[76-100] of 1306


cal, Lewisville, Tx

Mike, you are right in every way here.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

He was a student of Ayn Rand. He must have slept through class or soon forgot everything he learned. His actions were his own gibberish.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Without economy in our own control what do we have? Everything of this world is dependent on it.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

I hear liberals complaining about corporate welfare. Well who is the president they voted for in 2008, 2012??? All that Tarp money.

cal, Lewisville, Tx

Natural laws of economics.

cal, lewisville, tx

jim k, I totally agree with you all the way. Our nation's beginning leaders were the best and were taught by home tutors.

cal, lewisville, tx

You're right Logan. It's like the truancy law here. No law says in Texas that a child must go to school. It simply says daddy will hand the judge $100 a day if he doesn't.

cal, lewisville, tx

Mike, look at the photos of folks standing single file and orderly in the big city soup lines then. They even wore their best clothes. Imagine the fighting and line cutting today. It was a different kind of people back then.

cal, lewisville, tx

The 13th amendment didn't cover this.

cal, lewisville, tx

Jefferson was not fond of keeping a professional army. This could give the government too much power as he favored a weak central government.

cal, lewisville, tx

It does seem like we are coming to a ONE WORLD government.

cal, lewisville, tx

Mao, like Stalin, loved unchallenged power.

cal, lewisville, tx

Why I've been voting Libertarian since 1996.

cal, lewisville, tx

Well said E Archer. Ayn is talking about the government's taking from Peter to pay Paul syndrome.

cal, lewisville, tx

anonymous, Reston-Sorry to have put down your personal lifestyle

cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffle iron, freely elected government does not make it good. Have you forgotten FDR, LBJ, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton? ????

cal, Lewisville, TX

Let's get behind Rand Paul or Ted Cruz and get our freedoms back.

cal, Lewisville, TX

I was wondering if the one who wrote "Heart of Darkness" could just come out and write something in plain words.

cal, Lewisville, TX

Walter Clark, Vietnam was all about making money for LBJ and his buddies. So many stupid people voted for him after he had JFK killed.

cal, Lewisville, tx

Perhaps why our forefathers frowned at the thought of a large standing army. Rand Paul filibustered to get the AG to agree not to use drone attacks against us here in America.

cal, lewisville, tx

Come on Waffler. The power of the voter. No federal judge since the beginning has ever been voted on by The People-yet they pass laws on us calling them Court Orders. Then as Stalin said, "It matters not how people vote, what matters is who counts those votes."

cal, lewisville, tx

It started out that way E Archer. How did it get turned around???

cal, Lewisville, TX

Once you are on the Roman road there is no getting off of it until you hit that dead end. It would take a sharp U-turn and that is not going to happen.

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