Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Amphictyon, Hill Country of TexasAmphictyon, Hill Country of Texas 1 Reply Amphictyon, Hill Country of Texas 4/18/10 re: James Madison quote Madison was our greatest founding father; he devised the majority of our constitutional form of government. His warning was not heeded because the productive citizens have been, increasingly with each generation, overtaken as prey, by a cooperative subpopulation: predators, ridden by parasites. This predator/parasite subpopulation is far larger than most whining Taxpayers realise; the 'takers' comprise roughly 40% of America today. Now, over 67 million of us are non-filers; millions of us lawfully so, as law-abiding Nontaxpayers. You may learn how to cease being prey, by studying A Tax Honesty Primer- taxhonestyprimer (dot) blogspot (dot) com. Once out of the predators' and parasites' "fair share" line, things take on a very different cast; but this is merely defense. To play offense -- to defend and enforce the terms of the Constitution, requires that you join AmericaAgain! and start overseeing your members of Congress, right from home. When required, your AmericaAgain! chapter brings the corrupt member of Congress to his State court under criminal indictment on STATE penal codes. It is kept off the federal playing field, and we go back to Madison's original plan: a federal association of sovereign States. Or to put it another way: the gazelles build a lion-trap that WORKS. MyAmericaAgain (dot) org SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print