Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va.A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va. 1 Reply A proud Army Veteran, Alexandria, Va. 1/9/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote -- JA, Utica, NY Wrote - REVOLUTION IS NEEDED, NOW MORE THEN EVER SINCE THE DAY WE TOOK THIS LAND FOR OURSELVES. LET'S TAKE IT BACK FROM THE TYRANTS THAT CONTROL US TODAY. --My Reply--- You're a fuggin idiot and what you just said is treasonous. You need to be blind folded and shot. This is a time of War we are in and your statements of taking down the government are a cause of natural concern. You are a moron and a dolt! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print