN-PATRIOT act became our prision, Medicare part D (a ten trillion $ unfunded SOCIALIZED MEDICINE was encated (for the drug co's, not the people), THE PEOPLES programs were gutted, along with the clean water act, and everything I hold dear that I would love the American children to be able to enjoy ......all destroyed, along with saddling America with a 12 trillion $ debt, where there was a surpplus when Clinton left office, and then the final gift went to Goldman Sucks and the International Bankers in the whopping amount of 850 BILLION buckeroos! Thanks to Bush and Paulson and their gang of thugs. Now I may be the ONLY sane one here, but that does NOT sound like conservatism to me! It sounds like the GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB we have been supjected to for over 60 years! Si I think the neo-cons should be renamed to what their spending policies prove (as in actual money spent, and how they voted) and be called the new LIBERALS! But, I know, I is all that damn black muslim mans fault! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, funny! NOT! Republicans can add hipocrite onto liberal! Ron Paul is the ONLY one with any BALLS in the Republican party. AND michele bachman and her fruitcake husband are the cherry on the nasty CORPORATE WELFARE cake. She has vowed to support tieing the noose, over our Constitutional rights! Who is she working for, anyway? Bin Ladden? Maybe someone should inform her that he is dead, and there is no need to continue to destroy America any further! But, none of you will, will you? You wilL JUMP on her freak show band wagon and sing the praises of conservatism while she spends us right into the brink (but Obama will still get the blame, as he is responsible for everything horrible in Americas past, and also our future, IF you make the mistake of listening to a repub~ 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 6/13/11 re: Anthony Sutton quote No, our system does NOT modify power when the party changes........the dems and the repubs are ONE and the same, simply 2 factions of the SAME party.....they serve NOT the people who "elected" (hahahaha ~ big joke there) them, but instead, they serve their corporate masters! READ How The World REALLY Works, by Allan B Jones Filled with FACTS and not opinions, not for those with their head deep in the sand box, or those who REFUSE to WAKE THE FUC! UP!! Reply krista, palm springs 6/13/11 re: Anthony Sutton quote And my republican friends take the most from our system, and by the freebies they recieve they are more like the liberals they profess to hate, than the conservatives they pretend to be. Although to be fair, it is the Mexicans and everyone else they think should go without........and to think the Mexicans used to own California (many of my repub friends don't know that little FACT either (which explains a lot) or have chosen to froget it. Ron Paul named them aptly....neocons (not conservative) 1 Reply krista, palm springs 6/13/11 re: Ambrose Bierce quote This made me laugh, and then cry (not really, as I am over the wave of anger that engulfed me when I first learned about the state of our world, and our governments role in it)........after investigating the current, and past events of our world (and governments) I have found this to be true. But things are-a-changin and that you can take to the bank (oh, do NOT even get me started on the International bankers!) Reply Krista, Palm Springs 5/4/11 re: Unknown quote I give this IDEA (of which some on this post do NOT get) a 10 STAR rating! This is me, and many I know. Living this life because it is what we came here to do (our purpose). It is NOT a choice, but a must. No one is made to come along, but ALL are welcome, if they choose. We are not a part of "The New World Order" agenda!!! You are welcome to remain in fear and cemented to the WARRING reality you proclaim to dislike so much?!?!?!?!? God is within everything that is present on planet earth and eons beyond (God is not a person or a "Being" God is ALL, every rock, tree, amusment park, terrorist, monk, every speck of matter and anti matter, every breath we take, and every thought we think and action we take ("good" and "bad") "There is neither good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Shakespere. I am very happy tp see this quote on the Liberty quotes, as my "Constitutionalist" way of being is in perfect harmony with my "Progressive" way of being. (I know many 'Conservatives' do not get that. . . . then again, many so called Conservatives are NEO-CONS, so that explains a lot!) Lets face it, an agenda has been exacted on us for at least 100 years, and many who proclaim they want freedom for all, only seek to enslave us to their way of living, thinking, and being. THAT is not freedom, THAT is not living, THAT is what many of us came here to break the cycle of. And, will/are!!!! I love all your other quotes, too, and thank you for supplying such a diverse selection! This one speaks to me more than any others thus far. 10 STARS!! The old is falling away, and the new is already here (not arriving in 2012!!) The earth is not ending either, for those of you who are steeped in FEAR, there is no need. . . . . . what is, is, what will be, will be, and so you might as well enjoy the wild ride we are now living! Enjoy EVERYTHING, and work tirlessly to create the world of your choosing, just as am I! I prefer to be around those who are kind to all, and to avoid the fear mongers that spread hatred with their every breath. IF you are on track with your living, you'll feel no need to be threatened by these sorts of IDEAS, for they are for those who resonate with them, only. Go out and DO (as in action, NOT as in lip service) what is within your heart, and live according to your IDEAS, harming no one in the process of your living. If we all lived our ideals, rather than just talking about them, our world would transform into a peaceful place to reside, and include all of our differing ways of living like a delicious stew with all the trimmings, not just carrot soup filled with only carrots! "Your actions speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you say" Rememeber that the next time you open your pie-hole (I love pie, and that is not an insult to anyone), and ask "am I living what I speak?" If not, fill your pie-hole with some homemade, organic, non GMOed cherry pie, and be happy you have the chance to do anything you set your mind to. America gives us all (even still) that opportunity like no where else on this planet :) In closing. . . . . . Be grateful that you popped out of your momma's hoo hoo on American soil, and not in Afgahnistan, or in Tibet, in Lybia, Dafur, or in Palestine! Or the countless other patches of soil on earth right now in massive termoil, devoid of any type of human rights, let alone LIBERTY, JUSTICE, and FREEDOM! Thank you for that!!!!! Krista (choosing to live a magical life in Palm Springs CA,) Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/8/11 re: Benito Mussolini quote Look up "egomaniac" in the'll find this quote! hahahaha Makes you wonder how these FREAKS get control of the people! 2Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/8/11 re: C. S. Lewis quote PS.....In God We Trust, was added to the pledge of allegiance in 1953 or 56.......and with it came the demise of "separation of church and state". I love it when the bible thumpers make a big stink about it, NOT having any idea of the facts! God is a personal issue, not a governmental issue, and a big reason our founding fathers fled England! xoxo 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/8/11 re: C. S. Lewis quote In 1953 a 6 year hard fought battle had been won.....control of the Ford foundation (somewhere in the 100's of billions) was won by the elite controlling our world. It all went to destroy our education system. Read "How the World Really Works", by Alan B Jones.....a real eye opener for those who wish to find the truth! (as in facts!..... not fiction as we are being taught) As for CS, the only thing that scares me more than the uneducated (and even the genius' are UNEDUCATED/idiots to how this world really works, and who is really in charge) are the GOOD CHRISTIANS who have hijacked the Republican party and turned them into the DUNCES that dear CS seems to think should be left behind in our PUBLIC schools......I am sick and tired of those DEEMED as dunces being left behind, when NEPOTISM is alive and well and running this world, and here in America!! (I submit Bush Jr to win my argument!) Most of these SO CALLED smarty pants would be wearing a dunce hat and begging for food stamps if it we not for who's hoohoo they popped out of! If they had to rely on their own fortitude (like the rest of us no names) they would be left behind (maybe it was these blue bloods Bush Jr was talking about when he said "no child left behind"? We must educate someone above in the comments said......NO ONE is responsible for ME!!!! I am responsible for NO ONE else. (although I am compelled to help others whenever I can) If you need a "nanny" (state) then YOU are THE PROBLEM! Grow the fuc! up! Educate yourself to the truth (even when it ain't pretty, cuz it AIN'T), remove yourself from Consumer-ISM, and live FREE and UNTAMED!!! The power lies in the TRUTH! I am neither a demo or a rebub....they are ONE IN THE SAME at this point and stand for NOTHING, but personal pocket padding, and a New World the way, it is not a is an agenda, and it has been being implemented for over 100 years, actually more like 200. ps, it's not Jewish, either! Get educated about the persons (there are only a few) who are ENSLAVING your children!!!! They are few, and we the people are many.......that is why they fear the masses.......we hold ALL the real power!!! 99 to 1, says the 99 will always prevail! Their days are numbered, and We The People, will own our world very soon and once and for all! Woo~Hoo to that! 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/6/11 re: Hendrik van Loon quote good one, J Carlton! we need to follow the Constitution, best we can, to call ourselves an this point, mentioning the Constitution in their speeches is as far as we get (more propaganda bullshi!)........I would like to give Ron Paul a shot and see if he......ends the fed, ends american imperialism/our multiple wars, ends out of control spending/DEBT, and see if he can actually keep his life through his presidency, unlike those who dared to enact REAL change and were offed as a direct result. ahhhh, someday...........(sigh) Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/6/11 re: Hendrik van Loon quote You gotta love his name.......van loon......hahahaha ~ LOVE IT! 5 stars for his great name! 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/6/11 re: Hendrik van Loon quote Just remember that ALL of those uninformed people "out there" believe themselves to be intelligent, and they think they know what's going on. Read, HOW THE WORLD REALLY WORKS......the neo-cons have a ton of people duped into believing the Repubs are conservative....hahahaha SAVE Ron Paul, we are devoid of conservatives in our government, and that includes the 8 years of HELL in "the good ol boy's club" that Bush drug us through! (and I voted for him, TWICE, like an idiot!) True, those seeking the truth, even when they do not yet posses it are not included.....the campaign against the truth has been bought and sold to most Americans, anyone searching will find the brutal ugly truth that America ain't what most of us thought she was.......and then we shall do what is needed to restore our liberties, which are nearly gone. I don't feel this is an insult to any time any of us, and all of us, can choose to have a conversation that will lead to the truth coming out.......IF they are an ignoramus, they will NOT have that conversation, instead, they will shut you up, call you a quack, a "conspiracy theorist", and a commie, a liberal, a frog, etc, then leave in a red faced huff believing themselves the "intelligent" one. Reply Krista, Palm Springs 4/6/11 re: Dr. Samuel Johnson quote wow......I thought the quote was great, but ALL of your comments are fab-u, too! Thanks ALL..........I could use a little less of the "I'm right, and you're wrong" attitude, however :) Reply Krista, Palm Springs 3/22/11 re: Milton Friedman quote There is little free enterprise in America! The big boys have it wrapped up, and us little guys called, The People, are just pawns on the game board of greed and corruption. I would like to see the playing feild leveled, and if we keep up the policies of the Federal Reserve, and the likes, America will look very different in 10 years, and there will be NO DOLE (free ride) for those of you who hate freedom to live off of! Take me up on my offer, PLEASE! .........a one way ticket to Libya! I am on the side of the rebels, by the way!!!!! Out with Daffy-duck! Reply Krista, Palm Springs 3/22/11 re: Milton Friedman quote Anyone NOT wanting to live in a free society / enterprise.....GO LIVE IN IRAN! (or the countless other countries in which the people are mere slaves/property. I will buy you a one way ticket! You can spout off all you want, well, once, anyway.....and then you'll be drug off and shot! Reply Krista, Palm Springs 3/22/11 re: Milton Friedman quote MIKE SAID IT!!!!!!!! Read "How The World REALLY Works, by Allan B Jones (not Alex Jones!) We have been enslaved by a greedy bunch of rat-finks! This aganda has been going on for at least 100 years! The Constitution has been treated like a piece of paper (it's actually hemp, which should be LEGALIZED in America!!!), and We The People have been purposely scared and manipulated into the dumb-ass itots we now are...... But, we are wiping the sleep from our eyes, and looking around at the mess our "leaders" (hahahahaha, forgive me, I had a moment there :) have penned us into, by selling us out to big business, big government, big money, and the elites that THINK they are the chosen ones (hahahahahahaha, sorry, I had another moment!) xoxo 2 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 3/22/11 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote True that! BUT, we hold the key! If and WHEN we back out of the sick game of Consumerism, we have 10 times more money, and 10 times more time than we had when we ran on the rat wheel of consumerism. 2 cars, big house, tons of clothes, NOT NEEDED!!! LIVE FREE, and take back your life! Yes, they have been playing us like a violin, BUT, at any time we can WAKE UP, and smell the money they are making off our backs and stop them in their tracks! RON PAUL for President 2012! YIPPY TO THAT! Reply Krista, Palm Springs 3/22/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote GREAT quote! I've not read his others, but love this one. I am a Progressive-Constitutionalist.......meaning, I want us to follow the letter and intention of the Constitution, while being Progressive in thought and in action moving into the future (which of course we do NOT do, as special interests have this show wrapped up, and "progressive ideas" are squashed like a bug at a picnic). By "Progressive" I do NOT mean for the neo-Conservatives or the Liberal-Progressives to spend spend spend and all in the name of "saving me" from, well, quite frankly, THEM! But then again, this move toward Socialism, which has been in full swing for about 100 years, through both the dems and the repubs, is an agenda, meant to destroy the American people, targeting the middle class specifically :) .........but not for long~ cheers! 4 Reply Krista, Palm Springs 1/7/11 re: Thomas Paine quote Love that quote! Indeed, we have been sold a long bill of goods that are NOT good for "The People" at all! Now is the time to right those wrongs, and reduce our bill (ConsumerISM & Corporatism), and take back our lives and create real FREEdom(ain)! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print