Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 121Posts from Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VTBobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT Next 25 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 7/29/16 re: Merry Browne quote Simple; simple and true. 3 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 6/24/16 re: Arthur Balfour quote These bloggers ( isn't that what they're called ? ) have a deeper philosophical grasp than ever did I. I appreciate the "give and take," even when differences of opinion emerge: indeed, that's the way it should be, being FREE. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 6/24/16 re: Josh Billings quote At 86 now, I recall my Grandmother had a phonograph ( a tall one with a crank to wind it up ) and a Josh Billings record ( or two ? ). He was "the funny man" of those days " - equivalent to Bob Hope ( or someone else ? ) 1Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 6/13/16 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote Take that (!), Mr. President. 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 5/11/16 re: Thomas Babington Macaulay quote "Aye, there's the rub !" Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 5/4/16 re: Lyn Nofziger quote RE: Nofziger ... amen and amen. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 3/24/16 re: Dr. Lawrence W. Reed quote Ah, The Government At Work ! 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/19/16 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote All those reactions prove my joy in this site: even the truth can be misunderstood. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/18/16 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote and this sheep looks up and utters the well-known cry of the flock...Baaaa. Is not each of us the product of some credo ( or political or financial ) claim ?I can't Biblical chapter and verse, but "All we like sheep have gone astray, every one into his own way." Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/18/16 re: Barry Goldwater quote One of those "wise sayings" that ought to be printed on an 8 X 12 placard and hung in the living room. ( In the 1930's and 40's, my grandma had several around the house, 'most of them with a moral slant - she was from that period -- and many with the Biblical source printed at the bottom. )I wonder if some enterprising young entrepreneur might not see a 'gold mine" and try a "start-up" business. They were, of course, follow-ups to the hand crocheted hangings that served the same purpose: reminders (to us) that "Who we THINK we are may not be who we ARE." 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/17/16 re: Adolf Hitler quote Having been born in 1930, I remember some of the WWII days and even now think I can remember hearing my dad say Adolph was a Socialist ... Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/16/16 re: William Pitt quote ... and it keeps grocers in business ! 3 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/15/16 re: Nikita Khrushchev quote I had thought to add, "and they're still at it," but the miles of comments (blogs?) have inundated me, so I'll not say it (LOL ) Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/12/16 re: Adam Smith quote Aha ! Mr. Smith has successfully encapsulated what I tried to say in my response to the first of the three quotations. 3 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/12/16 re: W. G. Hill quote Gee -- see what a limited number of words can do to a group of people. I thought the original was pretty clear and without studying it, decided there was merit in it. It made me feel my position in the listing was positive, seeing myself as "people" as opposed to bureaucrats, politicians and social workers .. and yes, if I don't look after my own self-interest, who will ?. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/10/16 re: Federal Farmer quote Even then, that far back -- there were those who were suspicious of the powers which could be acquired. ( However, compared to the relative baby named Democracy, I wonder how Mr./Ms. Anonymous felt about dictatorships, by far more vainglorious in their pursuits ! ) 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/10/16 re: H. L. Mencken quote "Same old same old." It's hard enough to find an individual who'll settle for no, or small, increments to keep up with COL, but when it comes to organizations, particularly governments, there ain't no such thing as "enough" or "patience." Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/9/16 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Good old Benjamin. We could have done worse when he was selected as a Founding Father ( he was, wasn't he ? ) 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/9/16 re: Charles Koch quote God knows he's not universally held up for praise, but I like the way the man thinks. 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/8/16 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Was Thomas trying to say "Pay as you go" ? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/5/16 re: Charles Koch quote A criticism from the right. How thinketh the left along these lines ? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/5/16 re: James Madison quote Except the current 'legislative department:' neither ( actually, none ) of the "parties" (individual nor collective, right, left or center ) seem as active as some of us would like. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/5/16 re: Eric Hoffer quote That's one way of looking at it. 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/4/16 re: William Gibbs McAdoo quote Gee, I had thought it was only in the "hallowed halls" of Washington DC that there was so much division.Nope - I was wrong. LONG LIVE DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT ! Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/3/16 re: Arnold Ahlert quote Did I note the word Hubris floating through these ? Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print