Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from 82nd Veteran, Ohio82nd Veteran, Ohio Reply 82nd Veteran, Ohio 2/7/12 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I think a lot of the points people are trying to make and debate on here are the very embodiment of the political theologies at debate since Jefferson and Hamilton back in the very dawn of our nation. As far as this particular quote is concerned I think a lot more people need to wake the fuck up and realize the "two sides" are merely playing us against each other so we don't take focus at our common enemy... the overzealous government we have complacently allowed to grow into the complete opposite of what the founding generation wanted it to be. Philosophically, this country would do very well to study the ideals embraced by the founding fathers again, at great length, think about the implications liberty has both to our way of life and the responsibility we have to ourselves and the diligence we must exercise in it's defense. Our government conducts so much of it's affairs behind closed doors in the name of "National Security Interests" that we'll never know the truth about all that the government has done, domestically and abroad, anywhere, period... "But the Government would NEVER target the American people and imprison them." Have you read the most recent NDAA and it's clever use of legalese and backdoor loopholes that achieves just that precedent? Have you noticed the fact we already have a National ID card? It's called a Driver's License. Have you noticed you need it for all sorts of things completely unrelated to your ability to operate a vehicle (lease agreements, job applications, medical insurance, admission applications to college, etc.)? Have you researched all the potential ramifications and precedents established in the Patriot Act and realized it's a complete frontal assault on the Bill of Rights altogether? The truth is our entire big government party needs to go the way of the buffalo. There isn't a clearly left and right or right and wrong divide anymore, it's a status quo mainstream of disinformation, ever more aggressive police state statutes and monitoring, of economically destroying our people's prosperity and forcing Americans into either the privileged elites or a continuously increasing numbers of the impoverished. All being done right in front of us, with masterful use of Orwellian Doublespeak. To paraphrase a couple of other Jeffersonian views: An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people and information is the currency of democracy. The very liberty the founder's fought, bled (and in many cases, fell into poverty and destitution, losing all they had, homes, property, and family), and procured for us has fallen to the wayside under the avaricious ambitions of evil tyrants. The American people, we the people, need to realize that no one party stance is right, but rather we need to take back control of our government. March, protest, vote out incumbents, demand transparency and the truth, and we can see our nation truly change. Prove to the government we are ready and willing to stand against them as far as it must be taken, even to revolution at the risk of death. That is how diligent we must be in our regard of liberty if we wish to see it survive, let alone thrive. Get involved and run for office yourself, or enter into the system in other ways (I'm working my way into Law school in a couple years and ultimately wish to end up an Appeals or District Court Judge). As Ghandi said: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." And as a last resort, if worse comes to worst, keep your guns close at hand and maintain your proficiency in their use. Keep them maintained and ready to use, because if it becomes necessary, I'll die on my feet, guns in tow, and firing back before they will take away my right to decide how to live my life and all your rights to that choice for your life. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print