Vladimir Ilyich LeninVladimir Ilyich Lenin, [Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov] (1870-1924) First Leader of the Soviet Union

Infamous Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Quote

“Destroy the family, you destroy the country.”

Vladimir Ilyich LeninVladimir Ilyich Lenin
~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Ratings and Comments

Fred, Anchorage

With the inception of every great lie (in this case communism) there exists within it some moral truth designed for the immediate concurrence of the masses. The idea, if one agrees with the obvious truth, agreement with the overall lie will eventually follow.

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Anonymous    11/21/08

that sounds about true

j, orlando


aashu, delhi

this is a bad quote

Rose Maurryn, Merriam

This quote is absolutely true! And it is happening all around the world, unfortunately!!!! The destruction of the family is the cause of the many problems we have in our society today.

Mike, Norwalk

I'm not sure how to rate this quote or comment with stars. It is at least 5 X 5 stars accurate and it deserves ten times that thumbs down for the destruction its done to the individual, the children, the economy, education, morals, prosperity, freedom, liberty, etc., etc., ets. Volumes and volumes could be written on the subject and how the family has been destroyed. Just a couple of weeks ago, I read about one single high school in Memphis that had 75 unwed mothers. Most said they tried to get pregnant because that was the way to get government money. lenin knew of what he spoke and knew how to bring down America.

J Carlton, Calgary

Communism is being practiced very much here. It is not up to the state to teach sex ed. or homosexuality in schools to pre pubescent children. In fact it is an abomination of everything moral. 5 stars for the editor and thumbs down to the concept.

Abigail, Newport

I think this is a good example. The family has been destroyed, leaving Mothers no option but to work outside the home so there is no one there to teach self responsibility, self reliability, self sufficiency and self respect. Fathers are in an out of the picture. Many don't marry because it isn't necessary with all the government programs that are available. I am angered at the younger folks who are so self centered they think it unnecessary to give a child his/her mom and dad BOTH, but they think it old fashioned to think that way. I have lived too long.

Krista, Palm Springs

True that! BUT, we hold the key! If and WHEN we back out of the sick game of Consumerism, we have 10 times more money, and 10 times more time than we had when we ran on the rat wheel of consumerism. 2 cars, big house, tons of clothes, NOT NEEDED!!! LIVE FREE, and take back your life! Yes, they have been playing us like a violin, BUT, at any time we can WAKE UP, and smell the money they are making off our backs and stop them in their tracks! RON PAUL for President 2012! YIPPY TO THAT!

Abigail, Newport

You need to pay a little more attention to Ron Paul-one of my favorite people...he certainly does not believe that people should not accomplish what ever they desire, even if it is just 2 cars and lots of clothes. You will have to come up with a greater reason, and a bigger plan, to end this...and RP has not said he would run...he is at least 72 now...not that age and wisdom aren't important...but will he have energy? He hasn't said. We have other possiblities to look at: Haley Barbour, Herman Cain for a couple...just look....

Don Dysert, Hemet

I researched and taught a class entitled, "The Decline of America." My conclusion was that the Decline of America was caused by the intentional break up of the America family.

Mike, Norwalk

Don, it would be very interesting to see you elaborate more. I remember back in college, an economics professor explained how a single working head of household with responsibility for care of elderly parents and children would make enough to buy a home, car, etc. Once the break up of the home began, wives left their homes to compete in the work force. Economics took effect, then it took 2 salaries to purchase what one would earlier. Now that working families are joining in a single house hold it is again modifying that it is taking more than 2 paychecks to maintain the same standard. All the while the children are not getting the same moral direction, education, mental / emotional / physical - etc. support with a result becoming more and more evident. Elderly parents are being dumped onto care facilities in the name of expediency (its best for them - bs) exacerbating a greater rift in family relations and personal integrity / responsibility (passing the buck and blaming others has become the national past time). As with my previous example, an entire example will not know the strength of the positive male / female role and all else that goes with the positives of the family.

Don, Hemet

To Mike in Norwalk, My email is ddysert@veizon.net, send me an email and I would be happy to send you a copy of the class.

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Anonymous    3/22/11

Brilliant words from a brilliant leader.

Jay, Bulawayo

God is among us ,God is within us and we ,together through our collective efforts are God ,that is true communism .A belief that we can become more than human ,that we as the state(working class) can transcend or own mortality. We can live through the state ,not losing our attributes as individuals but becoming more whole by interacting with the society.

Dan, Charleston

All the quotes of Lenin I can see in rampant views here in the US and around the world. All so true yet all so devastating. The first comment by Fred sums it up completely!

Barry Obama, DC

A definite family favorite!

Patrick Henry, Red Hill

Ultimately, the siren song of Statists is liberation from morality and personal responsibility.

In the incipient days of his unholy regime, Lenin and his fellow animated by animus ideologues militated against the institution of the nuclear family by implementing policies (effortless divorce, legalization of abortion in 1920) the intended effect of the implementation of which was the dissolution of what he understood was one of the signal impediments to the possible realization of his ideological ambitions: the continuing existence of the God ordained, traditional, family.

Mick, Manchester

How do you define 'family' and how do you teach homosexuality ( J Carlton, Calgary)? I know many 'traditional' (God Ordained!) dysfunctional families and many singletons who are wonderful parents.

Mike,, Norwalk
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Mike,, Norwalk Mick, Manchester 12/6/24

     Mick, family today is defined by dysfunctional malefactors, cherry picking events in an attempt to change the wholistic / historical meaning of family. The current norm is to place woke / anti-family parties in a descriptive view, from a 30,000 ft. high vantage (identifying a structured family) which only distracts from the core. Homosexuality in large part is a taught mental disorder within a familial setting. By "God Ordained”; what carnal created god or false facade is doing the ordaining?

     The here subject matter family focused on is a man and a woman covenanting (beyond merely contracting) to unite in a very narrow relationship at nature's law. That family unit that is blessed with children then instills the values of nature's laws (Nature’s law is the absolute explicate / expositor of quantum matter’s most base composition (definition of the be’s do). Nature’s law is an inherent conduct, primitive effect and definable action. “The law of nature is that which God, the sovereign of the universe, has prescribed to all men, ⋯” (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary). Law is a tangible’s applied static measurement within a domain of absolutes (biology, chemistry, physics / science, fiscal / economics, gravity, math, magnetics, life, liberty, and rights that then emit morals, ethics, work habits, personal responsibility, honesty, integrity, etc.).

     Marx and Lenin both understood well the family’s importance and effected such demonic philosophies as socialism (communism, fascism, etc.) to destroy such.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

Husbands need to be faithful to their wives. Wives need to be faithful to their husbands. Parents need to love, treat their children with appropriate care and attention. Build the family, so we can build the country.


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