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Posts from A true Patriot, Easton Pa

A true Patriot, Easton PaA true Patriot, Easton Pa
A true Patriot, Easton Pa

Times have changed people,the time of watching sport's and watching your kid's play sport's doing stuff you enjoy has been lost, Our Government has over stepped it's responsibilities, and time is now for us to act! The Tea Party in your area provides a good outlet, from there we need to have convention's, or better yet away from the cities a patriot woodstock, Gas prices are rising, Ive heard $5 gas could tip us into a depresion, mass layoff's, and high inflation, that said our time is short, And I believe our government has our Military out of the country for a reason, cus if there was a revolt there wouldnt be a military here to side with us.

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