Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-10] of 10Posts from JDoN, MichiganJDoN, Michigan 6 Reply JDoN, Michigan 3/25/05 re: Igor Sikorsky quote Well said - or written, whatever. Reply JDoN, Michigan 3/25/05 re: H. L. Mencken quote I reckon all them "alphabet soup" outfits can be characterized by the initials -SOB Reply JDoN, Michigan 3/18/05 re: John Locke quote The Bullseye has been missed, though not by much, I think we had best learn how to deal with those have risked nothing and won - and are still breathing. 4 Reply JDoN, Michigan 3/11/05 re: James Madison quote I think Jefferson had the right - and ultimate - answer. We need a revolution to keep the bureaucrats and politcians on their toes - or back to the pig sty with them! 223Reply JDoN, Michigan 3/10/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I think we Americans have grown accustomed to the manure of Big Government and Bureaucratic Bull - and we enjoy wallowing in this political filth, just like pigs in the mud. Reply JDoN, Michigan 2/26/05 re: Henry Miller quote Open eyes, open ears, open minds do not precuse closed mouths. 1 Reply JDoN, Michigan 2/21/05 re: George Mason quote A wise man once said, "If you do not believe in something, you will believe anything." Today, far too many Americans believe in nothing of lasting value. 2 Reply JDoN, Michigan 2/19/05 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I believe our 'rulers' are well aware of the fact that some "people preserve the spirit of resistance" - that's why they want to take away our guns. As some person once said "The only thing dictators fear is the muzzle end of a gun." I think it was Lenin. Reply JDoN, Michigan 2/19/05 re: Wavy Gravy quote Okay - who is going to be the leader> 1 Reply JDoN, Michigan 2/18/05 re: John Scharr quote Fire away! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print