Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson, (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President

Famous Thomas Jefferson Quote

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson
~ Thomas Jefferson

November 13, 1787, letter to William S. Smith, quoted in Padover's Jefferson On Democracy, ed., 1939

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Anonymous    3/9/05
John-Douglas, Nassau

I think Americans should pay more attention to the words of our founding fathers than to the talking heads on the media.and to the political poltroons and robots in Washington!

GWDrope, Grimsby, Canada

Well the blood of patriots has been shed at places like Waco and Ruby Ridge and who knows where else in the USA - but how come the blood of tyrants has not been shed, not even one drop? Or do Americans prefer slavery to freedom?

Andy, Middletown CT
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Andy, Middletown CT GWDrope, Grimsby, Canada 12/5/19

Americans have been dumbed down to accept this form of slavery we are kept in.  There is NOTHING more pathetic than a man who is a slave and thinks he is free.  Americans have not been pushed to the limit to take up arms...they will be.

mike, boston
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mike, boston GWDrope, Grimsby, Canada 4/24/20

keep your socialist/communist thoughts to yourself and stay in canada we don't give a F--K about you or your ramblings Kiss Off

JDoN, Michigan

I think we Americans have grown accustomed to the manure of Big Government and Bureaucratic Bull - and we enjoy wallowing in this political filth, just like pigs in the mud.

NYC native, new york city

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." The blood of patriots and tyrants is being spilled everyday in the name of liberty. God Bless our Troops and God Bless America.

Rob, Raleigh

I agree with NYC Native in some sense, but I think you are interpreting the quote incorrectly. Jefferson is speaking on domestic behalfs. This is more a support for 2nd Amendment (RIght to bear arms) than anything else. He is saying Americans inherently will fight for their rights. It is the governments duty to respond. It is also a warning to keep an open government so the people can see what is happening and not rebel. We have minor cases of this called "riots" but other than that, the people are happy enough not to rebel against the govt. He is speaking of civil war and revolt. As for foreign affairs, I believe the ends will justify the means, but that has nothing to do with this quote since we were not attacked by Americans.

EB, Michigan
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EB, Michigan    6/4/05

In our vast ignorance, Americans have taken this quote and twisted it to justify our foreign wars in recent years. This quote was talking about REVOLUTION on our own soil, not about going abroad and exerting our will in other peoples' lands. But I do think it's a very appropriate quote for the times, in it's original context.

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M, LVNV    6/29/05

Gun control advocates should read this quote and think about what it really means.

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    GWL, MPLS    7/22/05

    Freedom - democracy, individual and economic freedom are the only systems worth defending. The only other alternative is Socialism in various forms.



    Mary Jane Hempster, Independence, MO

    In the name of telling us what medicines to use, the government has already declared war on the American people! It's time to take our country back!

    Dave, Annapolis

    This quote means to assert that the people must keep abreast of what is going on in government, otherwise our liberties will be lost to the actions of those in charge. We must react to an infringement upon our lilberty in accordance with it's severity, and let the governing body know we still retain the spirit of revolution and will protect our rights. His referance to the blood of patriots not only refers to sacrifice of life for liberty, but also the sacrifice of lesser things.

    ect, boston

    "No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press. It is, therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions." - Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler, 1804. ME 11:33 "I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way." - Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814. ME 14:85 "It [appears] that however certain forms of government are better calculated than others to protect individuals in the free exercise of their natural rights, and are at the same time themselves better guarded against degeneracy, yet experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." --Thomas Jefferson: Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779. FE 2:220, Papers 2:526 "Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck." --Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822. ME 15:409 "We shall have our follies without doubt. Some one or more of them will always be afloat. But ours will be the follies of enthusiasm, not of bigotry, not of Jesuitism. Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both. We are destined to be a barrier against the return of ignorance and barbarism." --Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1816. ME 15:58

    Anonymous, an nasariyah Iraq

    EB, Michigan. shut the fuck up. i guess the tree of liberty only sprouts in america. if someone else needs help getting freedom then i'm down.

    Historian, Springfield

    Anon from Nasariyah, Iraq: you would do well to take your own advice. If we were to take Jefferson's advice to heart, the US would have had three or four violent revolutions in the past 25 years. And the most justified revolution would be against the current administration, responsible for putting your ass where it is right now. Killing 100,000 civillians in Iraq and then kicking off a civil war isn't going to look good on our international resume. Oh, you were going to save them from something... Yeah, right.

    V, Revolution

    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    Dulani Wilson, London

    Thomas jefferson is a straight up racist fuck. He talked against britain for their involvement in the slave trade between colonies, yet he had over 600 personal slaves in his life time. not to mention is eurocentric philosophies that led to the assimilation of native americans, genetic genocide in my book. As far as im concerned, Jefferson is the early representatation of wat America is today...unchristian, racist, white, double standard euro american hell

    Anonymous, Boulder CO

    it's important in that it's necessary to rattle the cages, while he proposes a violent and stupid minority, I'd go more for a peaceful, well informed majority, as for the previous comment about Iraq, um, I think in our current scenario the "blood of a tyrant" would be Bush's blood, as, we're sure as hell not revolting against anyone over in Iraq, far from it actually.

    Tom, Portland

    Jefferson was accurate in his thoughts that government needs to be afraid of it's people, not the other way around as that is called tyranny.

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    Anonymous    10/10/06

    I've put this excellent quote on the back of a hoodie/t-shirt here: The front has a pic of Jefferson with the words "ENEMY COMBATANT" underneath.

    yngthought, seattle washington

    although yes the blood is shed but whose to say the blood is from the patriots or tyrants i mean isn't a subjective question. i mean its just like the asking if stealing is wrong? isn't it?

    Empyrius, Spokane

    Jesus Christ IS the ultimate socialist! Time to overthrow this evil American government and their international corporate sponsors; Mammon lovers one and all they are! Taking care of our fellow man should be the only 'business' humankind ever has, and the passing of gold and silver is an age to soon be but a horrilble chapter in the history of humanity. One can either serve God or Money there is no in-between! Praise Jesus! Amen. Amen.

    Geologist, Cypress

    The words crafted by the Fathers of this country are magical in their clarity and meaning. The Declaration of Independance refers to "Natures God" not Jesus or Allah or Ra. The truth is that the spilling of the blood of tyrants and patriots is not just a quote from a famous american, it is a guidline to maintaining what was established (kind of like an owners manual). It has, is, and will happen. Its a plan, not a revalation. They are directions, not suggestions.

    Wes Mantooth, Balad

    The words have become rhetorical, as many of the wisdoms of our Founding Fathers. The truth of the matter is, the Tree of Liberty has been rotted to the core, and social democracy and the entitlement mentality have destroyed freedom and social fabric and empowered thieves and rapists.


    NEVER has a quote been so needed to be understood and followed as this one today. BUT there is a problem that is our government is so scared of it's own people anyone who is caught saying things or even quoting verses as this will end up in Gitmo never to be heard of again.

    Brian Owens, Portland, Oregon

    More true today than it ever was.


    Public lethargy is indeed the forerunner to the demise of public liberty as Jefferson correctly wrote. America is currently in this dangerous stage of development. Only one in two thousand (1 in 2000) Americans can name the first five presidents. I call that lethargy. Wake up America and grasp at liberty once again before all is lost.

    Anonymous, Reston, VA US

    Waco & Ruby Ridge were not the homes of patriots, but rather of radical fools. Of much greater concern is the blood of the patriots of our troops which is being neadlessly spilled on a daily basis these past 5 years, all due to the lies of King George W. Yet armed rebellion is not the answer, the answer is for the congress to respect the measure of the people that this monarch is on the wrong path and must either turn or be turned out.

    E Archer, NYC

    Either Americans will embrace these words as the spirit of American Liberty or they will toss them aside for American Fascism. The choice has always been ours, the power has always been ours, and the consequences will always be ours. The choice is ours -- revolution or government totalitarianism. I am afraid lethargy is more prevalent than a desire to fight for our freedom -- but who knows -- I am ready.

    Ken, Allyn, WA

    We are too corrupt to take Jefferson's advice, just like the late Roman republic.

    Iceman, Ann Arbor MI

    it is My belief in these troubled times that Americans need to wake up and realize that their liberties and freedoms that they are taking for granted are slowly and inexorably being taken from them, whittled away because of their lack of knowledge and caring about their individual freedoms that many have shed blood for over the course of our history as a nation, Myself included...those who are true patriots will heed Jefferson's call to arms, though he cries it from the grave...

    Lisha, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

    Two Words, one passed legislation: PATRIOT ACT. That's where your goverment signed away your right to private phone calls, the right against unreasonable search and in many cases free speech. You can no longer hold political beliefs that are "anti-american" without being questioned and possibly detained. You guys WERE the champions of the free world. Now apathy has replaced resistance, and fear has replaced freedom. Small protests aren't going to do it folks, it might be time to take Jefferson's words to heart.

    Goseyn, Three Rivers, CA

    On the basis of this quote, we can conclude that Jefferson would have approved of Timothy McVeigh's blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. Jefferson approves of the ignorant taking violent action FIRST, and THEN society educates them as to the facts, and pardons them for their behavior. It implicitly defines as a tyrant any leader with whom the ignorant are so discontented as to take violent action against him/her. This is the advice of a moron.

    Joe, Rochester, MI

    Reston, by your words, our founding fathers were "radical fools." The blood of the victims at Waco and Ruby Ridge is as patriotic and red as the troops who die in Iraq. Since Congress does not respect the people, perhaps it IS time for a rebellion. Term limits may go a long way to increasing the respect of Congress for the people who elected them, and put Congress on the same social security you and I have.

    Nick, Fresno, CA

    I think many of you have read too much into this quote. Especially Goseyn in Three Rivers! (you are embarassing Californians). The blood spilt at Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, and Waco was not the blood of patriots. As little as I like those in government, they are not tyrants, (but they might be getting close). Jefferson wished that those that came after him would be free, it is simple. Jefferson hoped that those that took issue with government would not be lethargic, and would fight for it. The problem with most of these responses is that you are taking it LITERALLY. I don't believe that Jefferson meant for his statement to be taken that way some 220 years on.

    Dorothy Mantooth, San Diego

    @Nick in Fresno: What do you think "Let them take arms" means, anyway? It means guns. What do you think "what signify a few lives lost in a century or two" means? If you bother to read very many quotes of the Founding Fathers, it wouldn't seem so odd to you. They just got done doing this very thing to their own government. I agree very much with a previous sentiment that when the people fear the government, rather than vice versa, it's a pretty good indication of tyranny. Perhaps I'll construct a "liberty alert system" with red, amber, yellow, etc. to easily inform people of the current status of threats on their liberty. I guess I'd have to start with orange being second worst status (and our current status), followed by red (soon to come). I'll worry about the other (less severe) colors when I think we're headed in that direction.

    Saul, Aztlan, Anahuac

    I wonder if Thomas Jefferson felt Native Americans should revolt against the tyrannical Europeans who enslaved, murdered, raped and exploited them.

    Malathos, the south

    Well said, I'm glad I could find the total quote.

    JR, UpState New York, 11th FF

    Yep. Great quote. Too bad Americans are too afraid to fight for the Rights of Americans, but would rather fight for their Rght to party, instead. When T.S.H.T.F. the only ones left will be those who have prepared for it. The Haves will outlive the Have nots. The herded dummies who believe everything the government tells them will be thinned out. Then those who were willing to do what is necessary and/or their children will have back what God once gave them to defend.

    JR, UpState New York, 11th FF

    This is in reponse to "Saul, Aztlan, Anahuac"...appearently one of the Conquered people of Mexico who now lives illegally in America. You were beaten in war. You lost. Get over it and get back over the fence you climbed over. Sure the people of this continent were done a lot of harm against; my ancestors included. But that was back before we had Illegal Aliens. The only reason the hordes of people want to come from Mexico into America is for the Freebies, the hand-outs, the Welfare Checks, the Free Money to start a business. You can't get it in your own country, so you come here to get it. You protest against Americans and America itself saying that this is your land. I say to that again; Your army of Santa Anna was beaten in open combat. You lost! Just like my people, the Native Americans. Time to come to terms with reality. Your argument has no credibility whatsoever. It is not bad enough that you allow your Mexican government to destroy your own country; now you come here to destroy ours. And you believe you can protest in the streets, say this is your country, burn our flag, destroy our property, murder our people and say it is your Right to do so. The only reason you do all of these things here in America is because if you did it in your own country, they would not hesitate to shoot you on sight. Don't confuse our compassion for weakness. There will come a time when we have no more compassion and will turn back the hordes of Invaders ... People like You... by any means necessary.

    HDTVJunkie, Fullerton, CA

    It is important to understand that power is a corrupting force that few can withstand. The inclination to act like a soveriegn is almost uncontrollable while holding high office. Ect's quote from Jefferson that America is an experiment to determine if a people can be governed by reason and truth is right on the money. Should a device like the US Patriot Act be acceptable to the people? Should we give up a bit of our freedom for a measure of safety? Are we ready to say that the experiment is over and we are only concerned with individual self-preservation at any cost? Have you Americans out there considered the far-reaching effects of the US Patriot Act? I believe the US Patriot Act is exactly the kind of thing that Jefferson is warning us about. Wake up America. Read the text. Read the facts surrounding it's passage. Then read George Orwell's 1984. Then tell me you disagree. Come'on Americans. Get on the ball! How did you get so far off if it? Lethargy will ruin this great country and you're to blame if you don't pay attention!

    Reed, Roanoke

    I am a direct descendent of Thomas Jefferson, and I have great respect for him. Quotes like this, which remain applicable today, only multiply my respect.

    Rick Glass, Ft. Pierce, FL

    Read the 'Federalist Papers' and then tell me this quote from Jefferson doesn't mean anything today.

    Charlie Gocio, Little Rock, Ark.

    I'm pretty sure that a couple of lines later, Jefferson explains why taxes are a must. Yet, I never hear people quote that part ... hmmm.

    Big D, Tucson AZ.

    So tired of people complaining about the government. We all have the right to vote as do all, you don't like it, do something, anything. Until then, shut the fuck up and enjoy the freedom our military provides for all the degenerates who lean back and bash the very things that make us the greatest. Everything you have is the direct result of the blood spilled for us. The very fact that idiots can post their opinions here (without having their balls chopped off and shoved in their mouth) should be proof enough that our government does it's job. As for the "Patriot Act" whiners, the "Man" doesn't care if you're sleeping with your neighbor or any of the other sick things many of us like to talk about on phones. What he does care about is the growing tumors full of "fanatics" who enjoy what this great country provides and plan it's demise in the same breath. If you're not doing anything wrong then who gives a damn who's listening if you never know about it. There were electronic whiz kids listening to your dumbass long before the Patriot Act was ever passed so have some cheese with your whine. And I'm out, I have to get up early to make sure my small part of the worlds greatest Air Force is ready to kick ass and to write my wife who doing her part in Afghanistan.

    Jack Ian Mayer, Edwardsville Illinois

    We are, in one sense, fortunate to be couched in an uniquely American economy of an historic and extraordinary abundance. I can imagine that while the Forefathers may not have dreamed of such scope and wealth they may see fit to modify what compounding of modern 'abuses and usurpations' triggers a desire to water liberty's tree.

    empyrius, Spokane

    There goes big duck killing for the American corpotocracy that is his true enemy! You and the wife keep on killing innocents over there, at least you are not yet killing innocents over here, in America. Jesus even dined with a tax collector but he didn't pay taxes to the Roman state (being that he didn't have any money), and as he took to heaven one of the thieves he was crucified with, I thank G-d that indeed there is hope for all of us. Shed yourself of the idolatry of patriotism and instead arm thyself with the armor of Christ! Amen.

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    Petros    9/7/07

    There are a lot of tyrants in Washington these days. Is a day coming when the tree of liberty will be refreshed again? With all the things I read these days about a coming North American Union and NAFTA highway, a national/international ID (REAL ID), and the executive powers the president has given himself in so-called times of distress, America appears to be on a downward spiral path towards fascism. What recourse will Americans have who want to preserve liberty? We cannot continue to sit on our butts.

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    Anonymous    9/12/07

    Amen Big D!! Empty Head of Spokane needs to remember who is saving his ass from all the tyrants abroad, because words do not cut it big guy. You think terrorists or any other radicals in this world want to listen to your ranting? Words are not going to save us!! They would rather cut your head off than have to listen to you and your biblical tyrade. That is what a lot of you people posting here do not understand, TALK IS CHEAP!!! These people do not care what you have to say, get it through your thick skulls! They will keep attacking until they have destroyed every last one of us. I may not agree with everything that our government does, but I damn sure believe it is better than any other country in this world and I will damn sure keep fighting for it, so you may all have the RIGHTS and FREEDOMS that you take for granted everyday. You can't bring words to a gun fight, plain and simple! However, after reading some of your comments I wish you would!! Damn ingrates!! No one is perfect in this country and we will never find a president who does everything right. They all have huge faults, because they are human just like you and me.

    JR, Southaven, MS....USA

    Wilson in London.... Think what you like, but make sure you do in London. Stay the hell OUT of this country!!

    John, USA

    to HDTVJunkie, Fullerton, CA, EXACTLY, Couldn't have said it better myself . COME ON AMERICA, WAKE UP, TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY

    VpatS, Orlando

    God save this Republic, I am certain that there are no politicians who have any intention of doing so. Do you smell the aroma of discontent, I wonder if that is the same smell that the Founding Fathers smelled?

    TS, Phoenix

    -- Big D, Tucson AZ. wrote: "shut the fuck up " Isn't freedom of speech one of the things our military is fighting for? I guess you disagree with the Jefferson quote on this very page, and the intentions of our founding fathers. If you want everyone to stop criticizing the government, you'll be better off moving to Pakistan where you can live with a dictator like Musharraf who imprisons those who disagree with his policies. The rest of us will continue with the intent of the founders to love our country AND to speak up and do something when we see things going wrong.

    TW, Seattle

    I think it's time to take out country back!!!!!!!

    Thomas, Colorado

    -Big D, while I support our troops, I do not support this war. While I do support laws that protect my rights, I do not support the patriot act. I have the right to privacy. I will not tell you to "shut the fuck up" because I believe myself to be a true patriot, an upholder of the Declaration of Rights, the Constitution, and all of the Amendments granted to me by our fore fathers. I do not feel my rights are being threatened by terrorists -we have made our point to them, we are a super power and they will never win, only a super power can stand against a super power- I do not feel my rights are being taken away from a foreign party. Therefore I do not feel that this war is protecting my rights. As for the patriot act, if it is such a "patriot" act and if you claim that those who speak out against the government such as myself are degenerates, take into consideration the words of a man who helped give you your liberties: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin, PA, Declaration signer. We must always remember that our rights are first and foremost threatened by the ones we elect into office. As a final statement, the tyrants are those that strip us of our rights and liberties by misleading us. The patriots are those that would be willing to die and fight to worlds end for those rights and liberties. Good night to you all.

    Geoff, Jersey

    Wow there is a lot of hostility surrounding the liberty tree. It seems as if everyone is mad at the government or its constituents for one reason or another. the fact is in the modern day political scheme, you all are thinking the way of your political party. the democrats says this is bad, so do I, or George Bush says go to War...fuck it Im in! Just take a minute and think for yourselves and do away with all the cliche sayings of your particular party. And Remember, brilliant people's quotes deserve legitimacy, however, they are not facts. they are not the end all and be all.

    The China Desk, Taipei

    We today assume "He couldn't possibly have been serious!" But he was. And he was right.


    Read H.R. 1955

    vlad tepes, wallachia

    the American public needs to wake up, freedom comes at a cost. like it or not the mtv generations are going to be the downfall of wester civilization. the youth of today would rather waste their lives in bars and bong circles while a select few pay the ultimate sacrifice. we should look at history "the greatest generation" how many millions of Americans stood up for a cause in 1940's compared to todays generation, where they are in college living off their parents chasing tail at parties every night. we have all lost site of what it means to serve our country. even those in Washington!

    Patriot, Kansas

    A wonderful quote, this is one of the single greatest things that the founding fathers ever said. They realized that nothing will be kept perfect, and that people must look their government in the face from time to time and say "we aren't going to put up with this any more." I wish more people in America could see this quote, and truly grasp what it means. I <3 freedom.

    Anonymous, Dallas, TX

    This is a great quote, and yes, I do believe Jefferson was speaking of taking up arms. Someone earlier mentioned that "term limits would go a long way". This is something I hear all the time and it really pisses me off. The only way we are going to get term limits is if congress votes for them, and that is a highly unlikely scenario. But there is another solution, and it would not require shedding blood. ALL YOU JACKASSES THAT ALWAYS BITCH ABOUT CONGRESS WITH IT'S 7% APPROVAL RATING, BUT ALWAYS VOTE YOUR SENATOR OR CONGRESSMAN BACK INTO OFFICE, STOP DOING IT. AS VOTERS WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO IMPOSE TERM LIMITS BY ALWAYS VOTING OUT THE INCUMBENT! Forget the partisan politics, make the house and the senate revolving doors, just like corporate America treats it's employees. The private sector has no job security, so why should the public?

    h, ct
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    h, ct    12/17/07

    We should really be looking at history and comparing it with current government rhetoric and propaganda. Our democracy is fading because Americans have gotten lazy - or just scared. People are recognizing that our liberties are being eroded but they just accept it. Colleagues have said to me before gong to a demonstration, "Don't get arrested." Why is demonstrating, exercising rights given to me by the first amendment an arrestable offense? Because we have a closing democracy, rather than a functioning one. I recommend a book by Naomi Wolf called "The End of America"; its terrifyingly inspiring.

    Iceman, Ohio

    Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers were they alive in this day and age would take up arms against this government, not based on the current administration, but rather based on the fact that our rights and liberties are being taken out from under our very noses...and we are doing NOTHING to stop it. To all you armchair soldiers out there, I say put down your remote controls and your video games and take up REAL arms against tyranny...and let's take back our fucking country.

    Stephen C., Virginia, U.S.A.

    Thomas Jefferson was spot on! People today are way too dumbed down to realize what the government is slowly doing to our liberties. The government is taking advantage of all the entertainment (movies, books, TV, etc.) people are so blinded by. People are awake, yet asleep in their minds. They see, yet they're blind. Americans serious DO need to wake up, before it's too late. I leave you with more words of wisdom, but spoken of more than 2500 years ago: "The prudent foresee danger and take precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Proverbs 22:3 And another more recent: "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render even them safe, their minds must be improved to a certain degree." - Thomas Jefferson

    jj, reno
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    jj, reno    1/23/08

    it's wack

    fucked, oppression, usa

    If anyone disagrees with this quote by jefferson, I'd be happy do get together with you and discuss it civilly, after I cut your fucking throat. Of course, I only mean that rhetorically. More or less rhetorically.

    John, Columbia

    The 'Tree of Liberty' seems to have wasted away by years of apathy and ingratitude. Truly, Jefferson rolls in his grave because of the actions of both government and the people in this day and age.

    John, Columbia, fucking throat, usa

    The 'Tree of Liberty' seems to have wasted away by years of apathy and ingratitude. Truly, Jefferson rolls in his grave because of the actions of both government and the people in this day and age.

    angie s., summerville, south carolina

    this is a very intresting statement! i do agree!

    Moses Mix, Central California

    It is profound that Jefferson places "the blood of patriots" before "tyrants" It is a message that shouts- LET THE READER BEWARE that liberty is not gained without loss.

    Dennis, Oxford, MS

    Even the best devised government will deteriorate into tyranny unless the people they govern hold a big stick over their head.That's why the founders insisted the whole of the people be armed. (2nd Amendment), and that we should be aware of when our liberties are being trampled on. He is saying the people should let the government know they will not tolerate their liberty being stolen and trampled on.To the point of violence, if necessary. If this is consistently done, then freedom is maintained. Jefferson correctly predicted that the people would become too ignorant to realize what was happening, but I don't think even he could imagine how far it's actually progressed. It has now come to the point that there is almost nothing we can do, without permission from the government in one way or another. I have come to the conclusion that some or even most people actually like it that way. Read the posts here for example.

    Quinn, Littleton MA

    To Saul, Aztlan, Anahuac: Actually, if you read about Jefferson, you'd probably find out that he would have supported the natives. He owned slaves but was repulsed by slavery. He pondered anarchism in the US as much as he pondered the republic. A conflicted man to say the least.

    bob, dallas
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      bob, dallas    4/8/08

      Jefferson was discussing the French Revolution but his statement is true. Freedom isn't free, it is paid in blood.

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      Anonymous    4/14/08

      Too true.

      Steven Jones, Vancouver

      Absolutly, and those comments posted herein by any who are not American Citizens, screw em. This is our land and our right, its time to take back. The government should be warned.

      ew keane, michigan city indiana

      To all neo-conservitives fools. You are the loyal scum that worship King (who supposes himself as commander in chief of everything) and aristocratic countrymen who have brought this land low. This land has no place for you, and God willing, and I pray that the day comes soon, when my fellows and I will make use of you and your masters corpse as a water can for liberty's tree. Rebellious Stripes Forever!

      patriot, Ohio

      to all the supporters of Big D, you say talk is cheap. Have you noticed that you live in a country where people die everyday to defend just that. No talk is not cheap it comes at a price. Our country is based on ideas provided by the founding fathers and if we do not defend those rights we are allowing people to die in vain everyday. As for bringing words to a gun fight. A day will come when I will bring words to fight for my country not my tyrant, but I will also be bringing a gun

      Jaret, Orlando

      We are not far away from our country's next great revolution. It will be a domestic affair in which the wealthy elitists try to divert our attention from them--our true enemies--to ourselves. They will tell us it is black vs. white, immigrants vs. native citizens, or muslim vs. christian. The tyrants, whose blood must be shed in the next revolution, are the wealthy elitists. They are the ones, who wage war on our behalf, stage false flag terrorist attacks to rob us of our civil liberties, increase the size of our federal government (and in doing so increase our dependence on it), cause carefully calculated economic problems(like the current housing crisis), increase the monetary supply (which decreases the value of the dollar), and open our borders to Mexico (so they can have cheap labor to work in their factories). Wake up! Our government is controlled by the wealthy elite and their agenda is to enslave us with debt. It is time for a REVOLUTION!

      patriot, Ohio

      you speak of a horror not a change. In the French revolution they began killing the weathly because of their wealth not their crimes. In Germany they killed Jews because their religion. We must not stoop to the level of uneducated radicals mass murdering all those who are different. We are a country of acceptance though the divide between rich and poor must be changed we cannot eradicate those who are different.

      someguy, somewhere

      i like what i'm reading. its like a presidential debate on hbo. but why does everyone have to be a telephone toughguy. not many of you would actually say this to the other persons face. i think we all need to turn off the tv and make our communities a little better. (the tree of liberty is surrounded by grass roots)

      patriot, Ohio

      Its not so much that we are being tough guys, but it is that this passage evokes strong emotions so people who are opinionated come off a little strong. I do see what you are saying but realize that some of the stuff being said is not completly literal.

      Matthew, Maryland

      First, to Big D and those like him: You are the greatest enemies of our nation. This Nation was founded on the hope that the people would always question the government. But more, that people would always question each other. The people should give up no power unless it is proved beyond a reasonable doubt absolutely necessary. The people should never accept the word of the government, nor the media, nor each other without a healthy does of skepticism. Men like Big D are the pawns of tyrants. May the day come soon when I am called to take up my gun, and leave the comforts of home behind, to deliver our great nation from the hands of the likes of him. For such is the noblest of causes, and if one is to die, let it be in service to liberty and humanity.

      Drew, Ohio

      Crazy little coincidence from this passage: Every twenty years since 1840 a president has been elected into office, and that president has either died in office or has been assassinated while president. Not to jump to conclusions, but this is exactly what TJ is saying in the quote. The only exceptions to this dying theory are Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, who both survived assassination attempts. 1840-William Henry Harrison (died in Office) 1860- Abraham Lincoln (Assassinated) 1880- James A. Garfield (assassinated) 1900- William McKinley (Assassinated) 1920- Warren G. Harding (Died in Office) 1940- Franklin D. Roosevelt (Died in Office) 1960- John F. Kennedy (Assassinated) 1980- Ronald Reagan (Survived Assassination) 2000- George W. Bush (Survived Assassination) 2020-???

      patriot, Ohio

      I'm sorry but I fail to see any connection between death of presidents and revolution

      Lane Hendricks, Houston

      obviously america needs help. we need to help ourselves. we are letting our country rot away for what? go look outside and you can witness the corruption take place everywhere. we need to break free. FYI it is illegal in america to speak of plotting a revolution. anyone doing so will be labeled a national threat aka terrorist. COME GET ME MOTHER FUCKERS!

      • Reply
      Anonymous    6/6/08

      @Lane Hendricks You just called one of the most important founding fathers of this country a terrorist. What does that make you?

      Anonymous, anytown, usa

      Our rights have been eroded away. Our government has told us that it is for our own good, for safety but that safety is an illusion. We are no more safe for these injustices (under the name of "Homeland Security") than we were when all of our troubles began. Our most fundamental rights have been damaged by new laws put into effect, "for our own good". Heed Jefferson's words well, for they will be on the lips of the leaders of the revolution. When a government has stopped fearing their people, it is time for those people to worry, and to make a stand. The revolution is upon us, what will you do?

      Bart, Chennai

      To those on this forum who are using the quote to justify invading countries half a world away without any valid reason, you are missing the point entirely. In the revolutionary war, the British were the Tryants and Americans the Patriots. In Iraq today the Americans have replaced Saddam as the Tyrants and the Iraqis would probably be the Patriots. And considering it's close relationship with barbaric and totalitarian regimes like royal family of Saudi Arabia and the military dictator Pakistan, America is certainly supporting such Tyrants against the will of the people of those countries.

      sanjit, Heart of the Empire

      Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Smash the state. No gods. No masters.

      Marc L, Seattle, WA

      "The prudent foresee danger and take precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Proverbs 22:3 And another more recent: "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories. And to render even them safe, their minds must be improved to a certain degree." - Thomas Jefferson . Stephen C, Here's one for you: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato

      William Proctor, Indianapolis, Indiana

      The quote above is one of my favorite, along with this quote: "Paper is poverty,... it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788. ME 7:36 Abolish The Federal Reserve and return to a Gold Standard! This will, by force, cut government spending, eliminate debt and curtail inflation because they government won't be able to print money when it needs more.

      Fred, Arizona

      Another famous line, "It was not President Abe Lincoln that made men equal, it was Colonel Sam Colt."

      Steve Bilyue', Casselberry, Florida

      The stand for Religious liberty is only established under a judicial forum in the US Bill of Rights and fought and died for to preserve in America, no where else; If any of you imagine to do the same, here or there, it can only be done from its source here in the freedom of expression and the right to bear arms; preserve it here against its criminals in America and only then can it be carried forth throughout the world, by the rule of law over tyrants. Religious liberty patriots are welcome, others not.

      Joe Flatbed, Freightliner

      Jefferson and the founding fathers drafted a constitution to protect us from central bankers-well guess what woodrow willson let these tyrants back in-this is the blood Jefferson was talking about-ww-so go ahead you ignorant patriots and beat your chests and talk about patriotism and then wonder why your 401k lost 15% last year and 10 % so far this year and then go look up indentured servant

      Andrew, New Orleans

      Our founding fathers had it right. They showed amazing insight when writing the constitution, so much so that it STILL applies to modern day situations, hundreds of years later. There are simply not enough people in America these days that care about their civil liberties. As long as they stay safe, fed, and entertained, they don't seem to care that the country is falling apart around them. Our founding fathers were patriots for rebelling against their tyrannical overlords, but now people with the same ambitions are branded as traitors, criminals, terrorists, or unamerican. The country is in a sad, sad state right now.

      BH, Long Island, NY

      At the time Jefferson wrote this he was living in Paris as the United States Minister to France. In France at the time there was oppression and a true lack of liberty under King Louis and Marie Antoinette, et al. Jefferson saw it daily and I am sure he contrasted it to the United States, our Revolution, and the effects our Revolution had vis-a-vis Liberty within the "New World". You write in regard to what you see, hear, and experience daily. Less than two years later the French Revolution began and Jefferson sided with the revolutionaries even though he had many french friends in power in the French Government. Though there were no pacifications or pardons in the French Revolution, only the guillotine. To restate, I think Jefferson was thinking more about "Liberty" in general across all nations and all peoples and not just in regard to the United States which had already secured ours. One point made earlier by another poster is true. Both Jefferson and Washington knew in their heart of hearts that they were hypocrites in that upon their death beds both freed their slaves. Yet while they lived neither had the moral stamina/character to free them and endure the monetary effects that their beliefs demanded! Too bad perhaps if they and others had, from the very beginning; "We hold these truths to be self evident that man is endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable rights among which are Liberty.....etc., the more than 600,000 men who died during the Civil War deaths could have been avoided.

      Dan R, America

      Two things: 1. This quote and some others made by Jefferson were considered to be radical in their time. And many thought Jefferson to be a violent radical. He was great when needed during the revolution and the founding of the nation, but would have been lost during times of peace and prosperity. 2. The world has changed so much since Jefferson's time. People didn't intentionally kill innocents as a strategy back then. Unfortunately these actions by others have made it necessary for us to lose some freedoms. You can whine on a NY TIMES 1970s liberal soapbox all you want, but terrorism in America is only going to get worse. Unless you are personally willing to die and let your loved ones and children die, then some freedoms must be sacrificed.

      Nicole, Dallas

      God didn't give us America, warriors did.

      Ericka, Nebraska

      Yikes, there's so much anger and hurt in these comments. Our government is in a sorry state, indeed. Our citizens are lethargic and apathetic and so consumer driven. I do, however, find that at the core of what America was and is, where perhaps you might find the good characteristics and the hopes and dreams of the Founding Fathers, a hope. We as humans are imperfect, and we fail to listen to one another and rarely ever do we crave perspectives different from our own unless there is an incentive. It is hard to get outside of your comfort zone, but having a well rounding world view-- whether that's small town to big city, America to Britain, 1st world countries to 3rd world countries, we gain more from listening and talking with one another than holding onto hatred and the past. Granted, many of the things done throughout mankind's history has been horrific and unjust, but we can only work on today's behaviors and repair today relationships, not yesterday. I rather like this quote-- despite his personal failings, I enjoy the fact that someone who had such power invited the common man to come to the table and remind the government who put him there. We get lost in power grabs and mazes of 'fair and balanced' information these days-- it's nice to be reminded, especially during a campaign time, that the men our current candidates sometimes say they're trying to follow, encouraged those they represent to be knowledgeable about their country and to actively communicate with those who represent them. It's much easier to encourage the common folk to simply trust and be ignorant and inactive to retain the power. Considering where Jefferson came from-- the power hold of the monarchy lingering over his shoulder...well, I can't help but be a little awed by the bravery of he and the men who helped to found our nation. Faults and all. We have the potential, fellow patriots, we just need a little faith (not necessarily religious faith) in ourselves and each other (and if you believe in God, fantastic, too).

      Michael, Charlotte, NC

      Blame video games, complacency, and the fascist market state, before you point fingers at the Democrats. Revolution is a necessity, albeit pacifism, lack of ethos, and big business are the real bad guys.... okay you can include the Saudis.

      Saifudeen, USA

      I think some tyrants here in the USA need to water the tree...

      Jared Wade, Kelso, WA

      TJ was an AMAZING Founding Father his love of people no matter their race, his dignity, his respect of individual rights is so aparent in the Bill of Rights...WE are so used to todays double speak idiots that we can not see the America TJ invisioned. The ignorant and unlearned may defame but his words are imortal and their folly evident. God bless individual liberty!

      Brad, Franklin

      Empyrius, Spokane, you are wrong. I serve neither god nor money. Money serves me and there is no god.

      Brad, Franklin, IN

      Goseyn, Three Rivers, CA, it is you that is the moron. Jefferson would not have supported what McVey did because he did not try peaceful means first. You know nothing of Jefferson.

      JA, Utica, NY


      Chuck, Longwood, FL

      Sadly, we are approaching the point where mere reference to statements and quotes made by those who were instrumental to the founding of this nation, will be construed as violations of the so called Patriot Act or similar legislation of the same ilk.

      Comrade Freedom, Paterson, NJ 1st city of America

      Under the Patriot Act, all of our founding fathers, slave-owning honkeys they may have been but progressive for their time, would have been held without trial and murdered. Our government is failing us, has failed us in the past, and will continue to do so unless we stop reading these words and start living them. The only way all men will be created equal is under a democratic socialist america. God bless the USSA!

      Anonymous, Little Town MIchigan

      For those who speak of revolution! After the revolution were are the people who will run this country?Do you have a plan to get us out of the economic problems we face today?I am for revolution and would die for my country and my freedom ,but We need facts . Would we still have taxes without representation?Would our jobs be overseas still would we put the government in check more often?Would we not allow so much presidential power?Would we have an Election that allows anyone to run for president? Not just democrats and republicans(the rich and elete,Illuminati?)For I feel the problems started when the country began ,they should have allowed anyone with the desire to be President to run for office.The common man.I still think it is funny how "the patriot act" could get its name considering that a patriot fights for freedom not the taking away of such.As for biblical quotes Jesus said "give unto me thy tithing and give unto Caesar that which is his"And Caesar was a tyrant .During WW2 Hitler used tactics like our Government is using to control the people. Hmm is our government like the Nazis?

      Marine - 0311, Deployed in Afghanistan

      I will allow my government to spill all my blood in order to obtain supremecy on the globe and keep this world peaceful, in which the only nation capable is in fact the US. Semper Fidelis

      Richie, L.A.

      I think some of people really have miss-interpreted what Jefferson said. None of our troops are fighting for liberty, they are enforcing a dictatorship abroad and at home. Jefferson is saying that each person who calls themselves a citizen and a patriot have a duty to overthrow any system within OUR borders and within OUR government. Each American has a constitutional right to bear arms to that end and fight. Certainly we have tyrants who need to die, but we have no patriots to fight them. Our cause is lost, we no longer have liberty. Richie.

      Publius, America The Beautiful

      empyrius, Spokane

      For those interested in the whys, means, and end of the upcoming revolution, here are two stories that fill in the details: pax vobiscum

      Anti-Obama, Las Vegas

      When the "(un)Fairness Doctrine is unleashed, will 50+ million Americans who enjoy talk radio take it sitting down? When the Second Amendment is neutered through laws that outlaw ammunition or outlaw gun stores that are within 5 miles of any school or park (90% of gun stores would be outlawed), will 100+ million American gun owners take it sitting down? When an average American is investigated and destroyed by Government and media henchmen (i.e. Joe the Plumber) for questioning authority, will all freedom-loving Americans take it sitting down? NOW is the time to "take up arms" and defend freedom...

      Revolution, Action not talk

      Obama has been elected by the zombie morons socialist of the welfare elite hypnotized by the dishonest mainstream media. Unfortunately, their numbers outweigh the thinkers, doers, and workers in our great nation. I guess it's time to open the safe and get some guns oiled up... we have to bring it to them, they won't give up their corruption and dishonesty easily.

      R. Coleman, Indianapolis

      Seems to me Jefferson is often misquoted in this regard: He is saying that no law, including the Constitution, is built to withstand the passage of time, and that every twenty years the laws should be revised for current needs. It has been said that he once considered setting expiration dates on all laws--which may well have been a good thing, but far too time-consuming. Guncultists and anarchists do love to think this quote is a license to advocate the overthrow of the government by force, but they're wrong. Jefferson had been through one war of revolution, I can't imagine he'd want another.

      AntiObama, Las Vegas

      To R. Coleman: Anybody who reads the complete quote and thinks it means the Constitution should be re-written is beyond dumb and ignorant. Jefferson chose his words carefully, and his reference to "rebellion", "rulers... warned time to time", "spirit of resistance", "take arms", "few lives lost", "blood of... tyrants", etc. can only be interpreted in one way: Freedom-loving Americans sometimes must fight to preserve freedom and liberty, and sometimes that fight includes the shedding of the "blood of tyrants".

      Anonymous, Crewe, VA

      It is through hard times that we learn to appreciate the good. What hard time have we lived through? What sacrifice have we all made due to a hard time? It's through these lessons that we truly understand how great our country is. When you can look past your own small problems and appreciate the opportunity given in our country, then you can understand what Jefferson meant. Unfortunately, this requires a hard time of great magnitude to truly bring about the understanding that we require. It is through this shedding of "blood" that we will all be reminded of what was so fresh in Jefferson's mind when he made this statement.

      Jeff, Tacoma

      The blood of tyrants havent been spilt? Hitler, Mussolini, numerou senglish kings/french kings, or maybe even SADDAM HUSSEIN? Those people havent been killed but are actually hiding somewhere? Patriots and Tyrants will always be killed for Liberty, it IS natural manure to the tree.

      bannannanna men of earth, kay-town

      it shows us all that we should be free to choose what we want when we want without a ruler or king to make or choices. we are able to rebel the unjust or unfair laws or rules to make it better for all. if america is founded on freedom so should it be today.

      sam jackson, pen state

      go bannannanna men of earth

      Semper Fidelis, San Diego

      NYC Native, I don't believe that Thomas Jefferson was referring to the good, honest, and selfless men and women of this country that are serving in the military as the "patriots and tyrants". I believe that he was referring to his belief that patriots and tyrants are essentially the same animal. The founding fathers had a unique understanding of the disease of patriotism. They witnessed first-hand what a fanatical believer would do because his government told him to do it. May the good people of this country be so enraged at some point that a revolution takes place lest we lose everything we have fought for for over 225 years.

      phil, newark

      BHO in his "victory speech" in Chicago said "We are No Longer A Nation Of Individuals." Jefferson said the demise of INDIVIDUALISM will result in the death of the American experiment.

      james mcdouglas, indiana

      To all of our brave men and women abroad: read our Constitution...stop with your Semper Fi crap and think before you speak. You claim to be protecting freedom and spreading DEMOCRACY. This country was NOT founded as a democracy. It was founded as a REPUBLIC. Hasn't anyone else ever heard of the Pledge of Alligence? "...and to the republic, for which it stands..." Open a dictionary and look up those two words. As for anyone that wants to claim Waco and Ruby Ridge were justified actions by our government, I would really like to know where you got your information. Even the FBI admits they screwed up on both occasions. Granted, it was not untill after they were backed into a corner, but they admit it none the less. Our freedom WILL be restored, and it WILL be coming in the not so distant future. There WILL be blood spilled on our soil, and I will gladly donate. However, I will gladly put a bullet in my own head before I will support this empire. Say what you will of my unwillingness to fight for the freedom I take for granted. Your words don't suddenly change the fact that there is NO THREAT to my freedom from any country in the Arab world. They only threatened security, not freedom. Those two concepts are separate and mutually unrelated. They have acted as we would. If you killed my mother, father, and children you better believe I'd attack you. And that is not "terrorism", it is revenge. This quote is one I have taken solace in over the years, not because of its words, but because of its spirit.

      Matt Woodard, Nashville

      After the past several months, and all the lies told by our politicians and business leaders I believe the time is now. Maybe the best thing that could happen for us is to have a nuke set off in DC, and then have the common man take over every broadcast station in the country. The elite need to be lined up on the wall like in France in the late 1700s. The first shot is not far off.

      Uyraell, Wellington, New Zealand

      To all who opined here, I have a small tale to tell, of a relative of mine, who fought at Monte Cassino in World War Two, and at El Alamein before that. Post war, he was wrongly pulled over by a Policeman. He'd been hurrying medicines home to his unwell wife, when stopped by the Policeman, who insisted on arresting him and taking him to the local Police Station. Came the part where he had to undress as far as his undershorts (standard practice in that era), and the Policeman saw lines of "zipper-like" scars from his left hip to his neck, the result of machinegun bullets he'd been hit by in the battle at El Alamein, where he had attacked a German machinegun emplacement with hand grenades, after crawling to within throwing range under mg fire. "Gee, that's interesting scarring, "Says the Policeman, "where did you collect that?" (My relative):"I got it in El Alamein, defending the bloody country so it didn't end up being run by bastards like you!" In short, I'm Proud of My Veteran Relative, and forever ashamed My nation produced a Policeman as ignorant as the one who arrested him. Jefferson was right, and My Family among many others has lived to prove it, even outside America. God Bless America: As a nation you have your faults, yet remain Humanity's BEST HOPE for True Freedom. Uyraell, New Zealand.

      Lisa, Spokane Wa

      "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7:1-2

      A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va.

      -- JA, Utica, NY Wrote - REVOLUTION IS NEEDED, NOW MORE THEN EVER SINCE THE DAY WE TOOK THIS LAND FOR OURSELVES. LET'S TAKE IT BACK FROM THE TYRANTS THAT CONTROL US TODAY. --My Reply--- You're a fuggin idiot and what you just said is treasonous. You need to be blind folded and shot. This is a time of War we are in and your statements of taking down the government are a cause of natural concern. You are a moron and a dolt!

      John, Seattle, WA

      I am in agreement with all of the statements calling for revolution. We need one to unseat the Tyrants who have made themselves kings over all Americans. These scumbags have eroded our liberties so much over the last 100 years that we no longer have the option of a peaceful revolution. Democracy is no excuse for Tyranny! We are a Republic, not a Democracy... and we need to force our government back in like by whatever means necessary.

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        Anonymous    1/25/09

        Whoever said the blood of patriots was shed at ruby ridge and waco is insane. Those people were nutbags and NOT the people Jefferson was talking about.

        Wardog, Miami

        I think that Americans have become too comfortable and too much in complacency with themselves. ZOG should be aware that when people do not have their comforts they become irrational! This is getting ready to happen with the collapse of the economy. All jobs are going away and people are losing their jobs each and every day. Now lets see when this takes hold and people snap out of their sleep of the total brainwashed that they have been given by the Zog controlled Media. When millions will be homeless because they are jobless!!! When Zog gives millions of illegals Amnesty that will take our jobs that are left for less than $7.00 an hr. and pay not into the system with taxes and ss, and the end but beginning of total slavery to Zog! Maybe when all this happens Americans will stop being such a bunch of pussies and instead become pussy-footed! Come on now, Zog is counting on us all to be a bunch of pussy's! Loose lips sink ship's and Kilroy is watching! There are traitors even here in this place watching! Then and only then will Americans have nothing to lose but their lives which in some ways has all ready happened.

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        Anonymous    1/26/09

        Colonists revolted because, among many grievances, taxation without representation. Our new "changed" gov't is asking us all to pay for the outrageous spending of other states, counties, and municipalities. I don't care where you live, you aren't represented in every state. It's time to refresh the tree of liberty...

        John Carlo N. Rola, Manila, Philippines

        It's great....I need this for my SociVl Studies report....thank you.

        Justine Casey Z. Corpuz, Manila, Philippines

        it's interesting to read such an inspiring quote..

        Ma. Rozen G. Campos, Manila, Philippines

        i agree., it's terrific!!!... thank you!

        VEO, scottsdale

        this string is a really interesting read - notes from many walks of life. historians appreciate TJ was most interested in a common principal of public liberty in the republic but only if checked by a continuing debate of new conditions and actions. the debate is apparent, and if the common principal is liberty where has it been sacrificed at large on US soil? some argue wire taps, torture and bombing are aborrations of our government but who can truely argue that the people have been denied a voice in correcting those offences. that is liberty - people are just not happy with their own limited effect and timing. the bad timing is what ends up spilling the blood of patriots and tyrants but as that argrian TJ analogized that tree needs it's natural manure.

        Anonymous, USA


        SKID, Little town, Ohio

        Talk is real cheap. It is time for action, and not the pansy actions described by the liberals above. Before it is our children who never taste true freedom,,,,TO ARMS! TO ARMS!

        A.W.M., Dayton, Ohio

        Hazaah! How far we have fallen since our country was born, how far removed are we from the men who bore our burdens and declared our freedom and independence. The great men who defied history and forged a new one are more estranged from us than the parasites in the media and the worms burrowing in Washington. The Democrats are inclined to replace our national ideals with those of Asia, South America and the socialist rat traps of Europe. The Republicans, likewise, have forgotten what freedom is worth and would rather cowtow to the opposition to keep their jobs and fill their pockets, having lost all sense of history and responsibility. Damn their eyes, damn them both I say!

        Mike, Leawood, KS

        Lots of people speak in 19th century prose about the truth behind this quote, but if actions mean anything, no one really BELIEVES it any more. The threshold he was talking about has clearly been crossed, but no one's doing what Jefferson suggested - me included.

        D.B. Wells, Black Lake NY

        Now you know why the government controled publics schools do not teach American history

        Stella1776, Fort Wayne

        I am not as surprised as some are to the events taking place in our country and abroad. All the answers have always been right in front of us we were just not willing to accept the corruption in our government being the lovers of the U.S.A that most of are. Who wants to believe they were lied too , fought wars of lies, what American wants to believe their own government would perpetrate an ultimate goal and divine plan to over throw the freedom liberty and justice for all!!!! History tells a very factual story of all nations and their governments and the inevitable growing of greed and corruption on the people in every nation under government and the outcomes are catastrophic. Our previous president was right when he said a sleeping giant has been awoken and how true 8 years since 9/11 and the giant is now wiping the sleep from its eyes in the form of the American people. This government is dealing with a different kind of breed than most countries: Thomas Jefferson: "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a

        Anonymous, Monterrey

        It is just an intersing fact. And as must of you I feel the meaning of these quote but one can´t read these and stop to think about the cruel reality of a society in which violence and death are the solutionto problems rather than reason and undersanding for example. I think what I want to sa is that I belive the quot to be true but that perhabd we should work in an alternetive to violent opposition. Even a silly one like each 20 years whoever wins a lottery gets to rule the country or a a smart one whoevergets more iintelectual awards in 20 years getts to rule the country. jajaj

        countryboy, colorado

        if you truly agree with this quote then you should serve in the military to earn your rights and you should also vote so you have a real say in the government

        Anonymous, Indiana

        Dulani Wilson, You really know nothing of history do you? Yes, Jefferson owned slaves, but who didn't in the time? Actually Jefferson had several illegitimate children with one of his slave girls. I am all for the right to bear arms as means of rebellion if it comes to it. I am also for the right to talk about rebellion protected by the first amendment. This country is becoming a socialist Obamanation. HR45 is unconstitutional.

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        Anonymous    3/16/09

        Some people can't understand why there are troops in various countries overseas constantly putting their lives on the line. The answer? To preserve and protect the ideas of our founding fathers and entitle the people of the world to their natural rights. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal, and the last time I checked, the people of poor thirdworld countries are men too. The tree of liberty extends far beyond the borders of the United States. Let's grow out its branches to shade the world from tyranny, oppression, and persecution.

        James, FtMyers

        Jefferson was not a rasict f**k as afore mentioned! He loved his slaves very much and they loved him back. As to this quote I agree we need armed uprising to water our tree before it withers away. Kill all those who work against our Constitution period.

        Jerry, Phoenix AZ

        If a person will take the time to read "The Constitutional Journal", by Jeffrey St John, published in 1987, I promise you will be well rewarded by an enhanced understanding of the devlopment of our Constituion. Some 50 or so representatives of (most of) the 13 original states met continuously from mid May until mid September to discuss and debate ideas which culminated in the Constitution, replacing the Articles of Confederation which had ineffectually provided some unified form of government for about 10yrs. I believe one of the most obvious observations is that, though they were able to compromise and come together to create the Constitution, there were fundamental philosophical differences of opinion from the start which continue through to today. I read it as a struggle between to create a form of government which can save it from itself - thus the three branches and several other conventions which are designed to provide cross-checks and counterbalances. The framers of the Constitution realized they were not perfect and that "power corrupts". It will only be by constant vigilance and the freedom and exercise of our just liberties that we will continue to have this most unique institution which stands as a beacon amongst the history of the world's great kingdoms and nations - proving that self-government (while not perfect) can work and the best system so far contrived. May we long continue to disagree and yet come to workable compromises of the people, by the people for the people.

        Matthew, Kettering (England)

        When you look at the Founding fathers of America and Victorian British politicians you see inspired geniuses who were truly worthy of recognition. Take a look around now; who is worthy of remembering? No one. I trust very few politicians, and they hold no real power. You look at the political groups around now, Neocons trotsky, marxists, communists, and all manner of rubbish that is respected and given weight by those in power. America you need to stamp on socialism. To my Fellow British/English we need to bring the revolution of America home, and use the words of the American constitution alongside those of 1215 Magna Carta and the 1689 rights of Man

        BB, NC
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        BB, NC    4/5/09

        I believe that many of you are "fools of the 4th reich" and it's the blood of tyrants like yourselves that are willing to follow the socialist agenda of our new leadership that will be the next to water the liberty tree.

        Russ, Orland Park, Il.

        Without arms we are subject. The gun makes us a citizen. One able to protect the God given freedoms we enjoy. Take the gun away and we are putty in the hands of Socialists and Communists.

        Zoanthropy, New York City

        Amen... Are you Ready? The Party is Over

        Crap, Richmond

        Seems to me he is saying it it the DUTY of Government to justify its actions - and if not, it is the DUTY of the citizenry to take arms against that government - until such a time that Liberty returns...just my own personal translation. Jefferson and many other Founding Fathers found all in a position of power to be a potential Tyrant - and therefore they were very starightforward with their statements as to what should happen to them.

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        Anonymous    4/17/09

        you see when the the founding fathers created our great country they knew of things to come , Dwight D Eisenhower knew of the military industrial complex and all that jazz if more ppl lived by the constitution and not like 50 cent or the Doors , The country would be a better place and big government would not survive . lest 50 more 50 states. God Bless American

        RN, shanty

        all of the above!! DUH!!!

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          Anonymous    4/28/09

          You see it isn't about actually taking up a gun, ............ but taking up the fight for Liberty and carrying it on in the name of our fore fathers and future generations of Americans. Not every fight has to be fought with mighty big guns, ............ sometimes the ammunition you fight with is ......... Right. Every now and then Right makes Might. Remember this is the same man who gave this Nation and it's people a "fail safe" or the right to "Do Over".

          Jeff Powell, TyTy, Georgia

          Most Americans are too pacified, liberalized, and dumbed down to understand this quotation of this most outstanding of our forefathers! The tree is dying and there is no more than an EXTREMELY SMALL percentage of true Patriots who see it withering!

          Gins, Monmouth Beach, NJ

          This is the most accurate quote, however, I would change the second to last sentence to: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time (sooner than every four years), with the blood of non former presidents of the federal reserve and non wealthy republicans from Texas.

          Bucky Scheisskopff, fuckville usa

          I think the US government has already commited acts of war against its own people by means of taxing the living fuck out of us...The IRS is an unconstitutional entity and its offices should be burnt to the ground along with all records within...propert mtax is a bullshit tax penalizing hard working people who have the initiative to work and buy a home FUCK you Uncle SAm

          Come Get Me Mutherfukkers, none of you fukkin biddness

          I think Uncle Fucking Sam has commited acts of treason against the american people...using an unconstitutional incometax to penalize hard working people and redistribute wealth to lazy ass crack heads and those who'd rather suck off the government teat....Taxation without representation is tyranny.... and Where tyranny is Law.. Revolution is order..I'm keeping my guns oiled and loaded for the day some worthless piece of shit tries to come on my land and take what is mine...and that goes for you Mr President

          Pheonix, Truth

          Societal ignorance, Governmental fascism, and Societal intolerance all go hand-in-hand, and feed off one another. the more fascist a government becomes, the more ignorant the people, the more intolerant the people, the more fascist the government. there's no avoiding it, and there's almost no reversing it. You can see it now in America. people blindly totting bible quotes to say gays have no rights, or that this person is this, and that group is that. Reality TV focusing on all the faults of everyone, entertaining the masses with mindless drivel, all the while the viewers don't realize that they're really just looking in a mirror. a government taking away our freedoms for our safety ("Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin). and the "not my problem..." attitude of America (unless it involves crude oil, then we're the only one who can help "save" the people). When will we wake up? every problem you see is your problem, from the homeless man sitting on the street corner, with the multimillion dollar pent house above, to a war. America hasn't won a war since World War two for a reason, our hearts, minds and spirits aren't in support of it (I'm not advocating war here). Our society has become focused too much on the "Me" (Twitter, blogs, and pod casts are a prime examples, who cares if you just saw someone really hot on the corner, or your favorite way to make this, or fix that?) It is these lethargies that Jefferson was referring to, not the physical laziness, but a mental and social laziness. where "someone else will do it" become the standard answer. well, if everyone is saying this, then who's going to do it? Jefferson was advocating for the people to never forget that there aren't enough bullets to kill them all in a revolution, and there's nothing that a government could effectively do to stop them if the masses decided to move against their government. And then he was warning the government to not forget that fact, and to be willing to hand over power on a regular basis, for the amount of blood (both literal and figurative) that will be spilled shall remain the same over time, it just depends if you want to do it all at once, or a little at a time. He was also promoting the radical change, as a revolution implies a complete reversal of nearly everything a society once stood for. it is time for America to enter the flames, and emerge from the ashes, stronger, and rejuvenated.

          Anonymous, PA

          Love this quote, but are you missing the point? "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." You said: The blood of patriots and tyrants is being spilled everyday in the name of liberty. God Bless our Troops and God Bless America. Perhaps its our own government that is causing problems and killing innocent people. Yes, Saddam deserved what he got, but we should have ended it there. We are killing millions of innocent people and reaping profits at the same time. He is talking about our country in the quote.

          Erich, Ohio, USA !!!!!!!

          I think that the person from canada should mind their own p's and q's, and go fly a kite, this is my country, your county is living off the coattails of this great country. When was the last time someone wanted to run out and buy the latest canadian automobile? ( and I know AMERICAN cars are built in canada for cheaper labor ) or go to canada for health care? when was the last time you were happy about getting a canadian quarter in your change? the only good things that have ever came out of canada is moosehead beer ( and thats debatable ), canadian bacon ( most of witch is from USA ) and oil. you can keep your socialism Canada. Patriots were not in waco, they were in the twin towers, they were in the planes that crashed and in the pentagon. The tyrants are the Saddams, Kim Ill's of the world and the muslim wack jobs that think that blowing up people will help their cause. GET A GRIP !!

          ScarletCloak, Virginia

          This quote may give at least some insight as to why Lincoln is known to have hated Jefferson.

          Laurent, Scottsdale

          JFK once said to a group of scholars in the White House "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." True then, more true today with the inept fascists now running the white house - and the country - into the ground. The Founders knew the nation might have to be rescued from a criminal government - hence the 2nd Amendment. And why the Bamster is trying so hard to eliminate the 2nd Amendment.

          Armed Hippy, Atlanta

          A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government. – Thomas Jefferson (1801)


          THE TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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            GEORGE    7/14/09


            Bruce, NJ
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            Bruce, NJ    7/14/09

            Now more than at any other time in our lives does this quote hold true meaning. Too many of our countrymen (women), along with most of our Politicians either have forgotten, or have no idea why this country was founded. Our founding Fathers knew exactly why they crafted in the fashion they did, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the First 10 Amendments, etc. The reason that our Founding Fathers where so careful in Drafting these documents was to protect our freedom and our Country. God Help Us All!

            Mike, Mobile, Al.

            How many people speak loud and proud about how things should be and then shrink to the back when the spotlight is pointed at you? Half of you on this board probably voted for Obama because your friends did or because it was the popular thing to do at the time. He wants to take away our rights to ownership, arms, capitalism and religion. He tells us we are not patriots if we oppose him, but I say we are not patriots if we don't oppose him.

            Anonymous, Va. Beach, VA

            I don't see the connection either. In my opinion, I think we are long over due for a revolution. The American people seriously need to open their eyes so that they can see that this country is being governed by a socialist bastard.

            Jason G, Phoenix, AZ

            While I do believe that this quote should be taken to heart by every American, I fear that as a society we have become far to self indulgent to put any energy into anything but ourselves. I see a nation full of me first attitudes and fuck you I'm gonna' get mine mentalities! If an event like 911 can't bring the American people together and put us all on the same path toward solidarity then we might as well all just hoard ammo and weapons and food and water and barricade ourselves inside of our houses and just wait for the second coming of Christ. If we can't get our shit together people, then we are all ready done!!!

            Kyle, Monroe, NY

            Hey Dulani Wilson from London: Without Jefferson's words in The Declaration of Independence, and without his work as ambassador to France, Secretary of State and President, there may not have been a union. Wihout a union there is no civil war. Without a civil war there is no Emancipation Proclamation. Jefferson was also a prime mover behind the Constitutional provision that outlawed the importation of slaves in twenty years' time, which was upheld. Thomas Jefferson probably did more to outlaw slavery than any man in American history. His world "all men are created equal" were consecrated in blood in the American Revolution, and it was only a matter of time before slavery would be struck down for the evil that it was. Get a real education you indoctrinated lib and pompous ass.

            Vic Christian, Lizton, IN

            My comment deals with today - July 31 2009. I personally do not know of many of my "rights" being taken away during the Bush administration. However, today is different. I see a President, many in congress, many in our federal and state courts, as well as many in state government, under the idea that we are here to serve them, rather then them to serve us. They have become arrogant and self-serving. They need to be removed from office by whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, most Americans are themselves self-seeking, ignorant and/or morally corrupt as well. Possibly we do receive the leaders we deserve? Mr. Jefferson was not perfect, but I believe his statements about our government were right on.

            Adam, University of Phoenix, Sciotosville, OH

            Indeed, this is the only way to move towards a better and brighter future. However, I think this statement is largely misunderstood by many. It is strictly saying, if Americans don't rise up and refresh the tree of liberty, the government will continue to gain power, and the people will become more and more complacent. More and more liberty will be taken from the people, until none remain. We, the people are to remain free, and in charge of our own destinies, and not to rely on a government to make the changes. We have the power, not the government. They have only that which we give them.

            Anonymous, Temple

            I read: that the American people may have misconceptions that cause discontent and that the Gov'ts job is to be open and in touch with the people in order to belay their fears and react accordingly. Otherwise, Americans may take up arms and rebel. However, in light of today's overload of misinformation on the internet, and the lack of general knowledge of how our government works (or doesn't work), I'm not sure that most rebelling Americans even know what they are rebelling against. The best way to revolt is to vote.

            Lisa, Temple

            I read: that the American people may have misconceptions that cause discontent and that the Gov'ts job is to be open and in touch with the people in order to belay their fears and react accordingly. Otherwise, Americans may take up arms and rebel. However, in light of today's overload of misinformation on the internet, and the lack of general knowledge of how our government works (or doesn't work), I'm not sure that most rebelling Americans even know what they are rebelling against. The best way to revolt is to vote.

            Real American -- a Leftist, Real America, Urban America

            Of course, all the right-wingers were going apeshit to protect the men -- Reagan and Bush II -- who conspired to take away precious liberties. Now, when someone tries to increase liberty -- the Canadians are MORE free in their health care financing, not LESS, because they have the positive freedom to do -- these right-wingers grab their guns, blab about liberty and conspire to bring about the fascist dictatorship they're disappointed Shrub didn't give them.

            jeff, buffalo

            Time for Americans to take back our country from government. I am afraid it is far more corrupt than we believe.

            kr, Connecticut

            Am I the only one to notice that the government's remedy is to keep the people well-informed? Blood is NOT the only remedy. Recent events prove that disinformation is more dangerous than lethargy.

            rick, michigan

            neither do I -patriot, Ohio, the closet we came to a tyrant was "W"

            McDonald, Knoxville, Tennessee

            "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." this is my favorite quote from Mr. Jefferson. we must over-throw the government.


            Rather than leaving your thoughts here and then doing nothing about it makes each and every one of you a part of the problem we have! STAND UP TAKE ACTION YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE IF YOU DO NOTHING THEN BLAME NO ONE!

            Erik_Patriot82, MN

            I think this is an outstanding quote by one of our most revered forefathers of this great country. I foresee a revolution-type clash between the governmental liberal tyrants and the conservatives of this country very soon. You're either one or the other. Whether you see it or not, the current president is attempting to start racial tension against the whites. He sure as hell doesn't bring people together as a unity of one as he had said. As one knucklehead on this page quoted as saying that "Jefferson is a racist F**k, well buddy, if they hadn't brought people over here from other lands to help work on farms and companies, then you probably wouldn't be here right now. You'd be living in a grass hut eating roots, wearing a loin-cloth on another continent. Also, if Lincoln hadn't been shot by Booth, then you'd probably be back in your homeland as well. You had better count your many blessings of the Lord Jesus that the whites brought others over here to live and work, otherwise you wouldn't live in such a great country. Thats all I got to say about that!

            Anonymous, Cambridge

            Tom in Portland, people being afraid of the government is not what defines tyranny. If fairly elected representatives of the people pass laws that are supported by the Constitution, yet other people fear those laws there is no tyranny, just a disagreement about what is or is not a good law. If after the law is passed it is found to be abhorrent, the law can be challenged as to whether it is really supported by the Constitution. This is the American way. For those Americans who do not like the American system of law, they can take up arms, legs, and body and leave.

            Manny, Fort Lauderdale

            Mere words, written in a different time, by a deep thinker who would likely be completely blown away at how different this country's issues are today than the ones he dealt with as a founder and president.

            jb, chicago

            What loss of liberty? I travel where I want throughout the world. I read what I want, science, religion, literature, even a biography of Jefferson. I eat good food from all kinds of restaurants. I drive an amazing car. Work at a job that is interesting and pays just fine. My taxes support education, roads, defense, arts . . . How am I oppressed. Are you complainers and paranoids sure it's the man who is keeping you down and not something else?

            PJ Weston, California

            We are not a Democracy we are a Constitutional Republic, and when We fail to see that Republic, all these freedoms subject to loss is inevitable.

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              Anonymous    8/18/09

              I hope most of you realize that the terms 'patriots' and 'tyrants' are synonymous in this quote. Thomas Jefferson WAS THE TYRANT in the eyes of the extremely conservative British government, along with all of the other founding fathers in the eyes of the British governing body at the time. He wasn't talking about terrorist groups in the middle east. He was talking about preserving our country from within. "The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them." There are a lot of people who have commented here who need to read and ponder this statement long and hard and, believe it or not, it doesn't have anything to do with an AR-15 semi automatic assault rifle.

              Anonymous, Altamonte Springs

              "The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them.". Funny how there is less emphasis on this part by the extreme right wingers.

              Loyalist of 1776 Hoffnagel, southport

              Just for those of you who feel the Patriot Act isn't just; you might Reference the Constitution: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Government has the responsibility of protecting lives first and foremost. No where does the Constitution and or its amendments claim you have a Right to Privacy. Not to say it should not... nor would I say I totally agree with all that is contained in the Patriot Act. Also, for you bleeding heart Liberals wishing to find fault and blame Bush. Clinton was no saint .... most of what was allowed in the Act was already being done by the prior Admin. without us knowing. You might all consider reading Gore Vidal recent book giving reason why he moved out of the country. It was because of what Clinton did against our Rights and Liberty!!

              kevin, new jersey

              citizens are armed, subjects aren't... the government should be fearful of an armed public who will hold them accountable for there actions. that is all T.J. is saying

              Ed, north carolina

              I think this is fueled by racism. I believe this quote is being used by crazy people to foment violence and that Jefferson himself would be appalled at the thought and ashamed that he was associated with this ugliness.

              Ed, North carolina

              *what* tyranny? we are indeed being represented by *democratically elected* officials. If you don't like it, that is simply "sour grapes" on your part. you seem to try and quote the constitution a lot. have you read and do you understand the constitution?

              Trevor, American Fork

              This is one of the best quotes of all time! I think times have changed. I don't know if it's necessary for us to assassinate the president or members of Congress in order for us to retain our liberties. However, I do believe the time has come that if we don't fight in some way for the liberties we've already lost, our government will just keep taking more.

              Constitution-hugger, Colorado Springs

              BECOME BETTER INFORMED: behold the well-suppressed hijacker-exculpatory 9/11 evidence: -- once you are convinced that the government's hijacker-blaming conspiracy theory of 9/11 is not just false but impossibly false, then behold the dot-connecting 9/11 analysis: -- the energy source capable of reducing large steel skyscrapers to NANOparticles in under a minute has the potential of solving all of our energy, economic, and ecological concerns, which is what makes the keeping of such lies a crime against not just humanity but against all of Earth's living creatures. It is therefore definitely past time to water the tree...

              jj, az
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                jj, az    8/24/09

                anony. sheep in iraq, look half way thru quote and you see he's talking about this nation. see george washington about entanglement in foreign affairs heil obama!

                James, Iowa

                ALEX JONES AND RON PAUL.....Thank you for waking me up.......

                Anonymous, ross

                Dulani Wilson, London has a strange (to me) attitude about America. Read YOUR history. Britain started the slave trade in America. The WHITE people of this country ended it through a MAJOR war that tore apart this country. I'd catagorize you as a DUMB SHIT. Come see me in Texas You have an open invitation to history lessons. You will learn a lot.

                apex patriot., hastings MN

                I would rather stand and die than live and kneel. screw the dems and the gop. WE THE PEOPLE for our republic.

                SavvySteve, Memphis, TN

                +1 on what John Douglas and EB said. EB you hit the nail on the head. This is about taking our country back. It is time the people take this country back from career politicians. I say we kick them all out and vote in a fresh set with no tenure. Get rid of all the cabinet members, czars, errand boys, secretaries, etc... CLEAN SLATE!!!

                Sarah, Alaska

                Who determines which ones are the "uninformed"? Violence must be a last resort, not a habit.

                Bob, Spencer, Ma

                Not everyone is reading the whole quote: "The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ..." This sounds like Jefferson is suggesting that those who will be the most discontented will be those who are the least informed.

                sick of waiting, maine

                Thomas Jefferson and our other founders had many good quotes about how things would have to go for our form of goverment and our country to survive. Looking at our health care system, Jefferson spoke about crushing moneid companies at their birth before they wheel their power and money and defi our goverments laws and the good of our countries people, and it is very evident that this is exactly what our health care indusdry(insurance and pharmsutical)are doing, as our system is about profit and not people. I hope it will not take the results of this famous quote and the spilling of blood to finally bring them to do the right thing for all.

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                Anonymous    9/23/09

                Jefferson is a hypocritical idiot. We are lucky the level-headed Adams and Washington were around at the time Jefferson was making his rounds.

                Pauly Piece o' Pizza, BVI

                Jefferson owned over 600 slaves in his life, Maybe the cotton of Montecello could have been "refreshed" his "natural manure"

                Jon, OKC
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                Jon, OKC    9/29/09

                Matthew in Maryland, I couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately, the pawns feel it is unpatriotic to question our government. I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with you. History bears out the cycle, which is that all nations go from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to freedom, from freedom to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and from dependence back to bondage. I feel we are in an apathetic state. Our leaders are unable to see this…they are blinded by power and greed.

                Kimo, Hono HI

                Still invoked by supporters of the 2nd amendment, this quote was written just after the revolutionary war when "bearing arms" meant having a muzzle loader. The military is far too strong for citizens to rise up and overthrow the government. We are all sheep now and don't put up any resistance against things like the so called patriot act. I wonder what TJ would say?

                Jason, Glendora, CA

                In its simplicity, the quote stems from the ability to question government, and at times revolt against it if necessary. This revolutionary idea keeps government from becoming to lethargic and its people too complacent, for Jefferson’s model patriot is one who questions their government and if necessary revolt against it. Also remember its historical context, the founding fathers were about to go to war with the most powerful nation in the world, based on the notion of questioning their government and taking a stand to change it, in this case, a new nation rose from the blood of patriots and tyrants.

                scp, muncie,in

                Where have the wise and brave gone?

                Scotty D, Ottawa

                While I love this quote its hard to accept in practice when you have people like Timothy McVeigh who believe that they are patriots shedding the blood of tyrants. I don't know... Who decides what is tyranical and what is patriotic?

                Kilroy, Flyover USA

                January 26, 2010 will be an Important date in history. Jefferson and his prognostications will come to fruition....

                Tim, Decatur, Alabama

                I am convinced America is headed down the path of destruction from within. Jefferson forsaw this and warned future generations about lethargy and ignorance. Only when the blood of Tyrants is spilled will this country wake up and take back what is meant to be it's true course and destiny.

                DirtRider, Littleton

                These 2 quotes add to the idea that as citizens we are responsible for keeping track of our government. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. " Benjamin Franklin “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels quotes

                Jessica, East Texas

                I recently began a group in TX that will be pushing for state level legislation that would allow us to simply fire any Congressman who votes 'Yes' on any bill that is piggy-backed, is not posted online for 14 days in its entirety and with a plain language description, or any combined budgets. Also the legislation would require our Congressmen accept payment from our state and refuse any federal payment. Violations punishable by cessation of pay, dismissal from office, and cancellation of retirement benefits.

                Anonymous, Mojave Desert, California

                I think you people may be misinterpreting the quote. A Patriot, by definition, would be a person who supports a Tyrant--who supports his government and its laws. I believe what Jefferson was saying is that _Revolutionists_ need to be willing to kill their patriotic countrymen as well as their tyrannical leaders. I could be wrong, but consider what we consider to be patriotic: flag worship, support of elected officials despite them not having received our own vote... if _that_ is patriotism then surely Jefferson condemns the Patriot, but perhaps the term is either presently misused or was being used in a different context by him.

                Mike from Ohio, Ohio

                Thomas jefferson is a straight up racist fuck. He talked against britain for their involvement in the slave trade between colonies, yet he had over 600 personal slaves in his life time. not to mention is eurocentric philosophies that led to the assimilation of native americans, genetic genocide in my book. As far as im concerned, Jefferson is the early representatation of wat America is today...unchristian, racist, white, double standard euro american hell -- Dulani Wilson, London ================= God I hate London and you Dumbass Socialist Opinions!!! God Bless 'Winston Churchill' The last GREAT Englishman!

                Jaque Doe, tulsa, ok

                Most of the above are wrong, taking this in the sense of gun control is far to narrow a scope to view this quote as, you will only understand the true meaning upon reading it several times. I will parapharse the text into modern english. God forbid we go 20 years without a [large national] protest. The entire public cannot be well informed at all times on all subjects. The part of the public which has the facts wrong will be angry. And their amount of angriness will be more if the facts they get wrong are more important to an america.If they do not voice their concerns (even if they are mis-informed of the facts) it is lazyness, which is the precursor of the death of liberty. And what nation can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned that the people will, from time to time, rebel against the government. Let them rebel. The solution to bring peace once more is to inform those that have misconceptions of the facts of the situation, Not to jail or punish them, but to make them happy through words and not force Note, the next section is SATIRE, It is what arrogant rules might say in order to justify killing protesters or quelling a riot. "What significance will 2 or 3 lives have in 200 years?" There must occasionally be riots and protests, and metaphorical and literal lives will be lost, those of patriots and tyrants, in order to preserve Liberty. The significance of this quote is lost on those who claim it is about gun control, it is about much more. It is about how the government MUST allow people to riot and protest, but it must not jail, beat, or torture them, it must calmly inform the minority of the public that do not understand the facts as to what the situation is. This isnt about the people having guns, this is about the people having the right to say what they believe, The right to bear arms is part of this, however claiming that this is about one single issue is a flawed methodology. This could easily be turned around on many gun rights advocates, and conservatives in general, The government after 911 was telling those who protested the war in iraq, or those who are for gun control, that they were unamerican, or by not giving protest permits to them, or by calling those for a public option "Socialists" or "Communists". Of course it could be said that the left is promoting immorality through abortion, or by comparing the whole anti-abortion movement to those few that think it is necessary to shoot an innocent doctor. Spin it how you like, But the meaning of this quote is far to broad to apply to one issue, It is about our society as a whole.

                kiara loves brian, san antonio

                how lovely thiomas jefferson is

                brian, thibodaux

                all i can say is god help the usa we are falling an donot see it it will be to late soon to save our usa an i will die to save it with my blood

                Louis Herrink, King George, Virginia

                I received my BA Degree in history over 60 years ago and have been an avid reader on this subject aver since. As one who received another degree at his university, I am an ardent admirer of Thomas Jefferson. We are on the verge of experiencing a refreshment of the Tree of Liberty.

                Bronze Star, Waco

                Well the blood of patriots has been shed at places like Waco and Ruby Ridge ... but how come the blood of tyrants has not been shed, not even one drop? Or do Americans prefer slavery to freedom? There was (as regards Waco). Gulf war veteran and bronze star decorated Sgt. Timothy McVeigh retaliated against the government complex that coordinated the Clinton administration government assault against the Branch Davidian farm in Waco, Texas. He bombed and destroyed that complex, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ironically, the number of government workers killed, both adults and children (workers had their "day care" center there) in Oklahoma City was about the same as the number of adults and children murdered by government agents in Waco. Poetic justice as well. There's an informative read on this at "Wikipedia - Timothy McVeigh".

                Hugh, Tennessee

                The Revolutionary Patriots had a common enemy - the Bristish. We don't have a common enemy, just ideologies. Republicans and Democrats have the same goal, pure and simple, POWER.

                Anonymous, Brooklyn, NY

                Those of us who responded to this quote often think Waco was an issue of Freedom. With freedom, comes great responsibility as such the family should be the center of all freedom. Also, as part of that family unit, a child has the right to be free from sexual abuse at the hands of an adult. This whole incident came out because of child sexual abuse by David Koresh, a self proclaimed prophet. He was willing to die for the right to have sex with children under the age of sexual consent. I will say, the government though over reacted and came in with swat teams, ATF agents and the SS Gastapo NAZI tatics that ATF uses. They could have grabbed him outside the compound and all these childen would have been alive.

                Anonymous, merrillville, in

                On the other hand: … Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses ---Juvenal (circa 100 AD )

                Loon, Hampton

                A Holiday gift for America By Larry (I signed my check long ago) America needs to come together at 12:00 pm on 24 December 2009. Shut down the District of Columbia in a peaceful, non violent, way by just filling all the streets with our cars, trucks, bicycles, bodies just to remind the elected officials that we are here. When they cannot hide in the dark, sneak home to celebrate a Holiday, that even the President does not Honor, and feel good that they are secure and protected, in the belief that this is their right that we owe them… Our Elected officials have forgotten the people. They play with our tax dollars as if they are playing Monopoly They are drunk on the unlimited power of dictators We The People need to remind them that we are mighty and are not the sheep they think we are We are not being allowed to see what is in these bills and are told You are too stupid To understand We need to know what is in this. Why does protecting children from being denied insurance for a pre existing condition… also have to pay the full cost of Nebraska’s Medicare? Are our elected officials too stupid to pass a bill to protect the children? Or do we have to bribe them to do the right thing? Peaceful assembly of the people is our right, be there with me to celebrate America I ve had my say... now let all of us think on our premices then you can have fun trashing my responce

                andrew, South Dakota

                This is one of our Founding Fathers and first Presidents literally telling us to kill any future Presidents or leaders that don't stick to the game plan (constitution). On top of that he thinks it should happen every generation or so (20 years). I would say we are a little over due, so you know what that means, a lot more blood to refresh that tired old tree is needed! Anybody else ready to get to work?

                Anonymous, Las Vegas

                To the liberal IDIOTS...Bush has not been President for a year now. Also, Congress has been in Democratic control for 3 YEARS now. How the hell can you blame Bush when the DEMOCRATIC controlled Congress approved everything? Also, what the hell are we still doing in 2 wars if the Dems are sooooo anti war? So much for the 'well informed".

                karl, tampa

                Do i wish Mr. Jefferson was in the white house today.

                HoldIt, Rhode Island

                Nice SELECTIVE quote: Here's the full quote where Jefferson is talking about one particular rebellion, which he says was IGNORANT! He was saying that when idiots believe something stupid (like the tea-baggers), they should still speak out, because people cannot be well-informed about everything. He was (optimistically) saying that people will eventually find out that they were wrong, but that people should always stand up when they perceive their government is failing them. So if tea-baggers want to associate themselves with this IGNORANT rebellion of the past, by all means... I agree. Tea-baggers are ignorant, but they have a right to scream that ignorance from the hilltops. "Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

                pete, melrose

                We need to throw the ballot boxes in the streets and take back our money from this corrupt goverment!!!!! NOW! Do you want to be slaves to these people??????? This is our country and they should be afraid of us, not the other way around. Stupid people out there on election day waving your flags just encourages them to keep up this crap! IME FOR REVOLUTION!!!! NOW!!!!!! BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. THEY ARE MAKING FOOLS OUT OF US ALL!!!

                Jimmy, Shannon town

                Sounds like a lot of.............................. hoopla!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                R. KIng, Los Angeles

                Can't we all just get along

                Stupid Should Hurt, Folsom, CA

                The airplane assault on an IRS building in Austin recently was a modern day version of pitchforks and axe handles. It reminds me of Chris Rock and his rant about OJ Simpon, "I'm not saying he should have killed her . . . but I understand!"

                Kevin, California

                Jefferson was NOT a racist. Yes, he owned slaves. He inherited them from his wife's father, and he struggled to change the law so that he could set them free. The law did not permit it, and he fought a very unpopular fight to change that law. He was one of America's first abolitionists at a time when it was exceedingly unpopular, even dangerous. And for his effort, he is rewarded by modern day, ill-informed idiots calling him racist.

                Mike Binegar, Touchdown city, WV, USA

                I think he is just saying that a government who goes unchecked by the citizens for too long will almost always become corrupt. Power is a dangerous, dangerous thing! I feel as if the current government in this country is well on its way to proving ole' Tom right. Seems funny how when Obama got into office the price of ammunition went through the roof! Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barak are precisely the type he is speaking of..You act as if you have the citizens best interests at heart but you have YOUR interests at heart! MOLON LABE !!!!!!!!

                Bill, Arvada, CO

                I fear that American's will not awaken before Liberty & Freedom have been taken by the tyranny of Government. I fear for my Children & Grandchildren the only recourse will be in Jefferson's words.

                Conner, Knoxville

                It's been a slow, slow process, but one must take a look at the entire history of this nation- for years now the rights recognized by our constitution in the morning years of our country have been slowly, cautiously modified or removed. This has been a bipartisan thing. No 'party' is to blame. The Federalist system put in place years ago has been corrupted, and grown. Any time power is centralized, it will become corrupt. Did Lord Acton not say "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."? No single man is to blame. I am not silencing any one of you. Voicing opinion is a beauty of our nation. Our government is too large, though, and I say if it is the will of the people to take arms, then let them rise up. Government needs to fear the people, and it's always revolution season. I am fifteen years old, and I realize this. I often wonder why the old men who sit in our Capital can not. Thank you if you read this with open eyes and an open mind, like we all should have.

                nizarov, Soviet Union

                why do not you just set up or build your state as independent republic if you are bullied by your government(federal) as a citizen? freedom in your hand!!!

                jamal, texas

                i am free

                jo, westmoreland

                that this quote is basicaly saying...if we dont like what our LEADERS are doing we need to TAKE ARMS and shed the blood othe the tree of liberity (our leaders) and start over, this country was formd to have the people in charge, and now with each law passed we are letting that slip away. i mean how many ppl here kno what the goverment is REALLY doing? we need to take back what is ours and have the ppl in charge once again! TAKE BACK WHAT OUR FOR FATHERS GAVE TO US !

                Me, AnyTwon, USA

                (To the American Patriots out there)When is everyone going to stop all the motor mouthing & do something about it? Thats what I want to know!

                Bob, Gd. Jct CO

                A REAL leader brings all it's people together, Mr. President, "YOU ARE NOT LEADER!"

                Trevor, Chelan

                The tree of my hunger is refreshed with the blood of pigs (I like pork chops). That's about as close as I want to get to killing someone in a democratic country. Too much religion in the U.S. has made belief in certain truths which last forever. They carry that thought into politics. They should get up to date and not cling to a time when people whipped slaves and wives and had bounties on Indian scalps and burned witches. The modern world is quite pleasant if you let it be... no need for violence and aggression and ignorance in the U.S. A. None at all.

                craig, california

                what with all the people who leave it anonymous? are you scared of giving your name for the fact that what you say is a joke? or is it that you dont know what you are talking about and are probably a broke dick democrat who sits on his lazy ass and collects all the free money and perks this "government" gives him. what ever happened to putting in a hard days work and actually accomplishing something? this country wasnt made by people in business suits. stop being scared of getting you hands dirty.

                Anonymous, Chad - Utah

                I may be naive, but I wonder if a bloodless revolution in the USA is possible. The mass media can easily paint independent reporters who seek to wake Americans up to the truth about their loss of freedoms as a fringe group of crazed right-wing radicals ... so the vast majority of citizens don't pay attention & stay asleep. If, instead, a plan for new government was proposed, one that reiterated the philosophy of a God-fearing republic; & one that proposed simple but revolutionary solutions to the core problems that currently support corruption in the Federal Gvmt (term limits, campaign finance reform, reform of the Fed Reserve, reform of welfare programs & the IRS code & entire tax code, a 10 yr plan for pulling the federal government out of involvement in our financial, healthcare, and auto industries, etc) ... then tell all currently elected Republican politicians to either get on board & revolutionize the federal government using current means or else we the people along with the military of our nation will oust the current regime & will re-organize the laws of the land to reflect the new plan & hold a new election & start over. If the plan was solid enough, and the 70%+ of our country's citizens who are moderate to conservative could be educated enough to get behind it; and if those serving even in the middle-ranks of our military were behind it (which they would be, philosophically ... if at first, secretly ... until time came for action) ... then I wonder if a signal could come all at once & a coup could occur without much blood shed at all. When the corruption in the goverment is made so clear & plain to every citizen that all of us & all military personell except for those Elite in the highest circles are ready to act as one .... then we could quickly take back this great country & fix the most obvious problems that now enable the corruption of our leaders etc.

                Uberlord, North Gower, ON

                Revolution. Not to be confused with terrorism. Patriots are those who willingly shed their blood for a belief in their country. They are not the leaders of revolution but the tool. Tyrants are the leaders of revolutions. They are the brains.Every once in while the pigs at the trough must be reminded by patriots through the means of revolution led by a tyrant that freedom is bought with a price.A price no less than the blood of citizens.

                empyrius, Spokane

                Darn right Jaret in Orlando! Down with this corrupt "two" one party government and their corporate and bankster masters!

                Paul, Kabul Afganistan

                The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Never were truer words spoken. Every day I see the blood of innocents and being spilled, and for every drop of tyrants blood that is spilled, lessens the blood of innocents, but the price is the sacrifice of patriots.

                Zach Holsombach, Joplin, Missouri

                Well in my opinion i think people should stop arguing over pointless topics like this who give a fuck about what some old guy said 220 years ago u guys are taking this wayyy too far we r blessed to be in a free country we r in right now your main focus should be on yourself not the people around you....

                Anonymous, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

                I live in Canada, and most Americans who are commenting about this quote are right. Lethargy already invaded Canada, by using hockey as a depressing agent. Now, it's tyranny of big government who is knocking hard on us. They (Fed + Provincial) deprive our rights. Like a strip tease. We used to smoke weed in the past. We used to use medicinal herbs. We used to have hens in our backyards. We used to have arms. We used to... No longer. Government thinks its citizens are too childish to have rights. They want us to sit, and watch their stupid propaganda (Go Canada GO !!), their insipid TV series and read what they want US to think. It's no longer Nanny state. It's pure 1984 ... Thoughtministery is coming. Beware Americans, this will happen to you as well.

                Drew, Rochester

                After the passage of the health care bill over the well demonstrated opposition of a majority of the people, I think the tree of liberty is long past needing some manure.

                • Reply
                  Max    4/7/10

                  Big D obviously doesn't know a shred of American history i bet he thinks the civil war was fault over slavery. People in the military are there for nothing more than a paycheck sitting around on their ass all day, having no idea what they are really out there doing not knowing a shred of post ww2 American history. I would bet my life he didn't have a clue on why people hate America so much that they are willing to strap bombs to themselves.

                  Chris, Michigan

                  There are worst evils than death.... Live Free or Die!!!!!

                  Jason, Miami

                  I live by this everyday. Jefferson is one of the greatest thinkers of all time...period.

                  A.Lyon, Ellisville MS

                  The blood being shed is of a patriot controlled by a tyrants. i serve. i was proud of my service for the first 5 years with my eyes closed blindly doing as was told. for three years my eyes have been open i understand i am a patriot controlled by tyrants. god help us all we have been tricked out of our control of our country.

                  J, Jacksonville

                  It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. ..... Thank you.

                  An American Patriot, Smalltown USA

                  In today's vernacular, substitute 'tyrants' with 'politicians'. I doubt there would be much complaint, given the thievery going on in Washington, DC.

                  Moonlight Sonata, Florence

                  Who can dispute the wisdom of the wise? When a government of the people no longer listens to the will of the people what options exist but to throw off that government and establish a new one just as our American creators did? A tyrant government thrust its will upon a society/state/province through laws and high decrees. Ask yourself, does your government thrust its alien laws upon you? If yes, see above. The solution is quite simple, and if 50,000 unarmed could take over a government (guards don't carry that many bullets), it would take far less who were. A delicate matter of courage nonetheless which few are prepared to illicit and enact even in defense of liberty which we all report to love. :)

                  Nothing, New

                  Brilliant. True then and as true as it is TODAY! Take our country back!

                  David, Toronto

                  The "Tree of Liberty" may indeed need to be occasionally refreshed with the "blood of patriots and tyrants". However, I think the question of who is or was a "patriot" and who a "tyrant" could only be answered by whoever happened to win the final battle.

                  STORMGOD, SOMEWHERE

                  people like them has too much ambitions! their blood must be the one that refreshing the tree of tyrany!

                  Neil, USA
                  • Reply
                  Neil, USA    7/3/10

                  Jefferson was a brilliant thinker. I'm not sure he'd be completely happy with what the US has become. He abhorred the governments of Europe, which empowered the rich and stripped the poor -- rather like the neoliberal regimes of modern day America. (Observe how some politicians defended BP against taking responsibility.) Jefferson and the Founding Fathers fought for a stake in government. They didn't fight to destroy government, as so many of the so-called Tea-bag Party wish to do. The Founding Fathers were pragmatists, republican and democratic. The Tea-bag party are merely fascist.

                  Tom, the high desert

                  And in Drew's examples, which were patriots, and which were tyrants. Presidents? Assassns?

                  John, Golden CO

                  "On the basis of this quote, we can conclude that Jefferson would have approved of Timothy McVeigh's blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995." Perhaps. Although I believe he was getting more towards a consensus of the population acting together than a single man or small group acting unilaterally. In any case, he definitely would NOT have approved of the government's tactic of hiding behind a day-care/kindergarten full of children and then using the deaths of these children as a means to demonize the man who stood up against them. Government installations, particularly militant ones (as in the ATF), are ALWAYS targets (and legitimate ones, at that) and unaffiliated civilians and children should be kept out of harm's way and well away from such installations.

                  charles adams, guntersville al

                  i think we are loseing our rights one bye one to so called laws like when a man cant smoke in public without getting a fine soon they will make u pay to drive ur own car its high time ppl stuck togther and take our country back whatever the cost our nation was never about money and thats all that drives the ppl that run this country there will be a day when u dont have a choice but to fight back i just hope its after my time

                  Joseph D Stanczyk, Tustin, Ca.

                  You want to take this country back? Then boycott the cities on this list. They are listed as "sanctuary cities" that violate FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS! The ENTIRE states of Oregon and Maine are listed. Funny, every city I've been to where bums sleep in the streets at all times throughout the day, are on this list. As a U.S. Marine I am sworn to defend this country from all enemies foriegn and DOMESTIC. Right now the Democratic party is a domestic enemy. Border issues? see these: and the follow up: THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO PUT UP THAT WALL!

                  Indygbb, Noblesville

                  I can't help but identify w/ the idea that the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed now, and can't help but think the government monstrosity that our federal government has turned into needs to learn to fear the people again. The federal government is more concerned about enriching itself, protecting illegals and consolidating its power than it is about serving the people. Time to spill a little blood in my book.

                  ken kershaw, winter springs

                  this quote was a warning not to outside sources but rather to our own federal government...this was a warning that we the people would not tolerate the very abuses and userpations jefferson listed in the declartation of independence. the very list of which the last two administrations have been laying on our backs with the passing of laws like; the patriot act, military commisions act, john warner defence act, domsetic spy act, and national secrutiy presidential directive 51 or cog. also the new and upcoming laws restricting the internet (leiberman and mccain bill .... or how about the new bill hr 1444 requiring para military service for all 18 - 42 under the command of a seperate agency.. the sad part is that the american people no longer "preserve the spirit of resistance" the magority have become lethargic at the least and cowards at the worst....

                  Virendra Rathore, Delhi

                  Well I'm not an American, but know of an inspiring movement that will enlighten you a lot ... look up project Appleseed on internet !! We've just laid the first step like it, recently in our country.

                  taterh, portland

                  The terrifying voracity of the hatred Obama's "Church" has for America is equaled only by Muslim terrorists. Any objective review of his teachings shows "Reverend" Wright's consuming hatred of white christian America is identical in the level of vitriol to the spew from the most virulent Muslim clerics. Obama worshiped under the hate monger "Reverend Wright" for 20 years and then convinced 60,000,000 American idiots that he did not know Wright to be a hater of America. Obama makes Osama seem harmless by comparison. Osama orchestrated the annihilation of 3000 Americans, Obama is orchestrating the annihilation of the American way of life. How many suicides have occurred because of his reckless economic policies that have destroyed jobs and bankrupted hundreds of thousands of hard working Americans? 3000 x 20? x 30? x ??. Forget that Obama is the worst President in history, that is a no-brainer, Obama is the worst scourge America has ever faced. Hussein Obama's promise to fundamentally change America is coming true: - Obama helped cause the U.S. economic collapse by suing Citibank to give mortgages to poor people. The debacle he helped create is what led to his election. Centuries from now the autopsy of America will show this self inflicted mortal wound to be the defining point of America's destruction. - ObamaCare or Jail, is right out his communist manifesto: Dreams Of My Father. - Nationalizing principal companies like AIG, GM, Chrysler, Banks, Wall Street is the fundamental tenet of fascist socialism - His demonization of every contrary voice is same tactics employed by Stalin and Mao. Obama's tyrannical, insatiable and craven pursuit of power is exactly why America was founded: To forever provide a refuge for creator-endowed lovers of inalienable rights from narcissistic tyrants and oppressive despots. The blood of tyrants is the manure that feeds the tree of liberty. May the tree of liberty live and thrive forever in America.

                  Jason Cordova, Chicago, USA

                  Our leaders no longer represent us...they no longer care about the will of the people. Jefferson knew full well that when people become lazy and fail to pay attention, government will take advantage of us and abuse its power. Time to take our country way or the other.

                  Ray, new york

                  I think the time to begin changing the bill of rights is long overdue. e.g. The Right to Bear Arms, written at a time when the smallest firearms were the length of your arm, the smallest pistol was hardly concealable and could only fire a single shot. Also at a time when police were non-existant. It should now be The Right to Bear a Single Rifle if You Live Outside of a 5-Mile Radius of a Police Station. Hand guns are UNNECESSARY. Wanna protect yourself? Your house? Your loved ones? Buy mace, stun guns, even airhorns can work.

                  Andrew, Rochester

                  America should listen to these words and take up arms against our corrupt government and rebuild our nation to greatness for the common man. :| They won't listen to us when we try peaceful means, they leave us with one choice, violence.

                  Brendo McFluffsocks, Beaverly Hills

                  I think that people 300 years ago where not smart so we shouldnt listen to them, especially when stuff they say is "out-dated" and redundant. I think that Mr.Barack Hussain Obama is a man of tremendous greatness. I think nobody should have guns or be evil because that leads to racism and hate and things like hitler and it does not promote a multi-culteral based mindset. I think that things like guns are bad because more militant people use them. Alot of gun owners are white but almost every "minority" doesnt have a gun because "minorities" are peacefull and dont try to kill everyone.

                  C, OH
                  • Reply
                  C, OH    8/31/10

                  It's quite obvious what Jefferson means in this quote. When he wrote the Declaration of Independence, he clearly stated, ..."That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." This excerpt states that: 1) Government exists because the People gave it the power to exist; 2) When the Government fails to do its job, or, in this specific case, breaks away from the control of the People, it should be changed or abolished. 3) It is the right of the governed to do this. Jefferson's quote goes on to further this by saying that it is essentially the right and duty of the governed to keep their government in check, even if it means bloodshed. I'll end this with another relevant quote, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin

                  spencer, georgia

                  i dont like it that much

                  Jamie, Kenosha, WI

                  to me this quote in part says we need to replace and refresh those in power. our entire government needs to be replaced. back in the founding fathers day they were merely men trying to do what is best for a country. now we only have politicians that want to fulfill their own needs or pockets. we the people have no real rights anymore.

                  • Reply
                    Anonymous    9/12/10

                    I doubt very much that "Big D' (D, as in Dickhead?) will read this response to his post, but I feel compelled to rebut. First of all, asshole, the military has never provided any American's freedom. Every time I fucking hear someone in the media saying we should thank, honor, support or be grateful for the men and women in the military who are protecting our freedoms, I want to heave. Were the Koreans, Vietnamese, Afghanis, Iraqis, or for that matter the Germans on the verge of invading the US? I think not. And what a fine job "the greatest airforce in the world" did of protecting the citizens of NYC nine years ago. Way to go, Big D!!!! It wasn't even the "regular army" of Washington that won us our freedom from the British crown - it was the average joe citizen, the militia, who turned the tide of the revolution. Collectively, his other comments, as well as his general lack of writing skills, only serves to reinforce my belief that the vast majority of people in the military are intellectually challenged, inherently pliable, brainwashed knuckle-draggers who will not hesitate to navigate their drones over a neighborhood near you (or me) and give us all a taste of "shock and awe."

                    Jim H, Burke, VA

                    From the stupid statements made here Jefferson was right in one regard. Most of you are taking the quote out of context. In the letter, Jefferson was making light of Shay's Rebellion that occurred in MA. That little armed uprising was crushed by a private Army in Feb, 1787. Two to four rebels were killed depending on the account. This little incident scared the hell out of the elite ruling class who met later that year (May 17th, 1787) in Philly at the Constitutional Convention. Key delegates were determined to create a strong central government would give a voice to, but could restraint the masses. Jefferson a states right guy disagreed about some of what he had about the newly proposed Constitution. He pooh, poohed the idea that Shay's Rebellion was any real threat. His letter was like this is it? This little incident is why the Framers think a strong national executive is necessary? He wrote: "Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion." You could say that his letter dripped with sarcasm. One insignificant incident in one state by a small group of ignorant, misinformed patriots in 11 years of Independence and you (the Framers) panic and want to change everything? Here's the 2 sentences preceding the Tree of Liberty line: "The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?" This is an argument for the violent overthrow of the government? Hardly. Any fool could see he makes a complicated argument for keeping people involved and informed. You don't overthrow a government with a few lives lost. If this is not enough, Jefferson wrote the letter before he had a copy of the new Constitution to read. 14 years later he is President Jefferson (1801) beginning the first of 2 terms under the new Constitution amended with a Bill of Rights. Did President Jefferson say or do anything to decrease the power of the President, or the Federal Government? Actually he did the opposite in increasing Executive Branch power. Did he reaffirm, or repeat the Tree of Liberty line? No he didn't. Is there any indication that President Jefferson would have tolerated a Shay's like revolt by the ignorant, misinformed and misguided? None that I could find. If the Aaron Burr incident was any guide his actions would have been swift and sure. So, if you count yourself among the ignorant, the misinformed and the misguided, I guess you could take the quote to heart.

                    Bob, Pennsylvania

                    I rate it one star because the quote has been rewritten and misconstrued from the original letter it comes from. It is about the reasons behind American independence and the tyrants refers to England.

                    Frye, FT. Worth

                    I love how people label the American people as arrogant; when we use quotes such as this to stick our noses in another state's issues and go to war with them. America is the best example of what any nation should be like. Do not confuse arrogance with leadership. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their own free choice -- is often the means of their regeneration." John Stuart Mill

                    Anonymous, CALGARY


                    Liz, CR
                    • Reply
                      Liz, CR    10/27/10

                      I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Corporations of America, and to the Profits for which it stands, one world government, under the pretense of God, divisible, with no liberty and injustice for all.

                      TPartier, NW Ohio

                      Well, plenty o' people here that are just plain not reading Jefferson correctly at all... and there are some like phil, of newark who don't even think facts are important or that many people here will Google his ignorant claim. Here is what Obama said Mr. Deceptive: "It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will be, the United States of America." That is EXACTLY what he said. As a veteran with a brain - I ask - what problem with that, have you? Tell ya what jack - when I served in the Navy - I served with people from all over and from virtually every conceivable background. I served on a carrier for 3 years as regular ships' complement on automatic boiler control systems. It was hard work that required significant intelligence and many, many hours. So - when I see what a lot of ill informed people on here post - I just know the vast majority have never ever served or if they did - never thought deeply as to what they were doing. Then we have these twerps on here posting about relatively isolated incidents where facts from both sides are unprovable at the moment and they want to condemn the whole of American government and society. What a bunch of hoops. Don't forget that this is still an evolving nation - it is and always will be prone to boneheaded mistakes at various points within the assorted systems. We are to strive for a more perfect union. Make no mistake - most of you have absolutely missed Jefferson's great concerns in this passage - completely. If you knew the relationship of his recipient to himself, and if you knew he was in Paris - at once enthusiastic to receive a copy of the tentative Constitution and yet also gravely concerned about one aspect of it - which gave lead to this paragraph - you'd might be embarrassed for yourself. Lordy no - don't ask people to actually find out stuff for themselves from the actual sources themselves. Just about anyone on here - you don't even need to go to a library.

                      John, Boston

                      This quote was a part of Thomas Jefferson's Argument Against the Constitution of the United States of America. Jefferson didnt want the Constitution and when a states internal rebellion arose it became a battle cry for those that believed in the Constitution. Jefferson Didn't. so downplayed the importance of a bloody revolt within a that state.

                      common man, Columbus, Oh.

                      Timeless words....we live in a tyrannical state today. Our "rights and freedoms" have been slowly eroded since the 1st. congress was seated an inked the first law. I fear we shall never regain what has been lost; no matter who is in power; no matter how they came to power. Our Govt. does fear us, hence all the rules to subdue us. Inevitably Govt. troops/police will be in our streets to finally remove the last of our liberty....then hopefully these words will come to life. That said, I continue to pray for a peacefull return of our liberty and God to bless this country.

                      Liz, Cedar Rapids

                      I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Corporations of America, and to the Profits for which it stands, one world government, under the pretense of God, divisible, with no liberty and injustice for all.

                      Darth Caedus, land of the free and home of the brave

                      i think there needs to be a drastic overhaul of the u.s. government. it is and has been an unconstitutional government since fdr implemented his "new deal" policys. bush's patriot act and obama's health care are just continuations of this line of thinking that fdr started of trading freedoms for security. i agree we need to fight for our freedoms which are being taken away from us by leaders in washington under the guise of security. which is a sham in of it self cause the only security exists from Jehovah. Let me also go on the record and say that before we can do anything in Washington, we need to fix the root problem and that is the apathy most people have towards politics, and the lack of personal responsibility. i agree with obama that health care is out of control. i disagree the government needs to do something about it since it is the government through the way of the courts that made health care so expensive. the majority of the rise in health care cost is malpractice insurance driven by people suing over stupid things. sure there are some legit cases but a majority of lawsuits in any field are frivolous and just show that the person suing has no personal responsibility or understanding that even the best doctor making no mistake things happen which is not accountable to him. that would be like an airplane mechanic changes a prop, a cold snap comes through puts a stress fracture in a blade, plane flies and crashes killing all on board. is it the mechanics fault? that is the same situation with many lawsuits that just show that america needs to wake up learn some personal responsibility and stop blaming everything on washington. washington is just the result. the problem lies with us the masses who let those in washington do what they want without reprisal. i think people forget the power they hold. president not doing what good for the country, dont wait for next election, work on getting him held accountable now. congress passing laws that waste money, raise taxes or any other numerous things that are detrimental to america's economy or political structure, hold them accountable now. if you let it slide till election much will forgotten and the problems will never be fixed. could go on and on but i feel like im rambling now. so wake up america smell the poo and do something about it instead of just whining.

                      Cameron, Aurora

                      Fuck all of you advocating violent action. You have no idea what you're talking about. Not a single one of you understands the ramifications of what you suggest. Not a damn one of you understands how many lives would be lost and how thoroughly destroyed our country would be if you tried to "take it back" by force. We had one civil war, and it absolutely ruined the south. You can rant about your petty grievances all you want, but when you threaten violence, you're advocating the ruination of the United States. And for what? None of you have troubles even remotely approaching that of the American colonists. None of you have your freedoms oppressed anywhere near the degree they were during the Revolution. And yet you're willing to destroy over 200 years of progress because the current government doesn't adhere to your particular worldview? Can you not see how incredibly short sighted and narrow minded that way of thinking is? Are you blind to the devastation you would wreak? Do you not care about the lives that would be lost? Fuck you, you unthinking, callous assholes.

                      • Reply
                        Anonymous    12/3/10

                        The revolution needed is against the stale and misguided fears of the oldest generations that hold onto the irrelevant concepts of culture wars and bigotry in the face of globalization and commercialization of everything Americans hold dear.

                        Chris, Illinois

                        Ah what beautiful words to my ears. I knew we didn't have to quietly watch the deterioration of the greatest society God has ever created without a fight! Sword please!

                        Madrid, Springfield

                        The truth shall prevail and this quote needs to be spread far and wide, all over the internet. Now everyone knows why the history of Mr. Jefferson is being removed from history books in Texas.

                        anon, anon

                        After readin all of the comments and really thinking what he said I DO believe its wayyyyy past time for revolution, it was durin the Civil War that we tried last time. Maybe we too should water the already soaked field in Gettysburg. We must come to grips with he fact that life is 100% fatal, and realize that death is nothin to be feared, but an old friend. Yes it is treason to discuss things like this, but which would you rather have. Jobs and i mean real jobs will return. factories will boom again, fields will grow, real industry will once again be a major part of life. Or we can bitch softly and fear big brother will put a black hood on your head. As you live your normal safe life. My family heritage goes back to the settlement in Jamestown Virginia. My family has bled in EVERY major war for liberty. Have a cuz in iraq right now. Their blood and sweat and some of their lives will NOT be for nothing. Fear makes the wolf look bigger.

                        Anonymous, USA

                        Hey GWDrope, from Grimsby, Canada: And what does your country made of Pacifists have to contribute to the world?? You may not like what we stand for...but at least we stand.

                        RICH, RICHMOND, IN.

                        Give Me Liberty or Give me Death. I really mean it. "LETS ROLL' '

                        Aaron, Liberal LA

                        Jefferson Smith: You see, boys forget what their country means by just reading The Land of the Free in history books. Then they get to be men they forget even more. Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books, Miss Saunders. Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that.

                        Treasaigh, San Antonio, TX

                        "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants."... How can we consider our elected officials "tyrants"? A tyrant is a person who governs oppressively, unjustly, and arbitrarily. Our system does not allow for that. If you do not like your representative, vote them out! Since there are no tyrants here in the USA, that leaves only the blood of patriots. It's not the true patriots, those who serve their country in many different ways, those who strive to make this a better a country for all, whose blood needs to be shed... It's the sancatmonious numbskulls who stand on the steps of the State Capitol and call for seccession and and bloodshed who need to be put down... but, Jefferson does not call for that. His "remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them"

                        Proud Navy Vet, San Antonio, TX

                        Agree with you Army Vet...

                        Bill, Omaha, NE

                        Some of these comments are really disturbing. Matt Woodard of Nashville, do you really want to set off a nuke in DC? Do you approve of the shooting of the 9 year old and the congresswoman in Tucson? YOU CAN VOTE. Please rethink. Thinking like this can destroy our nation. Thanks Erica, Nebraska.

                        Kathleen, Healy, AK

                        Our liberties are threatened and being taken away every day by the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington and in every state capitol in this nation. It's time for those of you willing to fight for our rights to stand up and run for office. We will never be able to regain our freedoms unless people willing to fight for them are also willing to work for them on the political front. Bloody revolutions are only temporary door-stops, allowing new tyrants to take power. Same trough, different pigs. It's time to put up or shut up! The reason so few people turn up at the poles is because they are so disgusted with the lack of real choices and the potential for real change.

                        Tom L, Suffolk Va

                        The founding fathers were racists, bigots, religious fanatics, filled with greed and elitists. They created a document that supported their rule of a land and prevented blacks, Indians, women, and the poor from having any say whatsoever in govt.

                        Tom L, Suffolk Va

                        Defending the nation during time of war does not give one the right to be rude, obnoxious or argumentative to police officers.

                        Painless Tragedy, Michigan, USA some place

                        The Spectre of Thomas Jefferson came to me in my Dreams teleported me to the Georgia Guidestones which was written in blood Stop the NWO on every corner. He told me I would be a Great General in the Resistance. He said it was Time to Take up Arms. Glory be to the New Republic. I've taken the Oath, any other Oath Takers? I think America is only two more Tyranical Obamanation Bills from a All out Civil War Uprising. Correct the Government has already Exeeding it's Constitutional Boundries. Like someone in here stated. They Control what Medicines we take. They are the reason New Medicines kill thousands before they are Recalled. See Codex Alimentarius, The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and now the United Nations? WTF? Seriously? Are killing people by the truck loads. Genocide and Depopulation. That's right Population Control. What is Interesting is most of these Recalls contain Pyramid Symbolism. Maybe just thowing it out there. Maybe it's the Illuminati behind this. And the Healthcare. Not the Government by the Secret Society Bilderberg. I know about a 2 Year Data Manadatory Retention Legislator being Presenting in the Following Days. If it passes it will be Official. Thoughtcrimes will be here people. Like a Modernday 1984 Novel. This or the Healthcare Bill after it's already been Deemed by the High Courts as "Unconstitution" Because people should not be Forced to Provide Healthcare Coverage for themselves. Funny the Same thing should go for Car Insurance. Social Security Taxes and IRS is a Clear Violation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. JFK Knew this and about Operation Northwoods that is why he really was Assassinated. He wanted to End the FED Banks and Reform the CIA/FBI. Bin Laden didn't Mastermind 911. It was the CIA who did back in 1962. your all being played. Egypt Uprising, over the same thing wrong with our Government. No Ability to Vote for Impeachment based on Presidents or Officials/Politicans/Judges Clear Violations of the Law that Governs the People. Yeah People shouldn't fear the Government. And if 10% is good enough for God how come it's not Good enough for the US Government, IRS, etc. I wouldn't be in Economic Struggle if the Government would just stop stealing Blood Money from our Paychecks. I took the Oath and I plan to Fulfill it when the Uprising begins. Killuminati...The Illuminati Control our Media they are dumbing us all down like a Idocracy. They aren't a Democracy, they are a Monoarchy of Royal Blood. They all are Closely Related our Presidents even Vice Presidents. Lies! Damn Lies! all of it. They are no different than the Ancient Egyptians. They are Modernday Pharaohs it's madness I say. Resist and Molotov! Don't Fear them or the Patriot Act Bill. Arm yourself as Thomas Jefferson once Proclaimed and Water the Tree of Liberty. The Tree of Liberty is Very Thirsty... Most importantly don't worry what other people think of you. They claim Conspiracies have been around for ages. The Conspiracy HAS been around for ages. And the Media Supresses it. Stop the Elite Zionist Invasion. Save our Country before it's too late. The Illuminati seek a Exoteric, Luciferian Agenda...Global Slavery and Second Holocaust. Our Media, Music Industry Desensitize Martial Law 666 all the time. Neobabylonian Mind Control Psi ops going on about almost every signal Television Program or Video Game even. They Control so much they will be tough to defeat. Cause they operate in several Countries Worldwide. Obama is a Puppet of the New World Order. Stop listening to his Hoca Pocus and Hypnosis and Go make the Change. They are trying to Sabotage our Economy. Then they will Attempt to Kill everyone with a Plague of somekind. They already Exeeded there Goal to Get Everyone to Obsess over Privacy Protection and Police State Technologies. (RFID Driver Licenses, RFID Car Ignitions, RFID Passports and IBM RFID Scanners, TSA Full Body Scanners and RC Hovering Cameras, Personal Face Recognition Billboards etc.) The Survivors will be rounded up and force to take the RFID Chip Impants. Top it off with Chemical Trails Destroying the Ozone and creating fawny Global Warming Effects so Al Gore can Sucker all you fools into thinking it's Global Warming when in Fact it's 2012 or Nibiru "Planet X" Entering our Solar System. Don't Trust the Police, Government, Stop Paying your Credit Card Bills and IRS. Resist they can't stop us all. We must have like a Sparticus Moment. We must Unite and Liberate America so we can have a Future and our Children and there children may have a Future and Freedom that we either took for granted or never really had in the first place! Sorry for the Lenthy Reply but I felt it in my Heart tonight to tell you the real truth. Don't worry about me. I've been a Vitim of 2 Police Brutalities for no apparent Reason no Police Record, I've had my House Vandalized by Rentacops or Undercover Federal Agents. I've had my Identity Confused with a 2 time Prison Escapee Fugitive. I've been Threatin to be Assassinated by Government Spynetworks "Operation Tupac" if I continue Exposing the Illuminati, doing what I used to do best. I gave it up in the Interest of my Families Safety. But I would rather Die for Freedom to Live Forever without it.

                        Reason, kansas city

                        It is unfortunate to read so many posts like yours A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va. that claim that for others to want to hold our government responsible to it's very responsibilities would be treasonous. I too am a very Proud Vet. of the U.S. Army and I am also educated and intelligent enough to view what is going on honestly. Treason, as you apparently need to know was originally and clearly defined by our founding fathers as the ordering of Federal Troops against the Citizens. Not ever did they say that for a person to express their beliefs could ever be considered treason regardless of what it was the person said. Treason is an action, not an expression. I'm embarrassed, yes embarrassed, that another who voluntarily put their life on the line as I did to protect the rights and liberties of not only those we know and love but those we not only know but don't like would say something as sorry as "You're a fuggin idiot and what you just said is treasonous. You need to be blind folded and shot. This is a time of War we are in and your statements of taking down the government are a cause of natural concern." I am also embarrassed that you would choose to be inflamatory and not even be able to write coherently. "are a cause of natural concern." ? You somewhere lost what it means to be a soldier.

                        Joshua Pagan, Winter Park, FL

                        You read and agree with the words spoken, but yet pathetically do nothing to adhere to those words!!

                        Louis, Brooklyn, NY

                        I love this quote. It is appropriate for any generation. Jefferson is right in asserting that freedom is a privilege not a right. I wish Americans would heed the message of this quote to reform the federal, state, and local governments of the U.S. and replace Wall Street with a more structural system that conducts business ethically not Ponzi schemes.

                        Mike, NYC
                        • Reply
                        Mike, NYC    2/14/11

                        the reason why we don't see the blood of tyrants is cause the enforcers are there stomping out the blood of patriots because they have been lead to believe that these patriots are the tyrants. This has been done bye the military industrial MEDIA complex. They have become very good at brainwashing and dumbing down the troops. Its unfortunate but its why we have patriots fighting each other as the real tyrants laugh at us. They have many tactics we have just one. Until we can spread the truth and show proof as wikileaks has done we will not have a chance to take down these tyrants. These men have been doing this for too long and we are all new to this. Fighting will not work until we rally the truth to the masses. Sacrafice of many patriots lives and blood will be the only way. anyone who acts in a violent way will just be fighting against the patriots and for the tyrants. It is very late in the game! Very late in the game indeed !!!!!!

                        • Reply
                          klauss    2/19/11

                          Lincoln would NOT be welcome in the republican party of today. He believed in the supremacy of the federal government. And for those who like the quote "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.", here's one from Lincoln "Among free men there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet; and those who take such appeal are sure to lose their cause and pay the costs." - I think Lincoln is more rational than Jefferson. (I think we need to stop idolizing the founders; they were men not gods.) Lincoln rings true. Egypt is a testament to that fact. They had peaceful demonstrations in order just to gain the ballot. Imagine what could have happened in Iraq without our intervention. Especially considering the fact that saddam didn't have the weapons needed to put down such a revolt. The world is full of such ironies, isn't it.

                          A true Patriot, Easton Pa

                          Times have changed people,the time of watching sport's and watching your kid's play sport's doing stuff you enjoy has been lost, Our Government has over stepped it's responsibilities, and time is now for us to act! The Tea Party in your area provides a good outlet, from there we need to have convention's, or better yet away from the cities a patriot woodstock, Gas prices are rising, Ive heard $5 gas could tip us into a depresion, mass layoff's, and high inflation, that said our time is short, And I believe our government has our Military out of the country for a reason, cus if there was a revolt there wouldnt be a military here to side with us.

                          General, Erfurt, PA

                          You all better know a III Percenter and get prepared for a very long haul to save that Tree of Liberty which is dying.

                          RPlace, Mission

                          This will happen in the NEAR future. Ragan strarted the demise of a great nation by taking away middle class unions that made America great. Not saying unions are great, they became blinding powerful and protected the lazy. The rich have taken our jobs and give them to slave labor countries to make more profit for themselves. "We The People" blind fools buy from Walmarts that have destoyed every city in America. (The #1 Future Job in America). We all can't get hired by McDonalds, people will revolt and the rich and politicians who fatted their pockets will be strung from trees. They actually think there fooling people?

                          R.N, beloit

                          I believe that the quote of Thomas jefferson on revolution was a stern warning that if we chose to be lazy in being involved in our federal government's day to day policy implementation and not scrutinizing it constantly to make sure that it represents the common people of the united states. That failure would follow. This means don't allow the greed of one or many, foreign interests or large corporate influence to impregnate and impose their ideals on us or our nations original goals. That we would be required to stand up take arms and save the very country that they and many others sacrificed their lives to establish.We must remember that our fore fathers truly sacrificed their lives to set this country and it's union in place and our democracy. This democracy has not truly been threatened again since then but twice the civil war and world war two,for all other wars were fought for national interests and to help spread democracy around the world.I hope that we never lose sight of this by the distractions of solving the democracy problems else where. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson where truely common men that became great presidents and unfortunately not many have followed

                          san snead, YUOESSOFAYE

                          gloriously taken out of context to serve this bull shit-bumpersticker patriot craze. unless you have stood a post or worse had to look the man you ultimately had to kill (before he killed you) in the eye, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT PATRIOTISM MEANS! TALK ALL YOU WANT, I DON'T EVEN WANT A THANK YOU FOR ENSURING YOU HAVE THAT ABILITY, BUT FUCK OFF WITH THIS WALMART SPIRITUALITY AND LOVE FOR COUNTRY. GET IN THE FIGHT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP! ACTION= PATRIOT,BTW

                          Josh Land, Goderich, Ont, Canada

                          the tree of liberty seems to need some refreshing...

                          Chuck A, Summit Hill,PA

                          Whenever man becomes complacent in our gov't it is a path to tyranny. On both side, the left and the right gain power to their own means and the people are left to suffer. We all need to wake up and understand that it is through a slow process and bigger gov't that we loose our freedom. These rights are inalienable, given by our Creator, whichever God you believe in, meaning that they are part of us and cannot be separated from us. They are not provided by gov't nor can they be taken away by gov't, unless we as a people do nothing!!!

                          Thynamebe:Tim, 559area code look it up

                          a split of the country would be one of the worst ideas and would bring the true end to the bill of rights and would allow even more corruption and even more hard ache for the masses . What needs to happen is the corporations need to by remove permanently from the government!! even if the world has to declare a clean slate for all and start to understand that this life and they have most of the world tricked into thinking that the earth can't support all of us. The worst of these is big oil started by one John D Rockefeller.

                          idovannejense, Sierra Leone

                          А СЕРВЕР НЕ ПАШЕТ НА......

                          A 22 year old kid, Michigan

                          This country was founded and built on treason... are you suggesting our founding fathers should have been shot? And as for the tree of liberty being refreshed... it should have been done long ago, but now my generation is too ignorant and lazy to know what should be done... Such a sad day.

                          Paul James, Douglas, MO

                          " The blood of patriots and tyrants is being spilled everyday in the name of liberty." WTF? The blood being spilled is to keep those 'Too big to fail" Wall Street banks rolling in the dough and to protect Apartheid Israel from reality.

                          nvrpc, Ripon, Ca

                          "Gun control has absolutely nothing to do with crime control but has everything to do with people control" - EFS 2001 Check out how the UN is your worse enemy

                          Jim Kress, Northville

                          Obama, his sycophants and the RINOs have enslaved and abused the citizens of this country to a point where revolution is the only way to regain our Liberty.

                          A Patriot, Saint George, Utah

                          George Washington and the colonist soldiers who defeated the British and won our freedom were in the minority. The majority of the colonists were opposed to the Revolutionary War. They had a name for them too. They were called Tories. They gave aid and comfort to the British soldiers. History is repeating itself again as it has through the ages. Everyone is going to have to chose up sides. We called them Patriots back in those times, but King George didn't think of them as Patriots. To him, they were traitors. Patriots..?..Traitors..?....Which one are you? THESE ARE THE TIMES THAT TRY MEN'S SOULS.

                          Jason, n
                          • Reply
                          Jason, n    9/16/11

                          Dear Army Veteran, Ever since the Bush administration, our rights have been thrown aside like it was nothing. They might as well have used the Constitution as toilet paper. Bush did his best to try and extend the executive's power as far as he could - and now we sit on top of a mounting debt & social problems. Republicans are senile extremists who support the rich and only want to tax the poor. Congress is divided and pointing fingers at each other. I'm not a democrat in fact, I'm more conservative then Liberal but Republicans are disgusting and it's time, I think, the people said something about. Maybe not a revolution, but something needs to be done.

                          Ken, Cincinnati, OH

                          @Anonymous, an nasariyah Iraq: First, such pleasant shows your wealth of intelligence. Second, who are you to tell anyone to "STFU"? I thought the foundation of freedom was the right to free speech. Who's side are you on anyway?

                          Ken, Cincinnati, OH

                          @A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va., The founders (including Jefferson) committed treason to bring you this country. This is a time of war because you are gullible enough to believe your government. I hope not all veterans think American citizens need to be blind folded and shot if they think their government is out of control. I assume by your stament you served to propogate tyranny.

                          Ken, Cincinnati, OH

                          @Marine - 0311, Deployed in Afghanistan: Man...I am losing all sorts of respect for you military folks. It looks like maybe you are all totalitarian war mongers...I fear from my freedom and liberty and country with a military with this midset.

                          Scott, Abilene, Texas

                          This is one of the greatest things Jefferson said. However everyone fails to look at it the way he did. many people believe Jefferson would have advocated blowing up buildings, killing congressman and the like. If you know the slightest bit about him, you would see the truth. Jefferson did in fact advocate armed rebellion when necessary; after all other avenues of resistance and diplomacy failed. Read the declaration of independence, all of it, and you will see this. Jefferson advocated violent action directed at the oppressor (the king of England and his soldiers) after declaration of war, after exhausting all other possible solutions. To say that Jefferson was a man of violence is just plain stupid. This quote is (in my opinion) meant to remind the people and the government that when all else fails a free people can and must take clear, decisive, and sometimes violent action to ensure freedom and liberty. Freedom is now and always has been paid for with blood.

                          V, Midland, TX

                          If you have served our nation in foreign wars then you should know that you fought to protect liberty. Liberty is, and has been, under siege in our great nation for some time. Governments do not make nations, people do. Our government has marginalized us all and what do we do, but sit back and take it. I am not calling for a revoltuion, but the necessity for Americans, true Americans, to stand up and say "Enough is enough!" has arrived at our doorsteps once again. If my words are treasonous, so be it. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time. The time for self-serving should soon be ended.

                          DaveFabe, Point Pleasant,NJ

                          Maybe our elected officials should be reminded of this quote.The occupy movement may just be the start of such a rebellion.

                          The Silence, With you now.

                          You are being watched. We know who you are. We know who your families are. We know about your business, your bank accounts, your weapons, your secrets. You think you can hide. We know all about you. This will be your only warning. None of you are safe.

                          سورية, Homs Syria الجمهورية

                          Anonymous, an nasariyah Iraq, Come to Syria, I have work for you.

                          Pseudonymous, ?

                          This is a great quote. Sometimes, the government needs more than our votes.

                          Fedora, Elkhorn

                          Whose liberty is the blood of patriots and tyrants being shed for? Our home grown tyrants or some other country's? America is rapidly slipping into the abyss while our government and media try to convince us who is and is not our enemy. One only needs to examine the character of those elected to the legislative and executive branches of government over the last 115 years to see how morally corrupt our government has become. While a minority of our elected leaders have been good, the majority have been weak ideologues who have spent their time in office championing, or supporting, legislation designed to siphon off the fruits of our nation's labor. Let us not forget the Liberty Tree that stood near the Boston Common in Boston and what became the symbol of liberty for this nation's early patriot movement. Numerous acts of defiance and of resistance to the British Crown's tyranny were carried out under or near the Liberty Tree. We should not forget the symbolic significance of the Liberty Tree and its importance in our nation's battle for independence.

                          James Stevens, Helena, Montana

                          Peaceful protests do not work. Its time for revolution.

                          goya, usa
                          • Reply
                            goya, usa    1/18/12

                            what freedom, what democracy, did you people ever see the world outside this cage

                            JAN, LA PORTE

                            FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Michael, Arvada

                            I don't think the focus is that we as patriots have the right to pick up arms and kill, but more so the focus being that of a warning to "elected" officials, we still do hold the power of the vote. (Unfortunately these days the truth gets lost amongs all the lies, and bad elections are made - hindsight is 20/20). But if all else fails, it is the nature of things that a government can't exist w/o those to govern, or be willing to be under a corrupt and/or tyranical government. And will have to change! OR ELSE!

                            TJ, DC
                            • Reply
                              TJ, DC    2/2/12

                              From what I've read, the armed citizens of this country outnumber the military by at least 100 fold...but they cannot get together to get rid of the thieves and crooks in DC without being tried for a conspiracy against the Gov't.

                              82nd Veteran, Ohio

                              I think a lot of the points people are trying to make and debate on here are the very embodiment of the political theologies at debate since Jefferson and Hamilton back in the very dawn of our nation. As far as this particular quote is concerned I think a lot more people need to wake the fuck up and realize the "two sides" are merely playing us against each other so we don't take focus at our common enemy... the overzealous government we have complacently allowed to grow into the complete opposite of what the founding generation wanted it to be. Philosophically, this country would do very well to study the ideals embraced by the founding fathers again, at great length, think about the implications liberty has both to our way of life and the responsibility we have to ourselves and the diligence we must exercise in it's defense. Our government conducts so much of it's affairs behind closed doors in the name of "National Security Interests" that we'll never know the truth about all that the government has done, domestically and abroad, anywhere, period... "But the Government would NEVER target the American people and imprison them." Have you read the most recent NDAA and it's clever use of legalese and backdoor loopholes that achieves just that precedent? Have you noticed the fact we already have a National ID card? It's called a Driver's License. Have you noticed you need it for all sorts of things completely unrelated to your ability to operate a vehicle (lease agreements, job applications, medical insurance, admission applications to college, etc.)? Have you researched all the potential ramifications and precedents established in the Patriot Act and realized it's a complete frontal assault on the Bill of Rights altogether? The truth is our entire big government party needs to go the way of the buffalo. There isn't a clearly left and right or right and wrong divide anymore, it's a status quo mainstream of disinformation, ever more aggressive police state statutes and monitoring, of economically destroying our people's prosperity and forcing Americans into either the privileged elites or a continuously increasing numbers of the impoverished. All being done right in front of us, with masterful use of Orwellian Doublespeak. To paraphrase a couple of other Jeffersonian views: An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people and information is the currency of democracy. The very liberty the founder's fought, bled (and in many cases, fell into poverty and destitution, losing all they had, homes, property, and family), and procured for us has fallen to the wayside under the avaricious ambitions of evil tyrants. The American people, we the people, need to realize that no one party stance is right, but rather we need to take back control of our government. March, protest, vote out incumbents, demand transparency and the truth, and we can see our nation truly change. Prove to the government we are ready and willing to stand against them as far as it must be taken, even to revolution at the risk of death. That is how diligent we must be in our regard of liberty if we wish to see it survive, let alone thrive. Get involved and run for office yourself, or enter into the system in other ways (I'm working my way into Law school in a couple years and ultimately wish to end up an Appeals or District Court Judge). As Ghandi said: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." And as a last resort, if worse comes to worst, keep your guns close at hand and maintain your proficiency in their use. Keep them maintained and ready to use, because if it becomes necessary, I'll die on my feet, guns in tow, and firing back before they will take away my right to decide how to live my life and all your rights to that choice for your life.

                              jeff walker, scott depot

                              Why do you think the federal government controls the education in this country? We have you adults who have never spent a day in school without cameras watching them. Our children start their indoctrination the very first day they start school. Teachers are not teaching our kids. It is easy to control an un-educated public. Remember, knowledge is power. How many people post on here spend their time watching foolsball, family guy, jerry springer? Our kids don't learn in school and learn less when they get home with mom and dad, if there is a dad around. The mess we are in started with the woodstock crowd during name. They believed they could change the world and they did. They became lawyers and ran for office while the responsible people went to work and came home and watched tv. I see people on a lot of forums whining but nobody does anything. Even the nutty OWS crowd at least had the guts to do something.

                              dale, bartlesville

                              The problem with revolution is what type of government is going to replace what we have now? If we can revert back to the origional constitution with its 10 ammendents. that would be fine. Do we have any statesmen these days? And statesman includes a belief in Almighty God.

                              Jason, Chantilly, VA

                              Ron Paul 2012

                              Anonymous, Deadwood, SD

                              Army Veteran obviously believes that the freedom of speech is not absolute, as decided in Schenck vs. United States (1919). However I think that T. Jefferson would have disagreed with the interpretation of that case as is evident in this quote. He was warning about the ability of the government to be blinded by power and slip towards tyranny. This is the nature of power. When a government starts deceiving the people in support of their own political or ideological goals, that too is a form of tyranny and must be punished with dissent and sometimes with revolution. We are lucky enough to have an aggressive press corps that keeps our government in the public eye. Being a patriot doesn't mean you support the GOVERNMENT unconditionally, it means you support the CONSTITUTION of the this country unconditionally and the values that it upholds

                              Sasha, Plainsboro, NJ

                              It's very true that Jefferson's actions defied his word. However, it's the actions that weren't right-not the words. The words shouldn't be dismissed because the actions were contradictory. By the way, unless you read the five negro presidents and realized Bill Clinton was at least the sixth in history, you would understand that Jefferson was actually as much Native American and Black as he was White. Yes, he was a piece of work in his actions and what he presented himself to be. But what real advantages would anyone get NOW, let alone in the 1700's admitting Native American and Black heritage that though people really did agree because even if visible it wasn't obvious enough to not raise any doubt on either side in all situations of life, especially the most vital and basic ones (sexual relations) to give you any real edge to want to bother with it? I am directly tri-racial myself. The Native American hits people over the head and is often described as Latino, the white is visible but obviously not pure if I'm asked as much about it as I am (every day at least once) and the black is visible but tends to creep up on you instead of hit you over the head. For me, getting a f*** is effortless and free and all I need to do is agree to offers. However, in every culture getting the full acceptance I might have to accept might never be even be more so for me than anyone else just because. I'm not giving up completely or blaming the rest of the world, but I'm not waiting up nights and unless I actually have that I can't afford to bring children into it by my own choice. Why would they want to be a baby mama's kid and all that goes with that it if they had any sense? I also understand people have no obligations to answer my du'ahs any more than Allah does. So, please don't dismiss Jefferson's words because of the pressures of what he had to live with if he lived them. Dismiss the actions and try to understand why he chose it. As Salaamu Alaikum Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu

                              avenger, anytown USA

                              We have become as lethargic as we can get. The government have taken complete advantage of it. This country is ripe for revolution.

                              FlexoRick, Westminster MD

                              I think Jefferson is saying that the American People posses a spirit of resistance. That because of this spirit of resistance a Government must be transparent other wise the people will become discontented either because of truths they know about (Tea Party) or as Jefferson points out because of misconceptions (occupy wall street) In ether case he says "let them take arms" Those who do so will shed the blood of tyrants while at the same time learning the facts and justifying their cause.

                              gloryugochukwu., guarimpa

                              i think that there should not be war god didn't create us to kill our selves is to love one another.let us be united

                              john, ohio

                              I think Jefferson's slaves should have rebelled and spilled his blood.

                              Christian, Algonquin, IL.

                              Jefferson was a genius. Already knew the corruption within mankind 200 years ago.

                              Mary Anne, Bronx, NY

                              The founding fathers believed in limited government and power to the people. They believed that we the people should govern....and that our rights life,liberty,pursuit of happiness are given to us by God....not government. We need leaders like Jefferson today....I am sharing this quote with my students today!

                              Sick of people buying elections, Denver

                              Maybe we should apply this to the 1%who can spend millions/billions to buy elections!

                              S. Parker, Suffolk, VA

                              I think that this quote means that each generation is different and change is going to be brought about but it is up to each generation to fight or to sit around and be lazy, Jefferson's predictions were correct in my opinion...

                              S. Parker, Suffolk, VA

                              and oh yeah, war is to fought to bring change right? change to the constitution is what he's implying...

                              J Carlton, Calgary

                              Army Vet, Alexandria...has it not occurred to you yet that there is little or no real justification for these wars? Especially in the Middle East. Or that American kids are being used as cannon fodder to enrich munitions makers and foreign bankers? Or that all of this crap is orchestrated by people (UN/Bankers) who see Americans as inventory? I understand your patriotism in the face of a genuine threat...but it's all become a dog and pony show to control Americans and keep them in fear...don't be fooled.

                              Johana, California, USA

                              Without the blood shed from patriots, are we really aware of the cost and price paid for the freedom we enjoy? I think that if we refuse to learn from history, we will repeat the same mistakes.

                              GNR, Seattle, WA

                              Our Constitution was designed to protect us against tyrants. This power-packed quote supports that. The government should be afraid of the People. But isn't that why the Patriot Act was instituted? Isn't that why the government and misinformed people want gun control? They are scared of law-abiding citizens owning guns. What about government extortion to force sovereign states to abide by Federal regulations? It doesn't matter to them that we may not want their "Help". They've used fear and ignorance to whittle away our individual rights. I'm sick of people who don't want to pay the price but expect everything given to them by Big Brother. People think they are well-informed because they listen to a half hour of news from the mainstream media. They are being led by the nose to slaughter by the propaganda machine. As a people, we should be OUTRAGED by the acts of our elected officials. I am! Yes VOTE THEM OUT!!!! And start with local, state and then the federal elections. I think that anyone in government should live by the same laws, and be taxed as we do. Maybe we wouldn't have as much corruption then. Here's another idea; anyone on welfare for more than 2 years should not be allowed to vote. That might keep the socialists at bay.

                              Dan, New York

                              Our founding fathers would have been shooting a long time ago. We have become fat, lazy and stupid. I love this country and want our values and traditions to continue on forever. With the blood of patriots and tyrants. It's easy to see the tyrants, I just don't see the patriots.....YET!

                              freedomfighter, Sacramento

                              I think it is too late. I have heard for years that people need to have arms to defend themselves against tyrannical government. But these people have refused to use their arms and slowly the arms have been taken away. Soon we are going to be left with pellet guns and the government will have drones and aerial surveillance. Our own soldiers won't be able to revolt to protect us since they will be fighting against programmed weapons and robotic controlled jets, rockets, drones, tanks. It is over folks and it is going to get worse. It all started with the evil Lincoln. He wanted a strong federal government. He won. The states lost power. Ever since the federal power has been growing. It won't stop until it controls you, your child (you'll only be allowed one) everything you own, where you live, when you are allowed to travel (sound familiar--it's communism, that's where this is headed).

                              Scipio, Lakeland, FL

                              Americans are natural “cherry pickers”, pulling from their Bibles and their Bill of Rights only those fragments which are convenient to their personal beliefs and omitting the rest. These half phrases, mostly taken out of context, end up on bumper stickers and get quoted over and over until they achieve the status of truisms. A character in a 1996 action flick quotes Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Shortly after the movie came out, I began hearing U.S. military officers repeating the phrase. The problem is that they embraced the quote as a motto without bothering to verify the context in which Jefferson had written. Jefferson did indeed make that statement in a private letter in 1787, but he was talking about Shay’s Rebellion in Massachusetts earlier that year and how the Government of England and the English press had purposely misinterpreted the incident as proof that post-Revolutionary America had descended into a state of Anarchy. In his letter to an acquaintance, Jefferson was putting Shay’s Rebellion into the context of a localized misunderstanding, as opposed to a state of Anarchy.

                              meta-historian, toronto, on, ca

                              -- JA, Utica, NY Wrote - REVOLUTION IS NEEDED, NOW MORE THEN EVER SINCE THE DAY WE TOOK THIS LAND FOR OURSELVES. LET'S TAKE IT BACK FROM THE TYRANTS THAT CONTROL US TODAY. --alexandria , va qoute--- You're a fuggin idiot and what you just said is treasonous. You need to be blind folded and shot. This is a time of War we are in and your statements of taking down the government are a cause of natural concern. You are a moron and a dolt_ME SAY_ you are so wrrong do your history this quote and many others from jefferson. tells the american citizen's that if there government is to ever become corrupt to take up arms against the tyrants in charge and take control of the country again the us milatary is a joke go look up the song real terrorism by KRS one aka the teacha and the creator of the stop the violence movement. peace out power to all those with the knowledge to think for them selfs

                              Mike M, Hopewell Jct, New York

                              Love this quote- one of my favorites!! We will never have freedom and strong individual rights in our country, until we minimize the power of our federal government. This quote is giving credence to that very fact. I am afraid at this time, that it doesn't seem like limiting the power of our Federal government is in our near future. Down with the Tyrants!!

                              J Carlton, Calgary

                              Jefferson's words are timeless, accurate and should be heeded. Revolution can take many forms, not all are violent. Still, it might be fun to see a military (temporary) takoever of the government halls and for them to go after the real controllers of our nation. I'd pay good money to see 10 or 15 tanks take down the Federal Reserve Banks everywhere they are located. Then maybe we would stop sending our kids off to die in foreign deserts ...for nothing. Time for America to restore itself as a Republic and avoid foreign entanglements as it says in the Constitution.

                              J.R., Pittsburgh

                              I love this country! Unfortunately, there has been a slow ongoing movement to dumb down the citizenry of this great country, therefore making it possible to easily brainwash the masses into blind obedience to values that are against the Constitution, God, and common sense. We have sat idle, with fear of not being politically correct, and being persecuted for speaking our minds. We have allowed the main stream media to further the corruption of the minds of the weak minded and the unintelligent with misinformation and extreme bias. We have allowed a very small minority to dictate that we have to remove anything religious from public areas, even though this country was founded by God fearing people. We have sat quiet while being deceived by the Government with political rhetoric, double talk, and bold faced lies. The majority of people are consumed with the ever increasing burdens of trying to survive in a deteriorating economy. Make no mistake this too is part of the plan to control the people. Keep them depressed and struggling to survive, while the Government does what they want cloaked in carefully worded deceptive speeches that tell us what we need and is good for us. The government does this because of their greed for power and money. They don't care about what is good and right for the people of this country. The government has become too big and wastes way too much of our money, and has become so irresponsible of their spending habits as to place our great country into a financial catastrophe. Our jurisprudence system has been corrupted into a money making machine for the benefit of the members of The Trial Lawyers Association, one of the strongest special interest associations in the country. They are aided by the main stream media to publicly, try, and convict people before they are even arraigned, making a fair trial impossible. The main stream media used to take pride as professionals to seek out and report the truth. They are now in collaboration with the corrupt powers to turn this great country into a socialist state. The main stream media dwells on over sensationalism which generates higher viewership, higher ratings and increased profits, again greed for power and money, unfortunately at the expense of truth. It has been said that the downfall of the United States will come from within. Our great Republic has, slowly over time, been eroding because of our fear and apathy. Remember, all the brave men and women that have given their last full measure of devotion so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms. We will not remain free if our apathy continues. The time has come for the citizens of this great country to be brave and speak out. The time grows very short for the survival of our great nation. If we don't stand up, speak out, and take action we will lose our great nation! In God We Trust! God bless all of you, and God bless The United States of America!!!

                              j phillps, southampton nj

                              jefferson was the man we need to remember the 200 year rule its time americans picked up thier guns and put these bottom feeders in washington in thier fucking place

                              J Carlton, Calgary

                              Army veteran...ever stop to ask why we are in the wars we are in? It's called Imperialism and it flies in the face of our founding principles. Think man Think!

                              Edd, Winchester

                              Thomas Jefferson is my hero. I never forgot this quote. We are at that stage now with the fraud in the White House. He was A Virginian too. I am a Virginian first and American second. I am also retired Army.

                              Edd, Winchester

                              I am an Army and Air force Vet Retired (SAC) Army vet from Alexandria you sound like a REMF. I took the oath for the Constitution not the Government you haven't learned the difference. Dolt. You are the idiot. I bet you voted for MORON. Come and try to stand me against a wall. I am a Virginian first and an American second. Oh yes I am from a army family born on Post. Thomas Jefferson is my hero.

                              Pete, Newark, New Jersey

                              @ james mcdouglas, indiana, yeah yeah....whatever, you're an ass. All you anti-government, Anti- USA ranters on here. Please leave. Take your extremist wetdreams and exercise your freedom to leave. Or, if you are crazy enough to try to take action, prepare to die. No reasonable conservative or liberal would have any qualms with that. As a Jefferson quote above said (btw, he was a completely untrustworthy backstabber to Washington (THE father of our country) and Adams) "Man once surrendering his reason, [that's you]has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, [ie in guns, in opposing a "tyrannical US govt"] takes the helm from the hand of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck." [you again, sense a pattern?]

                              comrade Boris Al-farok, Bumfuk Egypt

                              Bunch of right-wing fascist dogs! You can eat my "natural manure"!

                              J Carlton, Calgary

                              Proud Army Vet...I'm sorry did I miss something? I don't recall Congress making a Declaration of War. No sir, we're involved in a UN police action under what has become a criminal government.
                              And that you would advocate someone being shot for being against American involvement in Globalist Imperialism is a direct contradiction to your oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. (It's something a Nazi would say) You might want to reconsider what the word "patriot" really means.

                              J Carlton, Calgary

                              Reston says: "Waco & Ruby Ridge were not the homes of patriots, but rather of radical fools."....You have to be one seriously cold heartless B***h to think that anything justifies shooting a mother dead while she's holding an infant and poses no threat, or burning people to death because you don't like the way they live...but then you're a Liberal so it does make sense, doesn't it? When the authorities are acting with impunity to commit murder...then TJ's words ring loud and true.

                              Sean, America

                              I firmly believe that we as Americans should always ask ourselves 2 important questions. How can I be great and how can I think like that of our founding fathers. What we are doing definitely isn't working. We are selfish and lazy as a whole, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. Let's get back to the basics and make this country a beautiful place once again...and it's something that your boy obamba isn't doing.

                              steve, greeneville tn

                              I think all American people should stand up and speak loud and proud we should stand up for our rights if we don't wake up and do something or government will take over just like the movie red dawn so I say we the people should stand together

                              Paul, Somewhere in Alaska

                              I'm pretty sure that a couple of lines later, Jefferson explains why taxes are a must. Yet, I never hear people quote that part ... hmmm.
                              -- Charlie Gocio, Little Rock, Ark

                              Typical internet misdirection. Read the whole letter, tool. There isn't one word, let alone one sentence about "taxes".

                              Some Old Nobody, USA


                              Me, Uniontown,Ohio

                              Our politicians on both sides of the floor in the House and Senate are greedy, narcissistic boneheads that would make our founding fathers throw up. Join the movement, revolutions are healthy for the country, they teach the politicians who they work for, the American people.

                              deb, magalia


                              bbro1259, Avon park, Fl.

                              The American people mostly are lazy and stupid It is NOW OR NEVER I have a complete plan I will touch on here it is time for change! We need to eliminate congress and the presidentcy. Congress was enacted to represent the people. We can do that ourselves on the internet, federal, state and local the country can be represented to other country's by a computer generated spokesman. (I like Max Headrum). This willdo away with most corruption. Also do away with currency (the credits will be fine) this will do away with ahell of a lot of crime. And get rid of victimless crime. How canthere be a crime with no victim. If it doesn't harm anyone else and the environment and such it's none of my business what you do! Legalize all drugs not just alcohol and tax it those who cant handle them and abuse them will soon be gone. Then the police and the people wont be at war it will save $$$ and after a while drug abuse will drop extremely.put a tariff so high that the factories willhave no choice but to return. Revamp welfare (yes we need to take care of those that need it but it s so abused .the ones that really need it would rather earn it somehow. ) for examplle single parents could either help watch othets children (after training and psychological exam) or do the many jobs being abused by city, state, and federal workers. Your self-esteem is much better when you earn by this is just a small portion of the way this country should be I need backing and signatures on a petition I will be president for a short time to set it up I'll need computer people and etc. to set it up then after firing congress I'll fire me (also I dont want a cent for this or anything else.) I have a lot more (now comes the hard part I'm afraid many won't believe) I had a vision/dream that tom jefferson and God told me I had to change the country or there won't be a planet left. This I guess is the first step I need some help I've tried getting it out to people but every time something goes wrong posting. there are many who don't want this change. (Tom and God also told me I would be killed before it's done as will one other
                              But they said I was the only one that could do it (I suppose without becoming corrupted) I did not volunteer. I dont wish to die but they said they would guide me and tell me what to do and say so I hope im not going to get blocked out again and the right people understand what I'm saying and will aid me. Because I have to do it because noone else will or can no im not crazy if you are reading this and get it you can't turn away it means the future of not only the USA but of mankind
                              Tom also said to say (THE BRITISH ARE HERE!!!

                              mark, everywhere

                              I don't agree

                              madhatter, philadelphia

                              PARTISAN FOOLS!!! Just listen to yourselves regurgtiating the talking points of your respective idealouges! do yourselves,do your COUNTRY a favor and turn off your talk radios.Americas fate is being sealed not only by the social engineering leftists,who have ensured that an entire(and expanding)class of people MUST be Dependant on the federal government, or by the reactionary doom and gloom teabaggers who wrongfully believe that the re-election of a single inept president is the cause of our current concerns,but it is also,and ESPECIALLY,being sealed by the whoremongers that presently inhabit the halls of the CAPITAL!! This group of vermin make deals with lobbyists who represent the TRUE tyrants that are ruining america.these are the ones who demand free trade zones to exploit the slave labor abroad while dismantling. our manufacturing base at home(then blame the unions.)these are the ones who move their factories to china and corporate headquarters to tax friendly oasis's like Singapore or the grand Bahamas.these are the ones who own the media outlets that pass themselves off as news with overpaid talking heads telling us that our problems are the cause of some third world,third rate piss ant dictator, or(more often) each other.THESE are the TYRANTS of today,these are the same KINGS of old we once brought to heel.we can again,if we stop seeing the enemy in ourselves and place the focus where it belongs----OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

                              bryanrimer, Avon Park fl.

                              I don't think we need Congress or president anymore we do need some government offices what we are capable of running the president CNN country are self same way we're doing right now on on a bong I'll have to do is sign in boat on the shit Congress enacted to represent the people uh I don't think to represent me I can represent myself now with no representative get on cell cell phone internet whatever get on on Tuesday not petrol 39 State Monday morning local if need be it's so obvious people are so stupid Americans are so stupid that they let their country go out and kill for them don't they know that what goes around comes around were killing innocents regardless of what they believe whatever they're still me and all men were created equal all manwe have to do is get a petition up with enough votes on it to get it on the ballot buyer Congress fire the president Max Headroom could be the president any computer generated person could be a represent this country the people could vote on on country it would not be easy need some latte kids a lot of computer guys need some on his people people that don't get paid that can't be corrupted I would gladly volunteer I'm retired now I'm glad you're going dear to do something up there to get rid of this bullshit for the whole world attacks usfor the evil that we are doing in this worldI had several people like me would be glad to give up our time to go get it all set up all you have to do is come on the internet which would be free and vote on the propositions insert if you have a proposition to make make it if it's ridiculous to be dealt with another way but intelligent people are you here to run this intelligent country we can get our jobs that we can become a country we were even better we can become United States wat Thomas Jefferson envision it George Washington Bridge in it they fought and died for work so that we could be free and we are not free I just got arrested year and a half ago for giving a pill to a ladythey said this state of Florida was the victim how was the state of Florida a victimdictamus Grimsby to go if you don't like the way things are being run in your county or state vote with your feet if not on the go on the website that's the beauty of this country everything was made perfect everything on this planet was made perfect perfect bean is boat to run perfectly no one spoke to have to go hungry or do something they don't want to believe it or not things with stillget done if we did away with all money we would do way with all most all the crime so a couple days a week you would have to do a job you didn't like the rest of the time you could do whatever you wanted and everything will get done liver not people would want to be the garbage man it was made by perfect Creator created perfectly believe itand if you're an atheist email me ok in route except I can prove it

                              bryanrimer, Avon Park fl.

                              I think Congress was enacted to represent the people we don't need them anymore we can represent ourselves through the internet and the president can be replaced by any computer generated figurehead we do need some government the office is when you get military but we don't need a military overseas

                              richard wood, fairfeld

                              i love my country.. we came here in 1653. todays' politicians are rats and greedy shitters, get rid of them.

                              • Reply
                                fgh    3/24/14

                                i think you are all babies, carrying on like that!
                                ******** shut up!

                                U.N. Owen, Idiotville

                                yeah ok then but what is REALLY key IS:

                                What does the fox say....?

                                • Reply
                                Steve    4/7/14

                                I wish it were not true, but it certainly is. How well he predicted our current situation.

                                Jack, Tempe, AZ

                                This is an awesome quote that means exactly what it says. Jefferson was living in Paris when he received a letter informing him of Shay's Rebellion in Massachusetts. Jefferson was definitely a radical of his time, but I believe his words to be extremely wise, and relative even today in our current state of politics.

                                Donald, LaPlata

                                Today we trade freedom for security, a tragic mistake.

                                Ron, Spring Hill, Fl

                                "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion; what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." -- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787

                                Charles, Fort Wayne

                                As much as I love Thomas Jefferson, and I do feel he always had the best interest of the country, I don't think he or any other founding father were deities on any level. Most of them were Masonic in nature and wanted to be free from British persecution mostly by the church of England. So the Freemasons were pretty much to come to the new land and live there.

                                The Freemason headquarters was in York England and when they were forced to move here it was in and still is as far as I know in New York, this is why one reason New York was so important during the revolution 28 of the signers of the constitution out of 40 were Freemasons or possible Freemasons based on evidence other than Lodge records.

                                I know it seems I digress but hang in there. The reason the Freemasons were named that way is because they were mainly concerned with freedom of religion which is what the church of England was to them, more of a threat to them. Thomas Jefferson had Masonic connections therefore was concerned with freedom of his friends as they were.

                                Most of the constitution is seen as freedoms as if they are absolute rights, but rights and freedoms are different in as much being free does not give you a right to own a slave which many of them did. You have to be responsible in being free but right is something everyone needs to exist as a human being. Which they pretty much didn't care much about seeing they own slaves.

                                Having said all this Thomas Jefferson was worried about these freedoms simply because they did not protect the freedoms but the power freedom gave the government which was given the ability to decide what this freedom meant. Hence the the Sedition Act of 1798, 1918 that was revised for WW II and by Obama and Bush for the war on terror.

                                Both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ( who was confirmed Freemason) had a difference of opinion on what freedom meant. John Adams believed in capitalist society where Jefferson on a trade type society (which I have no idea how that would work.) I believe Jefferson thought a capitalist society would lead to tyranny because of the golden rule which this case 'he who has the gold rules'. Gun freedoms had nothing to do with it, more like freedom of speech.

                                Hence the quote you have way up above. I know its complicated but nothing they did was well understood or we would not need Supreme Court to interpret it for everyone or maybe if the constitution had been written with better clarity we would not even need them to. But only because they made freedoms sound like rights which they are not.

                                Anonymous, Taylor Michigan

                                I thinck he was a psychic cuz he is talking about the current situation in United States.

                                J Allen, Arlington

                                We have been far too complacent and have stood idly by while our freedoms have been eroded for decades.

                                Justinian, Hartford

                                As long as there are institutions keeping the masses doped up and dumbed down, there will not be the revolution required to break the infected boil of the two part system, so the corrupted puss ruling our nation can spill out.

                                ANONYMOUS, SIOUX FALLS

                                I AGREE TOTALLY BUT, WHERE DOES A PERSON START?

                                Anonymous, Lawrenceburg

                                Term limits, cut out the lifetime pensions, repeal law that allows politicians to utilize inside info to make millions from Wall Street.
                                Kick the UN out off American soil. Forbid Lobbyist from communicating with Lawmakers. Have Congressmen and Senators stay mainly inside of their Districts actually doing the bidding of the People. For those in Washington, D.C. Who can't figure out how to protect our borders from illegal immigrants, I suggest bringing our vast military back to American soil and set up a DMZ on our soil.
                                There are 319,000,000 know citizens in this Country and "We the People" are being pillaged by 547 Politicians. 2 from the Executive Branch, 9 from the Supreme Court, 100 Senators and 436 Congressmen.
                                Saying all of that, the blame for the woes of America lays at the feet of the "People". The "Thieves in DC" have the power because Citizens sit idle.
                                The Banking System, abolish the Federal Reserve and halt exports of or petroleum products and null and void all Treaties with all Countries.

                                Charles, Lawrenceburg

                                Cleanse Washington, D.C. And start over.

                                God dam mad, Tallapoosa georgia

                                I think this country should be torn down and .started over like it was during the 1800,s .Except for slavery. Maybe even back to the ways of the indians. Before oil , before insurance, before the rich 1 percent took control. I do not like setting down and watch mila tray cops busting into peoples homes, I do no like being told I half to weir a helmet or set belt because of insurance companys. I think anyone should be able to do anything he likes including killing himself.taking drugs. Or what ever he wants as long as that person has to except the effects of his actions. I don,t think there should be credit . Wefair , social security, or anything that makes anyone half to answer to another person . Until that person tryes or hurts another person because of his not wanting to face his's all on him. I don,t believe in prison , I believe in exacustion. And slavery of criminals who try and pass their problems on To another person by stealing, rape, child me lest at ion , murder, . I don't believe a person should be able to use mental illness as a excuse. I really want to go totally back before we had all these bulls hit excuses lawyers have come up with.

                                your worst nightmare, London

                                First, nothing wrong with socialism. Second, Obama is a right-winger, just like all your other Presidents - if you think he's a 'socialist', you're broadcasting the fact that you haven't the faintest idea what the word means, apart from a term of abuse used by your racist shock-jocks


                                Another quote goes well with this, "when the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty. I think Benjamin Franklin said that. It means our founding fathers gave us everything they could think of so we could preserve this Republic. Not a democracy. This quote says, if the people feel their free land is being taken away by the government, we have the right to take it back. It is expected periodically so the elected always know they work for us. Sadly, the government sponsored assassination of JFK was the beginning of the end

                                anonomous, WI

                                Definitely more Americans need to get FACTS and wake up to the silent and secret people behind the agenda. I'm spreading as much as I am able, also I recommend everyone to drill the minds and provoke to truth! We have children to think of for future generations here, if there's any time left that is.

                                MacGregor, Scotland

                                Such vast comment without much insight. America has had two revolutions already i) The bloody one 1761-65 and ii) The Bloodless one culminating in 1787 that formatted the Constitution in Philadelphia. The idea of rewriting constitutions every 20 years is seriously good especially as it minimises the influence of the special interests groups that destroy democracy delivering optimum equal opportunity to enjoy a nations work and wealth

                                GhostOfCicero, Nashville

                                Some of your historically ignorant dumbfucks who think that Jefferson was a "noninterventionist" or an "isolationist" & that we'd be better off following that SUPPOSED resolute example of his need to do some reading on the Barbary Wars. And if any of you who know ANYTHING about those series of conflicts between our then brand new nation & the Islamic thugs who seized our ships of commerce & made made our sailors slaves (as well as those of the more established European powers) SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT MUSLIM have the stones to admit the EXACT SAME THING is happening RIGHT NOW all over the world, then kudos to you! .

                                For the rest of your Pollyannish simpletons, go read some real history & get a clue how the world works. If not, stick to making candles out of ear wax, weaving blankets out of belly botton lint & having bong races. Because reading your insipid faux intellectual screeds make one pine for the torture chambers of ISIS, they're so lethally stupid.

                                Ronw13, Oregon

                                As for the hostility, natural reactions. Skilled and unskilled. Jefferson, one of my favorites. Principles of 98, The Sovereignty of each State and Individual to nullify unconstitutional overreach. Our Liberties are distinct in reference to bondage and oppression, manumission from slavery, and liberal access to God our Creator. This Republican Nation is, and has been under siege for many years. Yet the core of Liberty and those who hold it dear reside by faith and Oath. Social conscience of Liberty rises before a revolution. Not all in service to our government are tyrants, yet tyrants exist in all governing. Weed the garden often.

                                Malcolm, O'Fallon, IL

                                So where is the "Damn their eyes" in this quote?

                                X, Boston
                                • Reply
                                X, Boston    7/7/16

                                Revolution by peaceful non cooperation is the best scenario.
                                The removal of the neo-fascist elite and their secret society corruption of all institutions of power is the goal.
                                The people must stop being divided by ignorance and brainwashing to create false perceptions and bogeymen to keep them bolting in the direction the secret rulers want
                                Fear of democratic socialism is fear of equality and fear of protection from the tyranny of neo-fascist capitalist dictatorship
                                A very real and present danger in a world where the frankendollar monster of money constantly decides everything
                                and enslaves the many to the dictates of the few, the super rich who run the planet and choose and control our governments.

                                Mark, Phoenix

                                It is the government's job to protect/guard the liberties and freedoms of its people. Our government has become a bully on the block. Instead of protecting our liberty, they have enslaved and suffocated us with mountains of irrational regulations. The growing unrest is a signal that there is a price to be paid for the political corruption of lies, underhanded deals, and scorn thrown toward the American public. We are not perfect by any means. But I did not believe that I would live to see this day when our country would trade the pursuit of honor and just character, choosing rather to praise those would lie to us with a straight face. What has happened to us as a people?

                                George Bush, Texas

                                Vote Trump

                                Old Patriot, WA

                                The apathy of "We the People" scares me. Unlike most of "The People" who are self-satisfied just having their say, I just spent five very precious years of my life (I,m 75) fighting for my Constitutional Rights in the courts. All three courts--District, Appellate, & Supreme--refused to address, or even acknowledge, my complaint. Our last bastion of defense against government control of The People--the courts--has "gone over", joining with the Executive and Legislative branches.
                                William J. Coughlin in his novel, "Death Penalty" probably summed it up best when he wrote... "The courts are really the foundation of our government. If the foundation is rotten, the whole house comes falling down."

                                BradM, Ma
                                • Reply
                                  BradM, Ma    10/9/16

                                  How sad.

                                  THE PEOPLE, AMIRICA


                                  Tony L., Silver Spring, Md

                                  Considering the corruption we are seeing from the FBI, IRS, Justice Dept, ignoring court orders and demands from congressional oversight "We the People" should be far more outraged. We now have a government that feels it does not need to answer to the people.
                                  That rebellion is long overdue. Let's hope it can be at the ballot box.

                                  Anonymous, Houston

                                  Every patriotic American should read this every day until they realise how tyrannical our government is.

                                  Anonymous, Arlington VA

                                  The time has come to refresh the tree of liberty in the U.S. The entire U.S. political system is tainted with tyrants. Not exclusively but primarily the Democratic Party is full of deceitful and manipulative liars. 

                                  James, FL
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                                  • Reply
                                  James, FL Anonymous, Arlington VA 2/24/21

                                  I'm laughing here in 2021 after the Republicans have foisted upon the people something that has been labeled "The Big Lie." Worse than this is the fact that people refuse to open their eyes and still accept this lie. They also accept the lie that there is such a thing as "Deep State" (another Republican lie). The now ex-Liar-in-Chief is a master manipulator, MAGA-heads not only don't realize they are being swindled, they're grateful for it and want more.

                                  Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

                                  We must be mature here. We must find alternative measures for solving problems.  Violence and bloodshed is very primitive, and not to forget, wasteful.  Finding solutions to the assault on liberty should be handled with well thought out questions and the accompanying solutions.

                                  Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

                                  For life to proceed we must learn to become more civilized and handle all problems with a mature nonviolent attitude. We must realize our true nature.


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