Royce Van Norman Quote

“Is it not ironical that in a planned society of controlled workers given compulsory assignments, where religious expression is suppressed, the press controlled, and all media of communication censored, where a puppet government is encouraged but denied any real authority, where great attention is given to efficiency and character reports, and attendance at cultural assemblies is mandatory, where it is avowed that all will be administered to each according to his needs and performance required from each according to his abilities, and where those who flee are tracked down, returned, and punished for trying to escape - in short in the milieu of the typical large American secondary school - we attempt to teach 'the democratic system'?”

~ Royce Van Norman

"School Administration: Thoughts on Organization and Purpose," Phi Delta Kappan 47(1966):315-16

Ratings and Comments

J Carlton, Calgary

Its a charade, but its no game.

jim k, austin

School and prison are very alike. Some want to start them at the age of 3. This gives an early start to the indoctrination process. I haven't been in prison, wait, yes I have, it was called Public School.

Anonymous, Reston, VA US

It is sadder yet that so many fail to take advantage of the great opportunities that are present, both in the 60s and today.

E Archer, NYC

This describes most of the schools I have attended. Without a significant shift in the way Americans provide their children with knowledge, the principles of Liberty will all but be replaced with the principles of communism. We are always so ready to apply militaristic modalities to protect us from 'enemies of freedom' that we have let the enemy just waltz into our schools and teach our children to be good little socialist consumers (i.e. debtors). The Founders must be rolling in their graves.

warren, olathe

The way of any dictatorial system.

Mike, Norwalk

Wow, I smile. Archer, said well.

Ken, Allyn, WA

What a wonderful civics lesson! Do schools even teach civics anymore or does that knowledge just provoke students to rebel?

Christina, Laytonsville

What can I say? He is right on!

Waffler, Smith

What a jerk this guy is!

Waffler, Smith

What else do you do with a seven year old than control them? Do you allow a seven year old to choose their own assignments, even in home schooling, hell no you don't? Few parents give their children the right to free religious expression, especially the home school crowd, in public school kids meet others of all religions but the school itself teaches none! Do not most parents want a controlled press and controlled TV when it comes to their children, so what is wrong with this? Okay so the student council is a sham, do you really want them running your kids school; as we know it is an adult's world afterall. This guy is an educator and he was trying to jerk the stings of other educators, of people who preside over our precious youth everyday. His words are simply shop talk not to be taken so seroulsy by political hackers like most of us. Have a litlle bit of humour, y'all!

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Waffler, Smith 4/27/24

As a home-schooling parent, I can say that you obviously aren't speaking from any real experience but merely parroting the party line of the public school unions which have turned schools into a labor racket.

Children are ALWAYS learning, in school and out.  The key is to provide the examples you wish your children to emulate.  The best teachers are facilitators to the inquiring minds of their students, reminding them that they can accomplish anything if they put their minds to it.

Indeed civics and the structure and intent of republican government are crucial subjects for Americans, otherwise they can become unwitting slaves to de facto rule.  Public schooling too often has become a one-size fits all approach, promoting obedience to 'authorities' and 'experts' rather than the responsibilities of self-sufficiency, self-determinism, and their natural born rights that are never subject to a vote or can be legislated away.

True empowerment is founded upon the rights and responsibilities of man.  In contrast, entitlement arises from ignorance, dependency, and a distorted sense of fairness, where the government acts as an all-powerful entity, manipulating outcomes to benefit those who use mass influence to strengthen and enrich their positions of authority, constantly contended for by those craving power.

Abigail, Newport

Subject is too humor in it. Schools do not teach liberty. Schools do not teach individualism.

Byron, Fort Collins, CO

A far cry from the factory public schools, St. Bernard's School, one of, if not THE top secondary school in NYC (of course, it's a private school), has a beautiful "Statement of Purpose" here:

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alice    4/19/11
Vedapushpa, Bengalore/India

A crucial discussion .. as in these of insufficiently informed young parents and rather shortsighted governments.
A Sociologist

Ronw13, Oregon

Thank you Archer !! Well Said !!

Mike, Pleasant Hill

Waffler says that the public schools don't teach religion? Oh I beg the differ, they teach atheistic secular humanism the foyer to socialism and communism. It is merely a competing religion but they would never admit that!

"Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society."
-- Antonio Gramsci
(1891-1937) Italian Marxist theoretician and politician, class warrior Source: 1915

Kathy, NY
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Kathy, NY    5/13/17

100 percent factual. UN Agenda 2030 in a nut shell.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

This quote definitely shows the urgency for a more solid foundation and direction in education. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create more coordinated strategic mental processing capabilities.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/27/24

Frankly, I've had enough of socialism in schools, nor do I want "to create more coordinated strategic mental processing capabilities."  That is absolutely fascistic to its core  Hitler and Stalin would be proud.  Fred, do you have any self-awareness what-so-ever?

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Mr Archer, I'm aware according to the national debt clock, last time I checked as taxpaying citizen I owe our government, $266, 
951 as off April 27, 2024. What do you owe?   Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create self-awareness.

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/27/24

Sillik  hahaha, lololol; only a prideful ignoramus (not understanding fiscal law; and, existing within an enclave of mentally ill children) could believe that an individual sovereign (within a constitutional republican form of government) would owe a socialist's enslaving financial phantasm. Socialism is a major challenge to lawfull abilities and a mature self-awareness. I understand the current occupying statist theocracy (your government / your god) tenders fallacious information  as concerns the devine debt you just quoted; BUT ! ! !, I don't share your god or he/she/its demagoguery. What is the reason this time you can't stay on topic? 

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown
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Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk 4/27/24

Mike, Norwalk, so you're blaming a social strategy like Socialism, that we have never practiced, in your claim that you owe our government nothing. The vast majority of the population practices psychotic behavior and have transacted trillions in nuclear military weaponry that any Socialist would tell you we don't need, nor did we ever.  Nevertheless we must pay the debt to prevent further violence and we can do that by raising GDP.  The incorporation of the maximum wage will increase productivity quite effectively and we will literally manage competently through the National Debt. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create a balanced economy. 

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 4/27/24

Sillik, spoken like a traditional socialist. I wasn't blaming, just stating obvious and simple facts. The established meaning of socialism is: any of various economic, religious and political theories, philosophies or movements outside nature’s law advocating collective or governmental / religious ownership and administration of property (real / chattel / sensorial beings, etc.) along with the means of production and distribution of goods. All of Marx's 10 planks of communism have been implemented by the occupying statist theocracy infesting this land (communism is an administrative form of socialism), AND, your continual parroting of Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, etc. only goes to show, you are lying here (socialism is regularly practiced here). You can't change the definition of socialism — it is to well established over the centuries.

Sillik, "The vast majority of the population practices psychotic behavior" as you stated, is accurate because of their adoption of socialism (by example: transacting trillions in nuclear military weaponry — the socialist demands such as we need it).

Sillik, what is the cause and effect / the reason why/how paying a socialist's unconstitutional / fiscal law supposed debt is going to prevent further violence? (there is an unequaled credulity)Those 2 concepts do not correlate in any dimension you may be going through at this time. The debt you speak of can NOT be paid off by raising GDP or any other way. That has been explained to you ad nauseam BUT ! ! ! it is an astute in the obvious observation that socialists can NOT grasp, truth, facts, economics etc.

Incorporation of the maximum wage — WHAT ? ? ?  — what is that?; AND, what is the correlation between that and the National Debt ? ? ?  Socialism challenges noble/human abilities while creating economic failure.

E Archer, NYC
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E Archer, NYC Mike, Norwalk 4/28/24

Mike, you are absolutely right that "it is an astute in the obvious observation that socialists can NOT grasp, truth, facts, economics etc." 

It is a simple matter of self-preservation — the truth is their death knell.  Like gamblers losing a rigged game, facing the truth means admitting they've been conned.  They keep doubling down, and once completely lost, curse the world and bring everyone down with them.  "Burn it all down!" becomes their death song. 

Hypocrisy is their creed and denial their practice.  Hate is love, slavery is freedom, war is peace, debt is money, honesty is violence, lies are truth, sex is a construct, crime is justice, responsibility is bondage, victimhood is currency, blame is influence, and death is liberty.  There is no greater example of evil  incarnate.  Their lust for power is insatiable, their gratitude non-existent, their envy self-evident to all but themselves.  Their fruits will be their destruction.

Good Lord, I will not let them drag the rest of us down into their pit, not if I can help it.


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