Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [51-75] of 110Posts from Dave Wilber, St. LouisDave Wilber, St. Louis Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 3/15/10 re: James Otis quote In spite of news reports of government spending "trillions" there is no branch of government spending a dime or paying anyone for anything and they have no need for money as long as all of us will risk our lives or even die for strips of paper. A dime is a silver coin and none circulate. We use copper slugs disguised with cheap silvery looking silver and Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson said the Federal Reserve is an "omnipotent counterfeiter in his Economics 4th edition. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/18/10 re: Daniel Webster quote Two of the world's greatest problems are the failure of people to distinguish between money and wealth and their failure to distinguish between freedom and slavery. Freedom and legal tender are incompatible in that legal tender permits government to take everything sans paying for anything. There would be no wars if soldiers and suppliers had to be paid dollars of money. They pretend they ater paid with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars." 1 Reply Dave Wilber, st. Louis 2/18/10 re: Charles Kingsley quote "FREEDOM IS THE ABSENCE OF LEGISLATION."--Merrill Jenkins, (1919-1979) Monetary Realist, inventor of the dollar bill changer and author of 7 books with the first being: "Money", The Greatest Hoax On Earth and the last 6 free on web at Ignore any religious comments on that site. If you google merrill jenkins money you will find nearly 2 million sites where 12 years ago, only one site. Jenkins had NO PEERS! I knew him well. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/16/10 re: William Cowper quote The sole function of Lincoln's legal tender acts was/is to take labor and property without payment. Lincoln's contemporary, Horace Greeley said Lincoln's money system was "no less cruel that the old system of chatel slavery." In spite of endless reports of government spending money, no one wrill accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money that our misleaders spend. WHY should they spend money when all of us will risk our lives and even die for mere strips of paper that have not even promised payment since 1963? 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/11/10 re: John F. Kennedy quote Kennedy paraphrased: ASK NOT WHAT YOUR GOVERNMENT WILL DO FOR YOU BUT ASK WHAT WILL THEY DO TO YOU AND OTHERS NEXT. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/5/10 re: Theodore Roosevelt quote In tax trials, justice cannot be permitted and prosecutors will lie under oath to get convictions knowing full well that judges will cooperate. In one case, the defendant had served time for not filing federal returns and the prosecutor swore that defendant did file returns and got a judgment with the judge's help. If justice was regularly peritted in tax trials, the money that Keynes called "worthless" would become useless paper. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/3/10 re: Michael Rivero quote If wars required taxes, there would be no wars. How do we know wars do not require taxes? You cannot pay taxes with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars" or with credit and the Federal Reserve said their system "works only with credit" or with counterfeit. Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson said the Federal Reserve is an "omnipotent counterfeiter." 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/28/10 re: American Mercury Magazine quote There are only two possible economic systems; barter and slavery. God commanded a barter system with "thou shalt not steal." The Constitution mandates a barter system of gold and silver coins, Art.1, Sec.10. The sole function of Lincoln's legal tender acts was (still is) to get labor and property without payment and of his system, his contemporary, Horace Greely wrote, "is no less cruel than the old system of chatel slavery." and anonymous wrote." That you vote does not prove you are free, it just shows you are a slave who votes." ALL who perform just to avoid punishment for not performing are slaves to those who threten punishment including millionaires who file tax returns when no law makes most of us subject to income tax. If doubt exists about about your servitude, see: This site contains no advertising so please give it wide circulation. "None are so hopelessly enslave as those who falsely believe that they are free."--Johann W. von Goethe Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/27/10 re: Julian Simon quote The world's greatest problem is too many parasitic bankers, lawyers, judges, accountants who count nothing, tax preparers, ball players, hockey players, military, journalists, cartoonists, novelists, pornographers, evangelists, legislators, bank employees, casino operators and their employees and God alone knows all of the people who consume without producing anything, I understand that 85% produce nothing. I think of myself as a beneficial parasite. The worst of all are the intimidated preachers who fear loss of tax exemotion if they teach the truth that taxes cannot be paid with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars" or with credit and the Federal Reserve wrote that their system "works only with credit" that would keep its value "if there were fewer people bidding against each other." No one wants us to pay taxes and the IRS asjks no one for money, all that they want are checks that authorize banks to reduce the credit of people who beieve falsely that they pay taxes and government spends money. Our misleaders have no need for money as long as most people believe they are paid with paper and will ridicule the few who want God;s laws and the Constitution upheld. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/6/10 re: Charles Horton Cooley quote "Freedom is the absence of leguislation"--Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist (1919-1979) author of "Money", The Greatest Hoax on Earth and 6 other books, He invented the dollar bill changer, erroneously called "currency changer" when the only currencty we ever had was gold and silver coins., The "Hoax" is out of print but there are a few copies for sale at: Liberty Books Box 22431 St. Louis MO 63126 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/4/10 re: Noam Chomsky quote You cannot have freedom and democracy any more than you can have dry water or a cold fire! The Greek roots of democracy translate to RULE BY MAN. Democracy is a matter of convincing the majority that evil is good and that those who resist evil shall be ridiculed and punished. God forbids it Ex.23:2 and the Constitution precludes it. Art.4,Sec.4 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 12/31/09 re: Booker T. Washington quote I communicated with a black man for 24 years but never met him. In 2008 I told him that I was giving him something that I would never give to a white man as I am. I wonder what he thought? I sent him a half-dollar silver coin with the likeness of Booker T. Washington. Very likely, most reading this never knew such coins existed, It was minted in 1946. There was another minted in 1953 with both Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver the scientist who found hundreds of uses for peanuts. 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 12/8/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote What is wrong with that? ya gotta be kidding, Waffler! Do you get your desires with the least pain possible? THAT IS BY STEALING!!! Point a gun at someone and take what you desire? Have you ever been in jail? 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 12/8/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote The quote from Bastiat best remembered: "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for thmselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." ISN'T THAT A GEM? 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 6/29/09 re: Justice Arthur Goldberg quote No truer words were ever spoken. Marx's Communist Manifesto has superseded the Bill of Rights. Those who doubt this need only to cease waiving their rights on tax returns and see how much due process you get. Three times the state had had me in court on tax charges and each time I was denied discovery when no branch of government spends money or pays anyone for anything. The Federal Reserve never lied when they said their system of plunder "works only with credit" and Frederic Bastiat wrote in 1850: "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes id and a moral code that glorifies it."---Economic Sophisms 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 6/10/09 re: Robert Welch quote Those comments are good and the Birch Society gave me a peek at the real world , but consider this; fractional reserve banking is theft and Robert Welch wrote that fractional reserve is all right "if done by prudent and honest men" booklet, What Is Money,. The Birch Society parrots the lie that government spends money while the Fed tells the truth that their system "works only with credit." booklet. Keeping Our Money Healthy, Library of Congress Catalog Number 60-14368 Revised Jan, 1979. What the Birch Society and communists have in common is that neither group will tell the truths that taxes cannot be paid with paper, very few are subject to income tax and government has no need for tax money when all of us will risk our lives for strips of paper. NO branch of government spends money or pays anyone for anything, THEY WORK US ONLY WITH WEIGHTLESS CREDIT!!! Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 6/4/09 re: Alan Dershowitz quote Arguing the 2nd amendment right is not the best argument because the gun grabber's argument againt 2nd amendment is surely plausible to many good people, We have God-given rights. The Constitution gives no one any rights, it just enumerates some of our rights. Will you guess how many will insist that we have no God-given rights? Surely, not many will. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 5/20/09 re: Barry Goldwater quote Ask not what government will for for you but ask what they will do to us bext. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 5/20/09 re: Barry Goldwater quote Missions impossible: freedom and democracy or freedom and legal tender. The sole function of legal tender laws is to get labor and property without payment. One minister's comments on legal tender: The late Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist, said "freedom is the absence of legislation." 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 4/17/09 re: George Orwell quote When our misleaders take everything without paying for anything, a slave state exists, If you believe that government spends money, why won;t you describe the money that they spend and accept my offer or 100 pounds of money for just describing the money they spend? WHY should they spend money when all of us will risk our lives or even die for strips of paper that have not promised payment since 1964? 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 3/13/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote There are only two possible economic systems; barter and slavery. God commanded a barter system with: "Thou shalt not steal." Our Constitution mandates a barter sysem of gold and silver coins, Art.1. Sec.10 but in the "public interest" the Constitution has beed set aside as well as God's commandments. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/17/09 re: James Madison quote The most repeated lie is that government spends money. They cannot get money from your banks when the Fed wrote that their system "works only with credit" and they have no need for money when all of us will risk our lives for credit. NO BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT SPENDS MONEY OR PAYS FOR ANYTHING AND THIS IS SLAVERY. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 2/5/09 re: Ezra Pound quote Pound should have stuck to poetry and forgot out monetary matters. He wrote about "issuing money" but the term "issue" is not found is the Constitution. All who say Congress should issue money are just wanting to change our masters rather than to end our slavery. 5 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/14/09 re: William Godwin quote The perfidious press prints only what they want us to believe and universities teach only what they want us to believe. In the past ten days, the Associated Press prevaricators wants us to believe that the loss of lives of Americans in Iraq was less than 2 a day for 2400 days but the truth came from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs who 6 months ago said the total was 72,000. See: 5 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 1/14/09 re: William Godwin quote The first objective of conquest is to control communications, The 6th plank of Marx;s Communist Manifesto called for control of communications and transportatiom while the 10th called for free educadtion in public schools. All ten planks were fully or partly enforced HERE by bankers, lawyers, judges, journalistd and deluded jurors BEFORE we lost 110,000 of our finest in Asia under the pretext of "halting communist expansion. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print