Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [526-550] of 670Posts from Anonymous, reston, VA USAnonymous, reston, VA US Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/28/06 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote The perfect justification for taking away all the guns and voting the GOP out of all elected offices! 3Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/25/06 re: Thomas Sowell quote Putting aside that this is a completely ludicrous statement, one might point out that if this is so, then compassion for the poor is a much cheaper alternative than the current administration's compassion for the filthy rich... 31Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/21/06 re: William McAdoo quote ... and here is the real fear, not taxes that go to support those in need, but taxes that go to support the military industrial complex, owned and run by and for the "enormously wealthy"... the USofA, government by the enormously wealthy for the enormously wealthy... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/20/06 re: H. L. Birum, Sr. quote so what... I too "create out of nothing" in my business, and yet the software I create works just fine (and others pay good money to buy it too ;-)... this is not a measure of fraud or crime. 5Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/14/06 re: Thomas Jefferson quote And the general welfare of the Union is best served by making sure that all are educated and have good health, well fed and housed... for the rich will soon enough be poor if they have no workers to build their product and consume their product... 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/14/06 re: Art Buchwald quote Cute saying, but not very insightful or true either... as for a flat tax or consumer/retaile, it is just another way to make sure that the primary tax burden is placed upon the poor, not those most able to carry the burdon. (200% below? what does that mean even?) 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/13/06 re: Richard E. Byrd quote ... this is not where the tyranny is... it is not where the unconstitutional behaviour is... that is to be found in the impeachable actions of W and big business which has he and his cronies in their back pockets... 11Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/13/06 re: Bernard Berenson quote The quote seems to have the sense of who is undertaxed and who is overtaxed reversed... and like Joe, about half of my household income goes to taxes and fees too... and yet the only reason that is possible is because I was blessed by not starving to death as a child thanks to food stamps and being able to attend an major university thanks to grants, scharlarships, loans and work study programs... I have no problem giving back having recieved so much... I guess it must be those who are too self centered or those who got it from the mommy & daddy that are most opposed. 15Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/12/06 re: Ronald Reagan quote Progressive taxation is far from immoral or discriminatory... it is just the opposite. It is proportionate taxation which places undue burdon on those least able to bear it. Here he reveals his true colors, just as W has... everything for the rich, and then some more from the poor to add insult to injury. 1Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/12/06 re: Ronald Reagan quote An overly simplistic view of the world, aimed at overly simplistic people (his art). 14Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/11/06 re: Justice John Marshall quote ... as well as the power to create something better than what would otherwise exist... most swords have two edges, eh? 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/11/06 re: Napoleon Bonaparte quote And thus the need to clamp down on big business with the law, eh? ;-) Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/10/06 re: Dick Armey quote ... and there is a fourth group which also needs close supervision... the self-centered filthy rich who act like children, are actually thieves, and can/do buy the politicians. 2Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/10/06 re: Bertolt Brecht quote What a sad, sick life it must be to divorce yourself from the concerns for your fellow man... for it is the filthy rich who take the most from the table and need to learn contentment... it is those whom are in the most need who are already sacrificing too much (to the detriment of us all)... it is easy for the glutton to down play the needs of the hungry... and it takes true strength of character to provide true leadership (rather than stealing from the poor to give to the rich as today's "leaders" do). 11Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/10/06 re: Benito Mussolini quote About as American as you can get, that we have a shared societal concern for those less fortunate than ourselves, and that we as a society need to provide not only for the defense of that society from outside military forces, but also from internal, self centered financial elite. Yes, our society is under attack by a terrorist organization... and it is commonly called "big business" and "the filthy rich". 24Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/7/06 re: T. Coleman Andrews quote True socialism would have you think that everyone's needs are the same, and thus that it is lots of take and only give to meet the needs with nothing left over. I believe that our system is more about compassion, where by those in need can have their needs met by those whose capacity exceeds not just their needs, but also most of their wants. This leaves room for those with capacity to not only help those with needs, but to also meet many of their own wants. 2 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/7/06 re: Napoleon Bonaparte quote ... gee, sounds like the same could be said for the industrial-military complex... 13Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/6/06 re: Frederic Bastiat quote For the law to step in and enforce compasionate acts by the community for the community is not the plunder of a scrooge, but the enforcement of the community's standards for ethical and compassionate behaviour. 16Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/6/06 re: Benjamin Disraeli quote To support a group of people who are in need is not plunder, it is compassion. Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/5/06 re: Wright Patman quote The wealthy minority does not carry their fair share. They are only wealthy due to the benefits and opportunities that society has presented them. The weathy minority is not suffering, but rather they are laughing all the way to the bank. It is the poor who are suffering in this country, as we systematicly rip every safety net from them and do all we can to enslave them. We spend more on the military industrial complex than upon any other... we hardly put any of our resources into education. The filthy rich are nothing without the worker base that supports them, and we are on a path to colapse, which will in turn hurt us all. 31Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/4/06 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote If only we understood that it is not the "ignorant and poor" who are plundering our society, it is the rich and powerful... for they are the ones who enslave the masses and keep them ignorant and poor. 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 4/3/06 re: Michael Parenti quote ... can anyone say "war on terror" or "war on drugs"? I knew you could... now turn over all your records on who is reading what in your library, and don't worry about that person listening in on your phone calls and reading your emails... after all, we are all equals here... only some are more equal than others... 1 Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 3/31/06 re: Henry Kissinger quote He's right... and he is not talking about what the UN will "do to us", but rather what we ARE doing to ourselves today! We are giving up our rights to "fight a war" invented by the BushII administration who wants nothing more than to bring on Armageddon. 1Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 3/31/06 re: Dr. Kurt E. Koch quote How can one person be so far off base... watch out "they" are coming for ya... yeah, right... Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 3/31/06 re: Henry Morgenthau quote What beautiful insight to a wonderful concept... too bad so many even today are still living in the middle ages and thinking only of their own private "city state" while thumbing their noses at the rest of humanity. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print