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Posts from Carol, Georgia

Carol, GeorgiaCarol, Georgia
Carol, Georgia

Carlton, You've covered it pretty well, but forgot one other thing. Obama and the FCC is now in the process of taking over the Internet. We may be using CBs and Ham radios before long, that is if they don't shut down the frequencies altogether. Walky-Talkies anyone? When all else fails we can always hire a Town Crier and a fast horse!

Carol, Georgia

And of course, the Obama administration has added 16,000 new IRS agents to entrap, oops, catch those having violated or believe to be violating one of the myriad regulations already in place. No doubt there will more to come.

Carol, Georgia

Elaine in Atlanta. I agree that term limits are necessary, but they cannot be put in place until after we deal with their exorbitant lifetime pensions that are funded by us, the taxpayer. I don't know of any other work that one can do that provides a full pension in the amount each year of retirement that the person was making while still employed! Think about that for a minute. And those are the very people that fought tooth and nail to stop the extension of the bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Those of wealth are the people that build industry and provide jobs for the multitudes, not the lawyers that populate the majority of the liberal congress.

Carol, Georgia

RBESRQ When you say you are from Europe, it's like saying you're from the other side of the ocean. Where in Europe are you from? Are you from East or West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, you get the picture. Do you not have guns in Europe because they were Confiscated by an oppressive regime run by a Dictator? That means people in those countries are subjects, not citizens. What would they do to protect themselves if someone was hell-bent on harming them or their family? How does one protect their property in a country that prohibits guns? Is it like the mid-east where all they can do is throw rocks? You ask about sources; do your own research. Lord knows, you seem more than ready to state statistics without a source. Archer and Publius have it right.

Carol, Georgia

Roy in the UK. I don't want to insult you, but I think you have been thoroughly indoctrinated in your country. Are you of an age that you would remember when the Bobbies carried only billie clubs and the citizens were armed? The crime rate in the UK now is exponentially higher. There are also riots in the streets and bombings, and terror strikes are routine. I really like England, but it is not a place I will visit again. It's just not the same anymore. What a pity. Even the prince and Camilla are not safe. Snyder's quote deserves five stars.

Carol, Georgia

Publius, thank you for the statistics. Gun control is not about guns, it is about Control! "A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it." I agree with Pettitt; agree, but not the third sentence. In fact, that sentence may be where Eric Holder got his comment about Americans being cowards only he applied it differently.

Carol, Georgia

Excellent logical thinking in this quote. This: to PUBLIUS. I'm afraid we have to give credit where credit is due. We must admit that Waffler and RBESRQ, (whatever that means), do provide nuisance value. They give us something to butt our heads against. I have to agree with Pettitt of Fredericksburg,VA that Waffler and RBE appear to be both ignorant and irrational, but I think they actually believe what they write. They consistently answer from the same skewed mindset. It is a socialist approach that is a hallmark of the Progressive liberal agenda.

Carol, Georgia

Waffler."We the People" is a subjective phrase. It means anyone and everyone living under our Constitution. "Us" the people would mean the objective case as in a collective sense. That is not what the Constitution means. "Public schools" does mean government schools because they are funded by Federal as well as state governments. State government should be responsible for schools. The more the Federal government meddles in education the worse it gets and they have an agenda because of the funding. The schools in Nazi Germany were run by the government and students were indoctrinated there. Confiscation of weapons is a crime against humanity.

Carol, Georgia

Waffler, you seem to assume that because a person has a gun he is not being responsible. You have six or so. Hmm. Do you lock them up every night? Your comment about 'the only way to make sure others don't use them for such things as murder' etc... is totally skewed. Registering only does one thing and that is to make sure the government knows who has guns. Gun registration does not stop people intent on committing crimes from doing whatever they want whether it be robbery, murder, rioting, etc. Notice the numerous regimes in the world where there is gun control. The only weapon they can resort to in order to protect themselves or fight back against attack or oppression is throwing rocks!!

Carol, Georgia

RBESRQ You are off the charts wrong. At one time the "Bobbies" in merry ole England did not carry guns, only billie clubs. The People were armed and the crime rate was reasonably low. The crime rate shot up (pardon the pun), when guns were prohibited. The police then had to be armed because of the high crime rate, which persists today. Archer has it right, when guns are banned, only outlaws have guns. -- "A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it."

Carol, Georgia

Welcome aboard, Wulff. This is the first I've seen a comment of yours. You are absolutely right on all points. --Waffler fails to realize that when everyone loses their freedoms, he will lose his as well and they won't be just the ones he wants to lose. He obviously did not check the quote to his satisfaction. If he had doubts about the quote because it was from a "Reporter at large," he could go to the New Yorker (magazine) archive on the date listed to verify it. --J. Allen, thanks for the tip about the Clarence Thomas article. I'll check it out. -- This quote deserves five thumbs down!!!

Carol, Georgia

Forgot to rate. I give this quote a well deserved five.

Carol, Georgia

Kimo, I would add to your statement, "know your enemies" as well. We must stand together and we must always be sure of the positions our candidates hold as far as our rights go, which means, do your homework and find out before heading to the voting booth. Whether voting democrat, republican, libertarian or independent, we must know if they will be a Constitutional representative, (although how a democrat can be, I don't know). P.S. Waffler and Reston are hopeless.

Carol, Georgia

Publius, that is the premise on which the Kennesaw firearm law was passed. In my second comment to the Kennesaw Chief of Police Robert Ruble quote I have provided a link to a video about Switzerland's gun laws. Every household there has a gun. It would be worth going back to pick up that link to watch the video, very interesting. Waffler seems to be obsessed with the bailouts.

Carol, Georgia

Here is the link to the video on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nf1OgV449g

Carol, Georgia

This is an example of cause and effect. Seems to me it is supremely effective. If I remember correctly there were dispensations made for persons not able to handle guns and others that shouldn't, but the criminals never knew who did or did not have a gun. The same is true of Switzerland, where every household is issued a gun. I don't know if their military service is voluntary or draft, but when the citizen is discharged from the service they keep their army issue rifle. They have yearly training for everyone in the safety and use of their arms. The video can probably be found by using Google. Try entering 'gun laws and Switzerland' or it can probably be found on You Tube.

Carol, Georgia

Waffler, how in heaven's name did you go from Armies posting sentries to bailouts? With your quantum leap from one point to another in mind, I will liken this to the personal responsibility of those reaching into other persons pockets via the government and not taking care of themselves. However, if you have read my previous comments on the subject of redistribution of wealth by the government, you know my concern for those that cannot take care of themselves such as children, the aged, the infirm and the mentally and physically disabled. Getting back to the above quote, when you read the last quote in today's email you will find the sound reasoning behind "the Right To Bear Arms", by Sheldon Richman. I particularly commend "Liberty-Tree" for these excellent quotes. Being armed insures the American citizen is able to defend him or herself against personal attack and also to fight back when Tyranny looms. These quotes are the ammunition we may all use when defending our rights to keep and bear arms.

Carol, Georgia

Sorry, Joy, but you have got it wrong.You say "economic freedom is not in the Constitution," but you forgot or choose to ignore the fact that the Bill of Rights assures us of Economic Freedom in the 9th and 10th amendments. The 9th. "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall NOT be construed to DENY or disparage Others Retained by the People." (emphasis mine) The 10th. "The powers NOT delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED to the states, OR TO THE PEOPLE." (again, the emphasis is mine) Do your homework and make sure you get a copy of the Constitution. You would do well to read the book by W. Cleon Skousen, The "Five Thousand Year Leap, 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World." In my opinion the two amendments sited are probably the most powerful in the Bill of Rights that assure our liberty to live our lives as we choose.

Carol, Georgia

Who better than Ludwig von Mises to explain what is going on today as the government takes over all areas of our lives and we watch our freedoms disappear one by one.

Carol, Georgia

@ Connor, How much plainer do you want it spelled out? The present situation our country is the perfect example of the quote. When taxes are too high, businesses do not hire. There is a margin on which all businesses must operate in order to remain solvent. If taxes are too high a business will either shrink or close, thus no revenue to support the government meaning less employment (no hiring and probably firing some employees OR going out of business!). When I was a child tax freedom day, the day in the year on which your tax obligation was over and you were then working for yourself, was at the beginning of April. It is now May 7th, that is 127 days into the year! That is OVER one THIRD of the year. When employment is high, revenues are high. When Unemployment numbers are high, revenues are down and the government pays the Unemployed out of the national treasury, i.e. money from the taxpayers. Lots of money going out, not much coming in. Get it? Our debt is so great at this point we are now paying enormous amounts in interest to other countries that have "bought" our debt. This is not a pretty picture and is very dangerous. It is Not a "Republican" thing. The Republican party is for small government and is being hampered by Big government spending. Both parties are at fault and spending Must be brought under control or we will be a third world nation. We are dangerously close. And by the way, JFK was a democrat! He stated the conservative ideology in that quote.

Carol, Georgia

Ron Paul for president!!! This country MUST wake up.

Carol, Georgia

REBSRQ- Speaking of the Fed, there is a book, more a booklet of about 140 pages titled:The Federal Reserve Corporation, written by Wickliffe B. Vennard with a subtitle on the inside title page: 42 years of Subversion in 100 Acts. Each Act is listed in the book. It can be found at www.alibris.com. Everyone should read this to understand just how dangerous and deep seated the threat is from the Fed.

Carol, Georgia

Amen to all the above comments and the quote!

Carol, Georgia

Reston- Are you and Waffler in cohoots? You are missing the point of this quote. Taxpayers are not the stakeholders, but we end up footing the bill. It's about the redistribution of wealth, leveling the "playing field." It's about taking the taxpayers money and using it to Bailout those reckless corporations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a multitude of Banks, etc. Wall Street auto corporations, that did NOT act Responsibly (even though regulations were not in place to Govern their business practices), which is something Bush asked for 13 separate times. Again, Google will help you to see the light.

Carol, Georgia

Waffler, it's as plain as the nose on your face. She's talking about bailouts. That philosophy is why Germany is doing so much better than America in this economic downturn. The U.S. is the worst off out of 9 countries. Google International Unemployment Rates to see the chart.

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