George OrwellGeorge Orwell, [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author

George Orwell Quote

“Freedom is Slavery”

George OrwellGeorge Orwell
~ George Orwell

"1984" by George Orwell, 1950

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

Wow, that's what Waffler, the Obamunist, the rest of the government, and the media keeps saying. hmm

Ben, Orem, UT

Here's a few more lies that we are told every day: Unbridled Capitalism creates chaos. Fighting for freedom is terrorism. Sovereignty is isolationism. Faith is ignorance. Democracy is self-determination. Democracy is freedom.

Logan, Memphis, TN

Freedom works. This simple fact scares the hell out of politicians. Well said, Ben.

J Carlton, Calgary

One of the examples of "Doublespeak" as demonstrated in Orwell's 1984. A book that was once required reading where I went to school. I haven't met a kid in the last 15 years who's ever heard of it.

jim k, austin

A good example of double speak is Obama saying that his "stimulus" spending bill will improve the economy.If I am in debt up to my eyeballs, spending more sure isn't going to help.

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RBESRQ    4/1/09

You all miss the point - he should have elaborated

Mike, Norwalk

Robert, everyone rated the quote on the face of what was given. What should have been further elaborated?

E Archer, NYC

Freedom requires responsibility -- and those that consider their responsibility as slavery are the one's that beg for statism. I believe that life is a liberating process, the rise from dependence to independence. Anything less is to crush the human spirit.

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    RBESRQ    4/1/09

    Mike, he is saying there is no such thing as Freedom and if you do find it you are probably a slave

    J Carlton, Calgary

    "War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength." These are the three basic tenets as put forth by Big Brother in Orwell's "1984". What he is demonstrating is the governments propoganda campaign to pervert truth and keep people stupid enough to believe whatever they are told.

    Waffler, Smith

    Mike is for freedom right up to the point that 51% of the people say that we are going to do something a certain way. Then he will be agaisnt freedom and insist that the 51% do it his way. The majority under the thumb of the minority is not freedom and it is slavery.

    E Archer, NYC

    Thanks, Carlton, for the context. It fits Waffler to a tee. Waffler is against the majority being 'under the thumb' of the minority, but does he support the minority being 'under the thumb' of the majority? The whole point is that NONE are to be 'under the thumb' of anybody, whether an individual or a mob. Get it?! Waffler worships power so therefore justifies it however he can just so long as we keep sending in our earnings to the government and voting for government subsidization of our lives. And if we happen to find ourselves in the minority as the majority rob us, well, then just vote them out rather than fight the unconstituionality of 'might makes right.' Waffler would fit in better with a monarchy. There are lawful limits to government power in a free republic.

    Ken, Allyn, WA

    As an free individual I am a minority. In fact I am the smallest minority: a minority of one. Of course that is not one of the "protected" minorities. You have to be a mob of many thousands to be protected. "Freedom is Slavery" is something the slave master has always told the slave. The master always shackles the slave for his own good; the slave must be protected from himself after all. Why is it so hard for some people to accept the fact that freedom is freedom?

    warren, olathe

    Read the book. I can't believe so many did not read the book. It is the perfect example of what liberalism/socialism/comunism/fascism is all about. Truth is what ever benifits the state. Wonderfull quote when you know the point to it.

    Dave Wilber, St. Louis

    When our misleaders take everything without paying for anything, a slave state exists, If you believe that government spends money, why won;t you describe the money that they spend and accept my offer or 100 pounds of money for just describing the money they spend? WHY should they spend money when all of us will risk our lives or even die for strips of paper that have not promised payment since 1964?

    Aaron S., Los Angeles

    Obamao has created his own Orwellian addage: "TREASON IS PATRIOTISM"

    hermine, France

    J Carlton : Well i am 16 and ive read the book twice ! It's probably my favourite book.Just to cheer you up, i'm sure that in my highschool atleast 50% of the pupils have read it !

    J Carlton, Calgary

    hermine...that's fantastic! Spread the word brother...spread the word. :)

    Mike, Norwalk

    Waffler, pretty funny (not haha) You promote democratic slavery, not me. I would have liberty, freedom, justice, inalienable rights and natural law for each and every, any and all (no matter the democratic break down - you are welcome to come back with another liberal attempt though). Robert and warren, of course the whole book goes into those that require a nanny for every move and with out constant supervision there is no comfort level - slavery. I was just rating it on its face.

    Patrick Henry, Red Hill

    "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."

    Isaiah 5:20


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