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Posts from Dave Rubin, New York

Dave Rubin, New YorkDave Rubin, New York
Dave Rubin, New York


According to the biblical paradigm, the Creator of the Universe became the God of Israel when he chose the Hebrews. But according to biblical scholarship, the historical process was the reverse: it is the god of Israel who became the Creator of the Universe. This process, which was only completed during the Persian period, was not so much due to a progress in metaphysical thought as to a political cunning. The book of Ezra betrays a calculated effort from the Levites to confuse, in the mind of the Persians, “the god of Israel who resides in Jerusalem” (7:12–15) with the “God of heaven” whom the Persians also called Ahura Mazda, with the aim of obtaining the support of the Persian king for their theocratic project in Palestine.

In Ezra, only the kings of Persia, in the various edicts attributed to them, recognize Yahweh as “the God of Heaven,” while in the rest of the text, Yahweh is merely “the god of Israel”. The same can be observed in the book of Daniel, when Nebuchadnezzar, impressed by the gifts of Daniel’s oracle, prostrates himself and exclaims:

“Your god is indeed the God of gods, the Master of kings” (Daniel 2:47).

Such passages give away, for those willing to see it, the deepest secret of Judaism, which is the key to understanding the relationship of Judaism to universalism:

Yahweh is really the god of the Jews, while Gentiles are led to believe that he is the supreme and only God.

“In the heart of any pious Jew, God is a Jew,” confirms Maurice Samuel in You Gentiles (1924). (1)

This secret is not a fully conscious thought for most Jews; it is more like a family secret running unconsciously through generations. Nevertheless, it is the binding force of the Jewish people, and I am reminded of Carl Jung’s remark that secrets:

“are of vital importance on the primitive level, for the shared secret serves as a cement binding the tribe together. Secrets on the tribal level constitute a helpful compensation for lack of cohesion in the individual personality.”(2)

As he usurped the majesty of the Heavenly Father of all mankind, Yahweh in no way lost his character as a military god bent on looting and slaughtering the enemies of his only chosen people. Against the Babylonians, his sword is expected to “devour until gorged, until drunk with their blood” (Jeremiah 46:10). Against the Edomites, “it is greasy with fat” (Isaiah 34:6).

If Yahweh had remained a tribal god from the desert, he would simply be recognized as particularly primitive and cruel; perhaps a demon escaped from hell through an Arabian volcano. But his successful claim to be honored as the true and only God is the biggest sham in human history, and a civilizational disaster of incomparable magnitude.

It is ultimately responsible for the spread of atheism in the West. As long as Christians were discouraged from reading the Old Testament, they were not much disturbed by it. As soon as it became widely available, it started corroding Christianity. Philosophers like Voltaire had an easy job denigrating Christianity by quoting the Old Testament:

“Never was common sense attacked with so much indecency and fury” (Sermon of the Fifty).

Rather without God than with such a God, became the logical and morally decent thinking.

“The finest trick of the devil, Charles Baudelaire wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist” (Paris Spleen).

Perhaps he was mistaken. His finest trick, I believe, is to convince the world that he is God.

(1)Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, New York, 1924 (archive.org), pp. 74–75.
(2)Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflexions, Pantheon Books, 1963, p.
Source: Laurent Guyenot

Dave Rubin, New York

By William Blum – Published February 2013

[The United States routinely interferes with elections of dozens of other nations and even “installs” political leaders through various CIA operations, including CIA-led coups and assassinations of foreign leaders].
Instances of the United States overthrowing or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
•China 1949 to early 1960s
•Albania 1949-53
•East Germany 1950s
•Iran 1953
•Guatemala 1954 *
•Costa Rica mid-1950s
•Syria 1956-7
•Egypt 1957
•Indonesia 1957-8
•British Guiana 1953-64 *
•Iraq 1963 *
•North Vietnam 1945-73
•Cambodia 1955-70 *
•Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
•Ecuador 1960-63 *
•Congo 1960 *
•France 1965
•Brazil 1962-64 *
•Dominican Republic 1963 *
•Cuba 1959 to present
•Bolivia 1964 *
•Indonesia 1965 *
•Ghana 1966 *
•Chile 1964-73 *
•Greece 1967 *
•Costa Rica 1970-71
•Bolivia 1971 *
•Australia 1973-75 *
•Angola 1975, 1980s
•Zaire 1975
•Portugal 1974-76 *
•Jamaica 1976-80 *
•Seychelles 1979-81
•Chad 1981-82 *
•Grenada 1983 *
•South Yemen 1982-84
•Suriname 1982-84
•Fiji 1987 *
•Libya 1980s
•Nicaragua 1981-90 *
•Panama 1989 *
•Bulgaria 1990 *
•Albania 1991 *
•Iraq 1991
•Afghanistan 1980s *
•Somalia 1993
•Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
•Ecuador 2000 *
•Afghanistan 2001 *
•Venezuela 2002 *
•Iraq 2003 *
•Haiti 2004 *
•Somalia 2007 to present
•Honduras 2009
•Libya 2011 *
•Syria 2012
•Ukraine 2014 *

Unless Americans study, THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME and THE PHOENIX PROGRAM, by Douglas Valentine, they will continue to live in La La Land!

Start in chapter 13 of THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME! This will show you what the CIA is doing TODAY and then you can go back and start reading the rest of the book.

The CIA is the greatest Terrorist Organization, in the world!


*nearly four million Vietnamese killed.

*more bombs dropped on Vietnam than by all sides in all previous wars throughout history,
and three times more dropped than by all sides in the Second World War.

*19,000,000 gallons of herbicide poisoned the land.

*9,000 of 15,000 hamlets destroyed in the South of Vietnam.

*In the North, all six industrial cities devastated; 28 of 30 provincial towns and 96 of 116
district towns leveled by bombing.

*The United States threatened to use nuclear weapons thirteen times. Nixon chided Kissinger for being too squeamish about this. Nixon said he, himself, just didn’t give a

*After the war, unexploded bombs and mines permeated the landscape and took an additional 42,000 lives. Millions of acres of land have still not been cleared of live

*Agent Orange and other defoliants have caused severe health problems for millions of

*Nearly all of Vietnam’s triple canopy forests were destroyed.

*3,000,000 tons of ordnance struck 100,000 sites during the “secret” war in Cambodia, causing widespread social dislocation, destruction of crops, and starvation. The U.S.
bombing campaign in Cambodia was directly responsible for the rise of the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot and the genocide that took place afterward (The United States actually sided with Pol Pot when Vietnamese troops finally ended his reign of terror).

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